I saw the Hulk Movie this weekend

No, I think that you don’t know what the word “projection” means. And anyone reading this thread from the beginning would see that.

Actually I was just having fun, I wish people could hear voice tones and see sarcastic smirks... Of course she isn't projecting, she doesn't want to secretly harm others, nor do I think she does. There is nothing to "project". I was trying to make it a run at my own expense.

Although I don't want to hurt anybody, nor is that really what Fight Club is about. While people get hurt, it isn't the central goal nor the driving force of the movie.

Actually I was just having fun, I wish people could hear voice tones and see sarcastic smirks... Of course she isn't projecting, she doesn't want to secretly harm others, nor do I think she does. There is nothing to "project". I was trying to make it a run at my own expense.

Although I don't want to hurt anybody, nor is that really what Fight Club is about. While people get hurt, it isn't the central goal nor the driving force of the movie.

Well, never mind about this, Cawacko’s here, and I don’t think he knows he was posting last night!
Well, that's true, though, he did invite Cypress to a dance-off. I've never been to one, but is it me, or does that sound pretty gay?
I dunno, wasn't there a movie about that, and a South Park Episode?

Something about 'Being Served' or something?
Jack: Who you were in Fight Club is not who you were in the rest of the world. A guy came to Fight Club for the first time, his ass was a wad of cookie dough. After a few weeks, he was carved out of wood.

If we are ever to truely come together in this country we need to understand each other.
If we cant as men and women understand each other then we dont have a chance in hell understanding everything else.

Men are Men and Women and Women. There are some true differences in how we approach the world. They are not wrong or right they are just different. We as animals living an animals exsistance were designed by millions of years of exsistance to excell at certain tasks. When we bury our specific abilities inside norms designed merrly to create a perfect consumer market our souls rebel.

Men were hunters and women were gatherers. Why is it men dont like to shop and women do? These are generalizations but are very recognizable to most people being honest about who they are.

We are designed in a specific way and we should build our society arround what truely fullfills humans as a whole and not what makes the One percent ever increasing mountains of money.

Men should be alowed to men and women should be allowed to be women first and foremost. This is how we should design our society.
I guess I don't understand how people can be so impressionable. I've never seen seen a film where I'm so emotionally caught up in it, I want to harm myself or others as a result. You peons intrigue me.

It's not that we are impressionable. Fighting is a natural instinct for men; it releases adrenaline and makes us feel alive. Fight Club speaks to that instinct. It resonates deeply with us.

I don't expect you to understand it anymore than you should expect us to enjoy Color Purple. :)
It's not that we are impressionable. Fighting is a natural instinct for men; it releases adrenaline and makes us feel alive.

I don't expect you to understand it anymore than you should expect us to enjoy Color Purple. :)

My bf liked the color purple.
Well then I think you have to consider the very real possibility that he is actually a woman.

Did he dislike Fight Club too? If so that seals the deal.

No and he's not at all feminine. I really have the best of both worlds. I lucked out.

I don't know about the fight club, I'd have to ask him.
She quoted my post of how I like the movie. There was nothing in that about how I enjoy hurting people.

And I never said I wanted to harm others. In fact, somebody pointed out in this thread that our tournaments are not the same thing.

Why are you even posting when it is her projection? Do you feel that each time the word is used it is a personal attack against you?

Calm down martyr or should I say Kettle. Agreeing that "Like Desh said, Fight Club is our Color Purple." is the definition of projecting. So get the fck off your high horse.

Actually I was just having fun, I wish people could hear voice tones and see sarcastic smirks... Of course she isn't projecting, she doesn't want to secretly harm others, nor do I think she does. There is nothing to "project". I was trying to make it a run at my own expense.

Although I don't want to hurt anybody, nor is that really what Fight Club is about. While people get hurt, it isn't the central goal nor the driving force of the movie.

oh, ignore my last post then. :p
No and he's not at all feminine. I really have the best of both worlds. I lucked out.

I don't know about the fight club, I'd have to ask him.

Centered men love women.

Men who have recognised their place in the big picture and know where they stand love women and see them and their experiences as valuable.

Society increasingly leaves many young men feeling at the fringes of society, cast aside and lacking value to the society as a whole. These young men will always be too easy to talk into fighting wars. Our society as a whole needs to design education to accomodate these young men in a way that helps them be invested in society. I fear we are sidelining many of our male youth by asking them to conform to a nuetered society.
Modern society has stripped man of much of his primal instincts.

We've become complacent and domesticated; and angry about it.
Well then I think you have to consider the very real possibility that he is actually a woman.

Did he dislike Fight Club too? If so that seals the deal.

So Fight Club and The Color Purple define gender huh?

Where does The Usual Suspects fit into this?