I see New Posters on JPP, are the Bye Bye Libs hiding from US?

Is that supposed to mean something to me?

Yes. It means you were here when the permabanned skanks sneaked back and tried to stir shit again under different names. And all of you who were just making fun of Rune as Thor gave a pass to these vicious hoochies who did the same thing.
Yes. It means you were here when the permabanned skanks sneaked back and tried to stir shit again under different names. And all of you who were just making fun of Rune as Thor gave a pass to these vicious hoochies who did the same thing.

"Skanks" and "hoochies", eh?

Remind me, why were libs trying to get ILA banned?
everywhere I have gone on the internets people come.

I have a way of getting people to read

the posters have increased at every site I have gone to.

I had a site ban me and then UNBAN me after their hits fell.

Yeah Im being fat headed

but there is truth to it

I'm sorry to say that it took about 3 days here for me to stop reading most of your posts. Because, as your post here ^^ indicates, you have a very poor grasp of reality and that damages your credibility in general.

Of course when I see insults all over a post, I tend to ignore it anyway, no matter who wrote it.
everywhere I have gone on the internets people come.

I have a way of getting people to read

the posters have increased at every site I have gone to.

I had a site ban me and then UNBAN me after their hits fell.

Yeah Im being fat headed

but there is truth to it

you are a good lightning rod desh. I will give you that.
debate policy banned me merely for being too good at debating them.

at that site you cant use invective ( well at least I wasn't allowed to) and I thumped them non stop daily for their refusal to accept facts.

I taught them all about the decades of cheating the republican party has taken part in and I showed them the mountians of court documentation for that FACT.

they hated me like nothing I had ever seen.

There are people on that site who are insane and would likely hurt me if they knew who I was at the time.

Now Im sure they just hate the new perons and dont even remember me.

the nutters are like that.

Its why the right can swing them around like a dead cat.

That is nice to know, but how am I a retard, when it appears from other posters, so far, that I am correct with my assessment? You don't check IP addresses, but then you call your posters names for reporting the facts, interesting. You must be a Lib Mod and I got your goat by revealing the truth? Libs only like the truth when it supports their radical Leftists ideas of telling everyone how to run their lives. "Do as I say, not as I do" is the personification of a Liberal mentality. Mensa Rules, no amount of name calling phases me, a waste of your website bandwidth, o by the way, I almost forgot...TOUCHÉ

You're clearly a retard. I IP check EVERYONE, EVER DAY. I am tireless, because I LOVE banning people.
Hey, bitch...I'm back and not hiding from shit. President Obama (not "Obama") can fuck up all he wants. It will never amount to the fuck ups of "W". You got him for 3 more years, so I suggest you have several seats and put a lid on it.
Or you can run like the girl you are and ban me again.

Or you could prove how down you are for the cause and repeat your previous behavior and dare them to ban you again; but you won't.
You got spanked, found out you didn't like it, and have decided to just be annoying.
You are Grinds bitch. :)
everywhere I have gone on the internets people come.

I have a way of getting people to read

the posters have increased at every site I have gone to.

I had a site ban me and then UNBAN me after their hits fell.

Yeah Im being fat headed

but there is truth to it
Fat headed my ass, your are what you are because you follow me around to be reeducated. I have inadvertently retrained you, turned you into a boy who can now post something that viewers can understand. Vinny, your post above has still too much gobblygook, but it is better than some of your past post abortions...LOL
Hey, bitch...I'm back and not hiding from shit. President Obama (not "Obama") can fuck up all he wants. It will never amount to the fuck ups of "W". You got him for 3 more years, so I suggest you have several seats and put a lid on it.
Or you can run like the girl you are and ban me again.
Folks, the Poet(LOL) just admitted that obama "Blanked" up, "Can "Blank" up all he wants"...what a Fool of a jackass.... I just love to mentally dominate Libs, all Libs including Lib Mods. I manipulate them into posting exactly what I want, so I can systematically cyber Lobotomize the dummies. This MF'er is not a poet, poets do not have to go around using the "F" word and the "N" word like this Eunuch does when I get his goat. Get this straight Fool, I am the Main Man here, and you are here to listen to me, like you just did. I give you permission to post, if you act like a I want you to act, show some class......OMYass...I WIN
You're clearly a retard. I IP check EVERYONE, EVER DAY. I am tireless, because I LOVE banning people.
You are bull sheeting, check my IP address and post the general area(CITY) from where I am posting, you have my permission, I double dog dare you? Folks, I have painted this Lib Mod into a corner, what else is new, Lib Mods are my specialty...LOL...I hope that He/She does not pull an "obama" on me, and try to bend me over a barrel? PS, I do not want your job, if that concerns you...
You are bull sheeting, check my IP address and post the general area(CITY) from where I am posting, you have my permission, I double dog dare you? Folks, I have painted this Lib Mod into a corner, what else is new, Lib Mods are my specialty...LOL...I hope that He/She does not pull an "obama" on me, and try to bend me over a barrel? PS, I do not want your job, if that concerns you...

I really don't think you understand anything about...well anything. But seriously, shut the fuck up. We mods know what we're doing you simpleton.
I really don't think you understand anything about...well anything. But seriously, shut the fuck up. We mods know what we're doing you simpleton.
You have yet to reply to me without some form of name calling, so you have verified that you are a genuine Lib because Libs like to try to talk down to me, but ALL have failed, do you deny that you are a Lib? Deny or not, you are a Lib, so the Libs who claim that the Mods on JPP are all Conservatives are flat wrong. This just strengthens my claim that this entire incident about Libs leaving JPP was created because of obama's persistent screw-up, so many that the Forum Libs are in a dilemma because they cannot defend obama no mo. They ran and hid on the old Board after Bush's reelection, nothing gets past me when it comes to how Libs think. Maybe Rush Limbaugh is better, but I am "RIGHT" up there as someone who knows Lib strategery.
can i ask what billy has done to make you think he is a liberal?

I was mean to him, which apparently means I am of the opposite political affiliation.

Ya know, there was a saying I will never forget from my enlistment; A Marine on duty has no friends. That's an attitude I've always tried to carry with me when doing a job. But everyone hates it when it gets applied to THEM.
Folks, the Poet(LOL) just admitted that obama "Blanked" up, "Can "Blank" up all he wants"...what a Fool of a jackass.... I just love to mentally dominate Libs, all Libs including Lib Mods. I manipulate them into posting exactly what I want, so I can systematically cyber Lobotomize the dummies. This MF'er is not a poet, poets do not have to go around using the "F" word and the "N" word like this Eunuch does when I get his goat. Get this straight Fool, I am the Main Man here, and you are here to listen to me, like you just did. I give you permission to post, if you act like a I want you to act, show some class......OMYass...I WIN

According to whom? You? You have zero credibility. And the only policy you dictate, is here, in this obscure and derelict forum. I am to deliver my original poem at the Houston observance of World AIDS Day, again, for the 3rd year running, at City Hall. I think that qualifies me as a bona fide poet. Where do you read your poetry? Oh, that's right....nowhere. I used profanity as it is called for....in this sewer, full of sewer rats, present company included. Goat? B****, please. You're just something to do.
Main Man??????LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Lord of the Flies. The only power play you have, since you can't debate worth s***, is to ban my ass. Are you feeling your Cheerios, about now? Get busy, because you ain't got nothing else, b****.
According to whom? You? You have zero credibility. And the only policy you dictate, is here, in this obscure and derelict forum. I am to deliver my original poem at the Houston observance of World AIDS Day, again, for the 3rd year running, at City Hall. I think that qualifies me as a bona fide poet. Where do you read your poetry? Oh, that's right....nowhere. I used profanity as it is called for....in this sewer, full of sewer rats, present company included. Goat? B****, please. You're just something to do.
Main Man??????LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Lord of the Flies. The only power play you have, since you can't debate worth s***, is to ban my ass. Are you feeling your Cheerios, about now? Get busy, because you ain't got nothing else, b****.

Is the Mayor going to snub you again and send a subordinate instead? :chesh: