I see New Posters on JPP, are the Bye Bye Libs hiding from US?

You have yet to reply to me without some form of name calling, so you have verified that you are a genuine Lib because Libs like to try to talk down to me, but ALL have failed, do you deny that you are a Lib? Deny or not, you are a Lib, so the Libs who claim that the Mods on JPP are all Conservatives are flat wrong. This just strengthens my claim that this entire incident about Libs leaving JPP was created because of obama's persistent screw-up, so many that the Forum Libs are in a dilemma because they cannot defend obama no mo. They ran and hid on the old Board after Bush's reelection, nothing gets past me when it comes to how Libs think. Maybe Rush Limbaugh is better, but I am "RIGHT" up there as someone who knows Lib strategery.

Is it just me or is this a really funny post?

Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib.....

I keep hearing "Marsha Marsha Marsha!"

According to whom? You? You have zero credibility. And the only policy you dictate, is here, in this obscure and derelict forum. I am to deliver my original poem at the Houston observance of World AIDS Day, again, for the 3rd year running, at City Hall. I think that qualifies me as a bona fide poet. Where do you read your poetry? Oh, that's right....nowhere. I used profanity as it is called for....in this sewer, full of sewer rats, present company included. Goat? B****, please. You're just something to do.
Main Man??????LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Lord of the Flies. The only power play you have, since you can't debate worth s***, is to ban my ass. Are you feeling your Cheerios, about now? Get busy, because you ain't got nothing else, b****.
You see to be a credible AC, so move on and do your thing....
According to whom? You? You have zero credibility. And the only policy you dictate, is here, in this obscure and derelict forum. I am to deliver my original poem at the Houston observance of World AIDS Day, again, for the 3rd year running, at City Hall. I think that qualifies me as a bona fide poet. Where do you read your poetry? Oh, that's right....nowhere. I used profanity as it is called for....in this sewer, full of sewer rats, present company included. Goat? B****, please. You're just something to do.
Main Man??????LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Lord of the Flies. The only power play you have, since you can't debate worth s***, is to ban my ass. Are you feeling your Cheerios, about now? Get busy, because you ain't got nothing else, b****.

Aaron, why don't you give us all a preview of your original poem? We can't wait until the 1st of December.
Is it just me or is this a really funny post?

Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib.....

I keep hearing "Marsha Marsha Marsha!"

Naturally you would say this, what else could you say, since you have been outed? Being a Lib is just a word that represents a political condition like having warts represents a medical condition, once you get either one of them, they do not go away by themselves. How long have you had this dogged political condition called Liberalism? Nice user name, you are a free Shamu supporter, free Shamu from Sea World, correct?
Fat headed my ass, your are what you are because you follow me around to be reeducated. I have inadvertently retrained you, turned you into a boy who can now post something that viewers can understand. Vinny, your post above has still too much gobblygook, but it is better than some of your past post abortions...LOL

"Reeducated"???????? LOLOL:OLOLOL.
It is you that is in need of a remedial English course. You couldn't educate a empty paper bag. Have a seat. Have several.
man is your party in trouble

your brain trust is full of racist rust
Hey Vinny, quit changing the subject, and start talking about what a total failure ObamaCare has been and will continue to be. This has got to be the worst time for Lib Democrats in history. I can hardly wait for the critical 2014 elections that will mean that obama will be powerless to socialize anything again, no moore, no moore tax and spend schemes/scams like ObamaCare. You Libs have got to be besides yourselves, because obama has set you back 50 years. There will never be immigration reform, because the illegal aliens cheated and voted illegally in 2012 and you know that I am Right.
"Reeducated"???????? LOLOL:OLOLOL.
It is you that is in need of a remedial English course. You couldn't educate a empty paper bag. Have a seat. Have several.
I let you slide, Fool, so run away and hide again, otherwise I will need to cyber lobotomize you, now you sure don't want any of that?
Aaron, why don't you give us all a preview of your original poem? We can't wait until the 1st of December.

Aaron? My ID says "poet". When did I ever give you permission to address me by my given name? Only my friends address me as "Aaron", and you are not one of them. And since when is it permissible to "out" someone's alias, or personal information?
I haven't composed the poem yet, and when I do, this is the very last place I would reveal it. You have to pay to view my work, and I don't accept Euros, bitch. Moving on.
Hey Vinny, quit changing the subject, and start talking about what a total failure ObamaCare has been and will continue to be. This has got to be the worst time for Lib Democrats in history. I can hardly wait for the critical 2014 elections that will mean that obama will be powerless to socialize anything again, no moore, no moore tax and spend schemes/scams like ObamaCare. You Libs have got to be besides yourselves, because obama has set you back 50 years. There will never be immigration reform, because the illegal aliens cheated and voted illegally in 2012 and you know that I am Right.

LOL. And hard pressed to produce any concrete evidence. And bitch, please. Right, at the expense of making others "wrong".
D***less. Three inches, tops.
Name calling and inuendo is all you got, I bet that I am twice the Man that you are. This is why you always resort to this BS, when I get your goat, it is so obvious that I mentally dominate you, and now I believe physically also. I do not know why I got this ability to cyber shred Libs, I guess it is a gift from God. On the old Board, I did and still do have that ability and everyone from the old Board knows it. I let your ass get by before, butt now you are challenging my manhood, so now its on Fool. As far as the "N" word goes, no one really cares, I have never used it anywhere but no one cares, unless they are bleeding heart Libs. Let's get to the facts, that ObamaCare is a joke and that makes obama a joke. Obama has elimiated the chance for another person of color to win the White House for another 50 years, too bad, he should have done a better job. The chickens are coming home to roost in the elections of 2014, think about the word "lameduck", not all this "N" word BS.
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Aaron? My ID says "poet". When did I ever give you permission to address me by my given name? Only my friends address me as "Aaron", and you are not one of them. And since when is it permissible to "out" someone's alias, or personal information?
I haven't composed the poem yet, and when I do, this is the very last place I would reveal it. You have to pay to view my work, and I don't accept Euros, bitch. Moving on.

We don't use the Euro in the UK. If you don't want people to know your life story then stop giving out all the details on here. Isn't that right, AC?
Name calling and inuendo is all you got, I bet that I am twice the Man that you are. This is why you always resort to this BS, when I get your goat, it is so obvious that I mentally dominate you, and now I believe physically also. I do not know why I got this ability to cyber shred Libs, I guess it is a gift from God. On the old Board, I did and still do have that ability and everyone from the old Board knows it. I let your ass get by before, butt now you are challenging my manhood, so now its on Fool. As far as the "N" word goes, no one really cares, I have never used it anywhere but no one cares, unless they are bleeding heart Libs. Let's get to the facts, that ObamaCare is a joke and that makes obama a joke. Obama has elimiated the chance for another person of color to win the White House for another 50 years, too bad, he should have done a better job. The chickens are coming home to roost in the elections of 2014, think about the word "lameduck", not all this "N" word BS.

Ha! What friggin' manhood. You act like a b****, 24/7/365. It's on????? Oooh, I'm so intimidated. Not.
And you're speculating. President Obama broke the glass ceiling. Cory Booker after Hilary's two terms, will be a viable follow up. And I'm here to read your lameduck a**, back into reality. Joke or not, you still have President O, until 2016. Deal with it. And take a remedial English course to aid in your piss poor spelling malady.
We don't use the Euro in the UK. If you don't want people to know your life story then stop giving out all the details on here. Isn't that right, AC?

So what? You know my initials. And since you have no integrity, dignity, culture or scruples, I don't have to deal with you...I'll be placing you back on ignore, and you can continue to discuss my personal info to your hearts' content....not that the moderation team finds that in violation of the terms of service, having no scruples themselves.
