I see New Posters on JPP, are the Bye Bye Libs hiding from US?

Ha! What friggin' manhood. You act like a b****, 24/7/365. It's on????? Oooh, I'm so intimidated. Not.
And you're speculating. President Obama broke the glass ceiling. Cory Booker after Hilary's two terms, will be a viable follow up. And I'm here to read your lameduck a**, back into reality. Joke or not, you still have President O, until 2016. Deal with it. And take a remedial English course to aid in your piss poor spelling malady.
"Blank" my Spelling, no one cares butt you, Fool. I am used to you Lib MF'ers trying to find something wrong with my posts, when I hit a homerun, so you are wasting time. Even your Libs on TV are getting down on obamacar, so you try to face realititeee....LOL. US Conserves will be back on top in 2016 like we should be, but we will listen to some Libs if they do not get out of line again and start their Socialism sheet again. Libs will take on a Consulting role in the 2016 Republican Presidents oval office, butt no more because they cannot rule the roost worth a sheet and obama has proven that. Fool, you just keep talking about Whitey using your prescious stupid "N" word while I proceed on to dominate the rest of your Lib cohors.....say what.....
Naturally you would say this, what else could you say, since you have been outed? Being a Lib is just a word that represents a political condition like having warts represents a medical condition, once you get either one of them, they do not go away by themselves. How long have you had this dogged political condition called Liberalism? Nice user name, you are a free Shamu supporter, free Shamu from Sea World, correct?

I havent been 'outed,' I've stated I'm a Democrat and mostly liberal. You might want to look at my signature tho. And no, why would you free Shamu?

Are you always this perceptive? lololol
it is so obvious that I mentally dominate you, and now I believe physically also. I do not know why I got this ability to cyber shred Libs, .

ROFLMAO....are you an alternate account for Evince?

That is just hysterical and sad at the same time...and as delusional as Evince.
I havent been 'outed,' I've stated I'm a Democrat and mostly liberal. You might want to look at my signature tho. And no, why would you free Shamu?

Are you always this perceptive? lololol
Let me splain it 2 u, Orca is the correct name for Shamu, the killer whale. You are an admitted Lib and basically all Libs want to save Shamu, aka Orca, Orca Lorca, Lorca Orca, now do you get it? I know that my proven Mensa mind does need to hold back, when I am addressing Libs. I need to go slower, and not get too "cute", otherwise that Lib bewilderment factor enters into the conversation, like it did here. Maybe you need to change your name to Loca?.....LOL...Hey Loca Lorca Orca, please tell me, how does it feel to be pissed on and missed, but sheet on and hit?.....LOL....Forget about it
Let me splain it 2 u, Orca is the correct name for Shamu, the killer whale. You are an admitted Lib and basically all Libs want to save Shamu, aka Orca, Orca Lorca, Lorca Orca, now do you get it? I know that my proven Mensa mind does need to hold back, when I am addressing Libs. I need to go slower, and not get too "cute", otherwise that Lib bewilderment factor enters into the conversation, like it did here. Maybe you need to change your name to Loca?.....LOL...Hey Loca Lorca Orca, please tell me, how does it feel to be pissed on and missed, but sheet on and hit?.....LOL....Forget about it

Let me splain it 2 u, Orca is the correct name for Shamu, the killer whale. You are an admitted Lib and basically all Libs want to save Shamu, aka Orca, Orca Lorca, Lorca Orca, now do you get it? I know that my proven Mensa mind does need to hold back, when I am addressing Libs. I need to go slower, and not get too "cute", otherwise that Lib bewilderment factor enters into the conversation, like it did here. Maybe you need to change your name to Loca?.....LOL...Hey Loca Lorca Orca, please tell me, how does it feel to be pissed on and missed, but sheet on and hit?.....LOL....Forget about it

While I do not support the capture of new orcas for entertainment, I do not support letting an adult male orca that has spent most of his life in captivity back into the wild. As a male, he would be at a disadvantage in attempting to gain any females and not be allowed to join a pod. He would remain lonely and orcas are social animals. He might also starve as orcas hunt as packs.

There is more...but will that do? All rationally laid out for you, no insults. It's very sad that rudeness seems to be the only way you can express yourself. Even sadder...you have no idea what you're talking about in your partisan little pea-brain,lmao. Tell me again where you pissed and missed? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Go ahead...tell me again what you 'splained. LOLOLOL
So what? You know my initials. And since you have no integrity, dignity, culture or scruples, I don't have to deal with you...I'll be placing you back on ignore, and you can continue to discuss my personal info to your hearts' content....not that the moderation team finds that in violation of the terms of service, having no scruples themselves.


It's not a violation if YOU posted it yourself. And you know where it says that? Why right in the rules, you fucking retard. Of course if yiu ever read them you'd know that.
It's not a violation if YOU posted it yourself. And you know where it says that? Why right in the rules, you fucking retard. Of course if yiu ever read them you'd know that.

It may not be a violation of this derelict, obscure forum, but as a matter ethics and integrity, personal information shouldn't be used as a weapon. But when dealing with lowlifes, I guess it comes with the territory. Fucking retard? Really? Given your history, I'd say you come from a long line of fucking retards. FU. And your illusions of grandeur. I don't have to read any fucking insignificant rules that are applied "haphazardly". Ban my ass, for it. I give a shit, as you well know by fucking now.
Don't you look absolutely ridiculous with a luger as an avatar. POS.
It may not be a violation of this derelict, obscure forum, but as a matter ethics and integrity, personal information shouldn't be used as a weapon. But when dealing with lowlifes, I guess it comes with the territory. Fucking retard? Really? Given your history, I'd say you come from a long line of fucking retards. FU. And your illusions of grandeur. I don't have to read any fucking insignificant rules that are applied "haphazardly". Ban my ass, for it. I give a shit, as you well know by fucking now.
Don't you look absolutely ridiculous with a luger as an avatar. POS.

Don't get so upset, Aaron. :)
It may not be a violation of this derelict, obscure forum, but as a matter ethics and integrity, personal information shouldn't be used as a weapon. But when dealing with lowlifes, I guess it comes with the territory. Fucking retard? Really? Given your history, I'd say you come from a long line of fucking retards. FU. And your illusions of grandeur. I don't have to read any fucking insignificant rules that are applied "haphazardly". Ban my ass, for it. I give a shit, as you well know by fucking now.
Don't you look absolutely ridiculous with a luger as an avatar. POS.

It is hard to believe that you are a senior citizen.
Hey Vinny, quit changing the subject, and start talking about what a total failure ObamaCare has been and will continue to be. This has got to be the worst time for Lib Democrats in history. I can hardly wait for the critical 2014 elections that will mean that obama will be powerless to socialize anything again, no moore, no moore tax and spend schemes/scams like ObamaCare. You Libs have got to be besides yourselves, because obama has set you back 50 years. There will never be immigration reform, because the illegal aliens cheated and voted illegally in 2012 and you know that I am Right.

and robmoney won by five points huh carl