I see not much has changed


Uwaa OmO
Don't worry I won't be here long. I get angry enough reading twitter. But I felt like checking in on my homies. I see LR is a new mod. Good for him. Hope he and Damo and Rana are managing the retards well enough.
Anyways, where have I been? Away, living life, sheparding young men and spending my time on more fruitful pursuits than politics. Have a 500lbs deadlift now.
Why would you even come to this thread? Kill yourself.

Ms. BP has anger issues. IMO, it's because she's pushing 60, has a Masters of Fine Arts and her highest accomplishment is drawing flyers for garage sales.

Still keeping up with One Piece?

Naturally. Even been dubbed the "Whitebeard" of my group because I'm the old guy who has pseudo adopted a bunch of sons. But yes, Wano was great and looking forward to the hiatus ending and getting on with Egghead.
Naturally. Even been dubbed the "Whitebeard" of my group because I'm the old guy who has pseudo adopted a bunch of sons. But yes, Wano was great and looking forward to the hiatus ending and getting on with Egghead.

I hope they show more of the battle between Garp and Kuzan at some point but they definitely need to get back to the action on Egghead. Since the hiatus because of the eye surgery, I've been left mostly reading My Hero Academia but they've been snail-pacing it to the finale.
Don't worry I won't be here long. I get angry enough reading twitter. But I felt like checking in on my homies. I see LR is a new mod. Good for him. Hope he and Damo and Rana are managing the retards well enough.
Hey! Good to see you. I was thinking about you the other day, thanks for checking in with us.
I hope they show more of the battle between Garp and Kuzan at some point but they definitely need to get back to the action on Egghead. Since the hiatus because of the eye surgery, I've been left mostly reading My Hero Academia but they've been snail-pacing it to the finale.

Yeah, on the one hand Oda off-screening fights is nice because it allows us to keep them in our own head canon, because he doesn't do fights very well, but fuck I wanna see Garp in a real fight.

As for MHA, yeah, the entire series is poorly paced and just feels like an excuse for thr author to make a bunch of characters he likes. Which is fine, but it just doesn't hit with me. Good art though
Anyways, where have I been? Away, living life, sheparding young men and spending my time on more fruitful pursuits than politics. Have a 500lbs deadlift now.

We have not met, but I honestly can't think of anything more lame than bragging about your weight lifting prowess on an anonymous message board where nobody even likes one another

We have not met, but I honestly can't think of anything more lame than bragging about your weight lifting prowess on an anonymous message board where nobody even likes one another


We've talked before, and you should probably kill yourself. "Oh man, so lame that this dude is proud of his personal accomplishments and wants to share them with people he's known for 20 years. What a loser, having friends!"

Uh huh.
Best wishes to Monosodium Glutamate [or was it Madison Square Garden--I forget]

on all of his/her/its [another thing I forgot--I'm elderly]

current and future endeavors.

Be well.

MSG is the king of flavour... (he lives in Britlandia, I added the extemporaneous "u" so you can read it like he meant it to be read).