I see not much has changed

gosh, first that guy from Seattle who's name I've forgotten and now Billy.......will Grind be resurrected from the dead next?.......
I never understood the compulsion of some to post to or about people whom they deem not worth reading or responding to. I just ignore such. But that's me.
Don't worry I won't be here long. I get angry enough reading twitter. But I felt like checking in on my homies. I see LR is a new mod. Good for him. Hope he and Damo and Rana are managing the retards well enough.

Make an effort (which is rare for you lately), and look around before running your yap.
Don't worry I won't be here long. I get angry enough reading twitter. But I felt like checking in on my homies. I see LR is a new mod. Good for him. Hope he and Damo and Rana are managing the retards well enough.

Did you ever think that had you stayed things might be different?
Don't worry I won't be here long. I get angry enough reading twitter. But I felt like checking in on my homies. I see LR is a new mod. Good for him. Hope he and Damo and Rana are managing the retards well enough.

Another reply to the same post but something has to be said here. You didn't have to leave. You could do whatever the fuck you wanted to do. It wasn't the "retards" that made you leave. I think the only reason you would've left was conflict with the owner.