I see not much has changed

I am no psychologist, but anyone who calls phantasmal a stalker and a troll is detached from reality

It's her standard reaction to disagreement. I don't take it personal since she call everyone who disagrees with her a stalker troll.

AFAIK, Phan is the first female she called a stalker. Usually she goes after males...which is another indication she's an unhappy female.

Doc Dutch=Stalker
Nope. I don't eat cats, I hear they taste like chicken though. I haven't any interest in finding out.

That said, look deep into my eyes. my hypnotic and irresistible gaze will make you melt (it's already got you fidgeting) :)

I’ve eaten bobcat. It’s ok. Would keep a fellow from starving I suppose.
I’ve eaten bobcat. It’s ok. Would keep a fellow from starving I suppose.

Although I've never made a habit of it, I've eaten groundhog. It wasn't bad, but it was soybean fed, so that's probably why. I could survive on it if I had to. Fire up the grill.
I’ve eaten bobcat. It’s ok. Would keep a fellow from starving I suppose.

It's all meat. Some tastes better than others. I've eaten rattlesnake; not much meat, boney but tastes like chicken. Squirrel and rabbit are pretty good. Most meat tastes fine in a stew with lots of salt. LOL
you are a fucking stupid asshole

I disagree with Phanny on most everything politically, but still think she is a nice lady. In fact I actually think I would agree with her on a lot of issues outside of politics. Politics seems to be the guiding force in your life. If that is in fact true you are missing out on knowing a lot of really interesting and decent people in the world outside of the WWW.