I see not much has changed

Rodney's dead, dumbass.

He's been dead for almost 20 years so your delusions of what he's thinking are odd, to say the least. Some people need killing. As long as they are all bad people, I'm okay with it.

Since you think you know what dead comedians are thinking, I agree you don't think. At least not very well, Arbie.

Everyone who's ever seen Rodney in films or live stand-up knows he's dead. Your posts are getting lamer and lamer. Maybe you should just quit quoting me?
Everyone who's ever seen Rodney in films or live stand-up knows he's dead. Your posts are getting lamer and lamer. Maybe you should just quit quoting me?
Now you know that's not allowed...;) There are rules, you know...Two sets of them...And, The SCRIPT...;)
Everyone who's ever seen Rodney in films or live stand-up knows he's dead. Your posts are getting lamer and lamer.

Maybe you should just quit quoting me?
If I'm so lame, why bother with me, Arbie?

You are free to ignore all those you deem to be annoying or lesser than yourself.
Help? What could you possibly help me with?

You are obsessed, just like you are with Trump and killing Americans. You have serious mental issues.
Have more self-esteem, lose your fear, stop hating others for the color of their skin or their religion. Lots of things. :)

Disagreed, but I see that as a symptom of your multiple problems, Arbie.
Have more self-esteem, lose your fear, stop hating others for the color of their skin or their religion. Lots of things. :)

Disagreed, but I see that as a symptom of your multiple problems, Arbie.

Show where I hate others for their skin color or religion. Other than that racist and bigoted mongrel, you can't. You won't.

Yes, you are obsessed. I know you (secretly) wish you could be like me, but you can't. You'd need real friends, for one.
I couldn't care less if you agreed or not. Your schizophrenic opinion is meaningless to me. Multiple problems? Lol! like you would know anyway :laugh:
Show where I hate others for their skin color or religion. Other than that racist and bigoted mongrel, you can't. You won't.

Yes, you are obsessed. I know you (secretly) wish you could be like me, but you can't. You'd need real friends, for one.

I couldn't care less if you agreed or not.

Your schizophrenic opinion is meaningless to me. Multiple problems? Lol! like you would know anyway :laugh:
What's it worth to you? I don't work for free. BTW, once is enough to prove you are an antisemitic racist. :thup:

It's good that you think well enough of yourself that you believe others want to be like you, Arbie. Although it's a little narcissistic (another personality disorder), it's better than low self-esteem which could lead to you eating your gun once your beloved mother dies.

You keep saying you don't care but then go on to prove you care very much, Arbie. Quit lying to yourself, son. It's not healthy.

What in my behavior makes you think I'm schizophrenic?
Smoochie whoochie!

See? I told you. You wanna kiss me! Is it your attraction to my magnetic personality? The way I dress and carry myself?
Ahh...it's gotta be my mesmerizing deep blue eyes! I could give you an orgasm with just a gaze :)
See? I told you. You wanna kiss me! Is it your attraction to my magnetic personality? The way I dress and carry myself?
Ahh...it's gotta be my mesmerizing deep blue eyes! I could give you an orgasm with just a gaze :)
I heard you eat cats, I’m not down with that.