I suggest a real quote box altering rule.

What, exactly are you accusing me of, Damo? I've explained both publicy and privately what I have and haven't done. Why to you take the word of Legion and his socks, Sybil and his socks plus people like @TOP and @RB 60? Why won't you link me to the offending posts, either privately or publicly? It's like you are deliberately hiding posts of mine that you find offensive.
Just stop trying to use the notification features of the site software to purposefully annoy people. It's as simple as that. Your posts are no more or less "deep" than those posts you keep quoting from others, but they are literally just you trying to ensure that they continue to get notifications of useless rubbish.

All I did was simply asked you to stop, use the quotes and notifications like they are intended and not to purposefully try to annoy folks. That's it. It's not a difficult ask.

This is the last time I will respond to it, unless, and if, I decide that I have to write a rule and begin applying it. I say this because this conversation has ceased to amuse anyone but you and I believe that you fully comprehend what I have asked and why it is different than what others have done.
How many warnings does he get? I recall I (and others) got NONE!
I ❤️ Irony

Just stop trying to use the notification features of the site software to purposefully annoy people. It's as simple as that. Your posts are no more or less "deep" than those posts you keep quoting from others, but they are literally just you trying to ensure that they continue to get notifications of useless rubbish.

All I did was simply asked you to stop, use the quotes and notifications like they are intended and not to purposefully try to annoy folks. That's it. It's not a difficult ask.

This is the last time I will respond to it, unless, and if, I decide that I have to write a rule and begin applying it. I say this because this conversation has ceased to amuse anyone but you and I believe that you fully comprehend what I have asked and why it is different than what others have done.
So, just so we're clear, as long as I post "FUCK YOU!", "YOU DON"T SPEAK FOR SYBIL!" or "BLOW ME" in a post, we're good? Interesting.
Have you seen the posts Sybil and Legina make or do you only "see" the ones that are reported to you?
Mr. Tiny Penis; what I believe the owner of this forum has been trying ever so tactfully explain to you, multiple times..............
Remove the @ key from your keyboard and you will be fine to continue to post your childish non responses ad nauseam without receiving a daily public spanking from a moderator.
Why this simple request is not as obvious to you as it is to all the rest of us is a tribute to either your inability to grasp this concept or far more likely, your flat out arrogant stubbornness by refusing his polite request.
You people still crying about this? If you won't want to get @'ed then put him on ignore. Why is this not happening? It's like some of you are bitching just to bitch.
Some ppl just enjoy being victims. You can tell by their constant litany of grievances and refusal to take positive steps to fix anything. It's always someone else's fault. That's why they support their #TangerineToddler so hard. lol
You people still crying about this? If you won't want to get @'ed then put him on ignore. Why is this not happening? It's like some of you are bitching just to bitch.
Yes, they are. They're driving @Damocles nuts with complaints. Sadly rather than telling the pussified pieces of whining shit to go fuck themselves, Damo has chosen the route of targeting me stop using forum functions. Sad. It doesn't help that I'm a moderate RW and all the whining pieces of shits are fucking MAGATs.

I've asked Damo and the mods, both publicly and privately, to link my offending posts, but they won't. I understand why they don't want to identify the complaining whiners and Orange Jesus worshipers, but to not identify my own posts that are being complained about is a mystery. How the fuck am I supposed to know what I did?

IMO, the reason is because these are old posts. Posts that came before Damo asked me to stop using BB code to alert the whining little snitches which I did stop.
Yes. @TOP, @Lionfish, @Into the Night and all his incarnations, @RB 60 despite his denials. It's pretty easy to see from the responses on this thread who is involved. LOL

This post here though is why Damo is annoyed. It wasn't really necessary to include the @ thing with their names since they're only peripherally involved in this part of the discussion. I think Toxic only bitches because her posse is bitching. Otherwise she LOVES the attention and knowing that someone, somewhere knows she's still alive. :rofl2:
This post here though is why Damo is annoyed. It wasn't really necessary to include the @ thing with their names since they're only peripherally involved in this part of the discussion. I think Toxic only bitches because her posse is bitching. Otherwise she LOVES the attention and knowing that someone, somewhere knows she's still alive. :rofl2:
As posted previously, I considered it dishonest to talk behind a person's back, hence using the "@" symbol to alert them that I was talking about them. If the pussified little cowards don't care, fine, but when they constantly talk behind my back, I see them as being the lying little pieces of shit they've proved themselves to be.

Is there any doubt that these lowlife scumbags are the same IRL? Are they really so fucking stupid they don't realize that those around them know they are lowlife liars, cheaters and petty thieves? Arbie a fucking cat killer and terrorized his neighbors. Does anyone really think he's changed based upon his current behavior on JPP? Toxic is a drunken recluse. No doubt the neighborhood kids think she's a witch and throw dogshit and trash in her yard. Sad.

How long can I talk about them behind their backs before they start whining about that??? LOL

It sounds like the entire problem again all boils down to one individual acting like a child. It is up to the forum owner to either make another rule which seems silly after publicly scolding that person multiple times or handle it by other means thus solving the issue without the necessity for more hand wringing.
Not my circus, not my monkey.
Yup, it's just Dutch acting like a child, per usual.

I swear that he spends a lot of time thinking: "How can I childishly fuck around with certain people on this forum in a manner that doesn't break any forum rules?"

Then, after he gets a special rule written because of him, he spends even more time thinking: "How can I childishly weasel-word my way around this written rule in order to keep childishly fucking around with certain people on this forum?"
As posted previously, I considered it dishonest to talk behind a person's back, hence using the "@" symbol to alert them that I was talking about them. If the pussified little cowards don't care, fine, but when they constantly talk behind my back, I see them as being the lying little pieces of shit they've proved themselves to be.

Is there any doubt that these lowlife scumbags are the same IRL? Are they really so fucking stupid they don't realize that those around them know they are lowlife liars, cheaters and petty thieves? Arbie a fucking cat killer and terrorized his neighbors. Does anyone really think he's changed based upon his current behavior on JPP? Toxic is a drunken recluse. No doubt the neighborhood kids think she's a witch and throw dogshit and trash in her yard. Sad.

How long can I talk about them behind their backs before they start whining about that??? LOL

Pardon me for butting in, but who is the target of these complaints? Is it only Dutch? Are others involved?
It's just Dutch acting like a child, wishing to purposely annoy people.
I occasionally use the @ feature too,
Occasional use of the @ feature is not an issue.
Using the @ feature to tag someone in a response that is relevant to them is not an issue.

Purposely using the @ feature in a childish manner in order to tag handfuls of people in any response that he makes, then immediately removing those tags via editing his post so that those people who were tagged still receive a huge clutter of 40-50+ notifications, even though the response he made to someone else has absolutely NOTHING to do with the people being tagged, IS an issue, and Dutch is the only person who is doing THAT sort of abuse with the @ feature.
and it almost always results in a reply from the person who I've tagged.
You are using the @ feature in the manner that it is intended to be used.
Dutch, however, is the only person who is abusing it in a childish manner in order to purposely annoy certain members of this forum.
I've seen his posts using the @ to tag people. The @ is always there. If he was deleting it, would I be able to see it?
No, which is precisely why he immediately deletes it whenever he uses it for the aforementioned childish purpose. It gives off the appearance to others that he's not doing anything, yet the people who he wishes to purposely annoy, who he tags and then immediately edits the tag away from, still receive a cluttered up notification panel filled with 40-50+ fake notifications.
It's a great tool.
When used properly, as intended, instead of used in a childish manner, yes it's a very wonderful tool. I use it on occasion as well.
I hope it doesn't go away.
Same. The tool in and of itself isn't the issue, and removing it wouldn't fix the issue at hand (which is Dutch's childish behavior).
Maybe it just has a bug in it.
There is no bug in the feature. Dutch simply abuses the feature in a manner that purposely clutters the notification panels of any JPP members who he wishes to annoy. He knows that if he tags people, then immediately edits the post to remove the tags, then the people who he tagged still receive the notifications anyway, which is his intent all along.
Or maybe certain whine-asses just like to bitch.
That's not the case this time around. Do YOU wish to receive 50+ completely irrelevant notifications EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. which makes it VERY hard to return back to particular conversations that you've been having with other forum users?

On the old forum, it just wiped out all relevant notifications and replaced them with Dutch's clutter. On this new one, he needs to do like 50+ notifications in order to push all the relevant notifications out of the feed. Thankfully, on the new forum, Dutch can be put on ignore and his notification clutter trick doesn't work anymore.
Perhaps you could ask them to post you links to the offending posts?
That won't work because Dutch purposely and immediately removes all the tags from his posts (via editing them) whenever he does this little trick to people. Yet, people are STILL receiving 50+ completely junk notifications PER DAY from him. And I don't mean junk as in "a user who I don't like who is directly responding to a post that I made". I mean junk as in "the post isn't directed towards me and has absolutely nothing to do with me".