I think I figured out why I'm such a "square peg"

I've read everything you've posted here so far.......it wouldn't be repeating because so far you've got nothing.....

Some people are not going to want to hear the revelations- Some people will just want to shoot the people on the Commission for investigating the matter!

The information now available won't play into their Hateful and self-serving self-important self-centered selfish political narratives.

Some people are just in denial and have lost touch with their own souls and reality!

You may want to make sure you are not one of those hopeless and helpless trouble-making antagonist MORONS!
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The trolls are so easy to rile here. I so love it here. Thanks to you and everyone for all the fun :_)

We have a lot of "Legends-In-Their-Own-Minds" here.

I am probably the most irritating self-important asshole here among us to many others.

But as long as we are all having fun- that's the only thing important.
We have a lot of "Legends-In-Their-Own-Minds" here.

I am probably the most irritating self-important asshole here among us to many others.

But as long as we are all having fun- that's the only thing important.

Oh, I am sharpening my troll gladiator skills. I'm almost ready for a Twitter account!! :)
It would just make you damn angry at Trump, because that is all I got out of the whole thing. I am already upset enough with Trump to last me a lifetime.

Trump was getting good advice and the truth about the election from his own Data people and his legal team, but refused to listen, and in turn people walked out on him, and here more TRUMPTARDS would show up that would keep his hopes alive that he could control the outcome by just lying about it.

You say you didn't have kids, but I had to raise mine to believe- YOU CAN'T ALWAYS WIN EVERY TIME- BUT THAT IT IS MORE IMPORTANT IN HOW YOU PLAYED THE GAME. That is what your and my parents taught us!

But Trump was raised a Rich little brat obviously who thinks he can buy or lie his way through while corrupting others in life to get everything he wants!

So we all know the problem here- It's Donald Trump! He is a problem for himself and everyone around him, and not fit for any kind of public service much less the president.

Yet Joe & the Ho have fucked up this country. Kiss his ass, lizard.
I just got banned from DP. I think, in summary, why I disturb people so much, is that I have extremely social, progressive views, but when people try to troll me, I come off like an "alpha". I think its because the expectation is that progressives are a "gentle, peaceful" people.

Well, I'm sorry to come off as so pugilistic, but I think if it's ok for a Republican to say, "Lets have trial by combat"; or "I'll pay your legal bills if you beat up protestors", or gassing protestors for a fake photo op, can't I say, the word, "bitch" once in awhile?

I think you guys better get used to it. Democrats are learning that the only thing the Republican Taliban understand and do is street fighting.

Expect much more of it, not only from the Republican Taliban from from the Dems. You Repub scum have had it easy for too long. No more Mr. and Mrs. nice guys and gals, bitches!!!!

We're coming for your guns!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
That makes TWO politic sites that have banned him now. Will he ever learn?
That makes TWO politic sites that have banned him now. Will he ever learn?

I have learned who NOT to talk to. Trumptards are always the first one's to call you a baby killer or a vote stealer and our buddy Matt's given me several death threats.

It's amazing how fans of twump are always claiming it's we who need our "safe spaces", but you are always the first to play the victim.
I just got banned from DP. I think, in summary, why I disturb people so much, is that I have extremely social, progressive views, but when people try to troll me, I come off like an "alpha". I think its because the expectation is that progressives are a "gentle, peaceful" people.

Well, I'm sorry to come off as so pugilistic, but I think if it's ok for a Republican to say, "Lets have trial by combat"; or "I'll pay your legal bills if you beat up protestors", or gassing protestors for a fake photo op, can't I say, the word, "bitch" once in awhile?

I think you guys better get used to it. Democrats are learning that the only thing the Republican Taliban understand and do is street fighting.

Expect much more of it, not only from the Republican Taliban from from the Dems. You Repub scum have had it easy for too long. No more Mr. and Mrs. nice guys and gals, bitches!!!!

We're coming for your guns!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Leftists are famous for genocide and mass murder.