I think my favorite food is buffalo wings

I notice Mott has had a lot of shitty bosses, and it has shaped his perspective of the workplace. He should just learn to understand that it's the price he has to pay for choosing to live in Ohio.
My bosses were great too till I cracked the 100 kpy mark. The closer to Caesar the greater the fear.
Didn't realise there was that kind of money in shovelling shit!!
Trust me...there is gold in garbage. I don't make shit compared to our better sales rep. Last year one of my reps made a $250,000 bonus. Gave me an 18 year bottle of scotch as a thanks for my technical support that helped him close several major sales. My bonus didn't exactly suck either though it was just a mere 5 figures.

There's no secret to being successful in corporate America. You just need relevant skills a competitive work ethic and the ability to produce results.

I say that with humility too as I'm pretty far down the food chain where I work.
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Yes that is true, you won't just be left alone. You will be considered unambitious and not the right stuff. Too many companies also want you to move to management rather than stay technical.
Many just want you to try. Some people are simply not managerial material and are more productive as individual contributors but even then management still wants to see you advance as an individual contributor or at least try.
This is a matter of perspective isn't it? I always hated dealing with the middle management types, the execs are easier to deal with I think.
Until you're an upper manager and have to report directly to them...but from where I sit in the middle of the pack that's pretty much the case. I think everyone who has ever worked in corporate America has had a middle manager that Howard Stern, very accurately labeled as, "Pig Vomit". I know I had one. Fortunately she's no longer with the company. :)
Until you're an upper manager and have to report directly to them...but from where I sit in the middle of the pack that's pretty much the case. I think everyone who has ever worked in corporate America has had a middle manager that Howard Stern, very accurately labeled as, "Pig Vomit". I know I had one. Fortunately she's no longer with the company. :)

There's a reason I walked away, I agree with you on it being a shitty work environment.
I did, it worked. It's not easy but it's better than having to cover your ass from all angles of attack 24/7.
I'm thinking of working till I hit my retirement savings goal of $750,000 then opening my own bike shop and just getting out of my field all together. The flaw in that plan is the stress may kill me before I get there.