I think telling a person to kill themselves should be a bannable offense

I bet most Vietnam Vets are embarrassed to know you are a member of that elite group of patriotic Americans. It's too bad you haven't tired of posting this irrelevant and mindless blather. I think you might want to get to the VA and show them some of your posts here. I think you could make a good case for PTSD, or at least brain damage from exposure to Agent Orange. If not that then you will have to take personal responsibility for your misogyny and bigotry! The VA is there to help you, avail yourself!

Is that so you faggot?

Well I'll get on all that right away.
You are a hoot, so all male cops are big strapping 6'2" 205, huh, lol

Why do they pair female cops with male cops on street patrol while everybody has to pretend there's no difference between the two?

Why don't they pair female cops with each other when they're not writing traffic tickets or tickets for expired parking meters?

Answer: In case upper body strength is needed during an altercation.
Is that so you faggot?

Well I'll get on all that right away.

Your bigotry reflects badly on all Vets! You should be ashamed of yourself and your bigotry. That you are proud of it is a sad reflection on your generation and your own ignorance! Maybe you should also buy a dictionary and see if you can find some words besides "bitch" and "faggot" to express your disdain. That might be a first step. Otherwise just keep posting your bigotry but please don't demean the true heroes who served by claiming their mantle.
Your bigotry reflects badly on all Vets! You should be ashamed of yourself and your bigotry. That you are proud of it is a sad reflection on your generation and your own ignorance! Maybe you should also buy a dictionary and see if you can find some words besides "bitch" and "faggot" to express your disdain. That might be a first step. Otherwise just keep posting your bigotry but please don't demean the true heroes who served by claiming their mantle.

No I'm not going to let you distract the current discussion faggot. You don't have a clue over what you're talking about anyway. You are a pathetic, Jersey Shore invented faggot and you've hurt my feelings just terribly.

Boo hoo on you for that.
You're way over the line of decency with this tirade. Perhaps you should take your hatred for women to someone who is professionally accredited to deal with such sickness and see how you might be treated. Sick people such as yourself can be treated, not always successfully unfortunately, but you can be treated. In the meantime, I would clean up your language because you are just showing everyone what a creepy and irrational imbecile you really are. And it's an ugly picture of a man with no morals and even less respect. You reflect badly on Churchill, conservatives and the conservative ideology. And rather than having your hateful and ignorant posts liked by others, the other conservatives here if they had even an ounce of sense or decency would be here condemning you for your treatment of evince and the language you are using, that they aren't is even more damning of them than your original comment!

Or, I can continue to do whatever the fuck I want and you can kindly go fuck yourself in your stinky snatch with a 20 in black dildo. Maybe Tekkydpchick will lend you hers. I hear her hubby neglects her. Just get her to wash the herpes off first.
Your bigotry reflects badly on all Vets! You should be ashamed of yourself and your bigotry. That you are proud of it is a sad reflection on your generation and your own ignorance! Maybe you should also buy a dictionary and see if you can find some words besides "bitch" and "faggot" to express your disdain. That might be a first step. Otherwise just keep posting your bigotry but please don't demean the true heroes who served by claiming their mantle.

You should take 10 ambien and then take a nap on train tracks.

Nobody gives a fuck what you think faggot