I think telling a person to kill themselves should be a bannable offense

What does any of that babbling bullshit have to do with Palin being a retard?

By the way, thanks for the compliment. It is often assumed I am female, but you are the first to call me a feminist. I am glad it is recognised that I support a sex other than my own.

We will have to start calling you Mother's Rune (sic) Do you drink gin?
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I'll take the cop that doesn't show up for 3-4 hours because they're lazy. That way I don't run the risk of being shot because they're retarded.
No, I would trust in them to send the appropriate person to handle the situation.

You mean female detectives to begin investigating why you are dead. I support that because it's common sense and it brings into the picture intelligent police work in solving who was it that put you at room temperature. The rest of the police work that requires brute force on the street needs common sense reinserted into the picture and men cops only.
are you saying women should not be cops?

No I'm saying that the queer - feminist alliance are one in the same. They've joined forces and there isn't any real difference between both now because they are united mainly because of the enormous number of lesbians in the feminist movement.

"The Gay - Lesbian Alliance" I think they call it.
You mean female detectives to begin investigating why you are dead. I support that because it's common sense and it brings into the picture intelligent police work in solving who was it that put you at room temperature. The rest of the police work that requires brute force on the street needs common sense reinserted into the picture and men cops only.

Get professional help with your delusions! I think they have drugs for some of these things now!
No I'm saying that the queer - feminist alliance are one in the same. They've joined forces and there isn't any real difference between both now because they are united mainly because of the enormous number of lesbians in the feminist movement.

"The Gay - Lesbian Alliance" I think they call it.

My mistake. I think you are simply a bigot! I don't think they necessarily have a drug for that!
My mistake. I think you are simply a bigot! I don't think they necessarily have a drug for that!

He's just another angry old white man, raging at a world he sees changing in front of his eyes.

He sees wimmens getting the right to vote and them uppity black folk actually SITTING in the same restaurants as him and it gets his racist blood boiling.