I think telling a person to kill themselves should be a bannable offense

Little Kitten, you mean Palin was pro life.

Explain to me without the silver spoon in your mouth how killing your baby makes you more intelligent and smarter than conservative pro life women.

No, I meant that failin' Palin was pretty dumb on domestic affairs and totally clueless on foreign affairs, i.e. unqualified.
Um, no, she wasn't married while in college. Bachelor's degree - 1987. Marriage - 1988

Bunch of bs

You fail again.

Rest of it - you may not think she said stupid things; most of us did. And you have NO IDEA what my view of Palin was at the time she was running.

I had no opinion of Palin before August 2008 because I'd never heard of her. But I quickly developed an opinion after hearing and seeing her.
Would a pro life woman in the white house get a lot more things done than a man ever could when it comes to advancing the pro life cause?

Answer: Yes.

Could a pro life woman in the white house do things like defund planned parenthood and NARAL faster and more efficiently than a man could?

Answer: Yes.

Could a pro life woman in the white house demonstrate to the country and the world that the liberal feminist doesn't hold the mantra of American womanhood in America?

Answer: Yes.

The only reason Sarah Palin is stupid is because she's pro life and women aren't supposed to be pro life especially women in high positions of authority according to you and your feminist sisters. And what happened to Palin will also happen to any other pro life woman who seeks national high political office which gives her the power and authority of the office along with it.

I'd hope that no president would overturn law and defund legitimate organizations just because she disagreed with them.
You are hardly qualified to describe anybody as a conservative and you are not qualified to list conservatives that you like because you are a socialist. The term conservative is a dead term anyway and it's impossible to define in the first place. it is in the dead language locker alongside Latin. Because leftists have been allowed by the right to define it mostly as part of the problem, and big government right wingers calling themselves by the term, and religious right multiculturalists using the term to describe themselves, and as republican globalists using the term in self description, it's a dead term as you just mentioned it as opinion of qualification that suits your Marxist world views.

Conservative is simple like you. Conservatives oppose change. They want to conserve the status quo, the feudal system, the princes and paupers. You are a pauper, yet work tirelessly to preserve your Lord's way of life, on the back of all the other peasants. That makes you a fool or a useful idiot, whichever you prefer. In your particular case, there is a strong hint of megalomania as well and if you were not an impotent peon, you would be dangerous.
In 2008, Palin rose to number one in the presidential polls and the alarm went off in all feminists circles. A genuine threat now existed against the feminist establishment and their allies, the national media. The media then proceeded to destroy Palin and the entertainment media then proceeded to dehumanize her.

Meanwhile, not a single feminist organization from the National Women's Organization to NARAL rose up to say a single word in her defense.

It's all about mainly and foremost abortion, the liberal feminist lifeline.

And I am not a Palin supporter and never was and I have always defended her as a woman and a human being regardless.

Are you fucking stupid or something?

Palin is a fucking retard. It took her six years and 5 schools to get a bachelors, and she destroyed herself when she opened her mouth. Do I really have to repost Palin videos for another idiot?

She couldn't even name one magazine she read, claiming instead she reads "all of them".
Little Kitten, you mean Palin was pro life.

Explain to me without the silver spoon in your mouth how killing your baby makes you more intelligent and smarter than conservative pro life women.

Um, no, she meant that "She was just so damn stupid that we cringed at the thought she could be a heartbeat away from the presidency."
exactly as she said.
Palin is only stupid because Palin is pro life and feminists like you will not tolerate any woman in high office that is a direct threat to your agenda.

This is a complete and utter falsehood. Palin wasn't even capable of running a state with less people than a small city. She won because she was a beauty queen, no other reason.

Why are you so fucking ignorant?
Would a pro life woman in the white house get a lot more things done than a man ever could when it comes to advancing the pro life cause?

Answer: Yes.

Could a pro life woman in the white house do things like defund planned parenthood and NARAL faster and more efficiently than a man could?

Answer: Yes.

Could a pro life woman in the white house demonstrate to the country and the world that the liberal feminist doesn't hold the mantra of American womanhood in America?

Answer: Yes.

The only reason Sarah Palin is stupid is because she's pro life and women aren't supposed to be pro life especially women in high positions of authority according to you and your feminist sisters. And what happened to Palin will also happen to any other pro life woman who seeks national high political office which gives her the power and authority of the office along with it.
What are you, a broken record? Sarah Palin is quite possibly the stupidest person to ever hold public in both the western and northern hemispheres.
I had no opinion of Palin before August 2008 because I'd never heard of her. But I quickly developed an opinion after hearing and seeing her.


This is a complete and utter falsehood. Palin wasn't even capable of running a state with less people than a small city. She won because she was a beauty queen, no other reason.

Why are you so fucking ignorant?

You along with another feminist already stated that "conservative women" are stupid which I already explained as being the normal kneejerk impression among The Witches Of East wick, the liberal feminists and the secular leftist establishment that they belong to. I also explained that conservative women become much more than just stupid when they decide to enter the national political stage, then they become dangerous and a threat to an important part of the entire liberal agenda.

Palin, who in 2008 became a favorite among republican voters polled and her numbers putting her temporarily at the top nationally was simply one of these threats. A figure head, an example of the feminists core target of hatred and their women's organizations refusing to say a word in her defense while she was being dehumanized by the media and rejected totally by the Washington Republican establishment elites.

Personally I never supported her and in 08 I supported Ron Paul after McCain got the pub nomination but it sickens me just how much the conservative men refuse to display any semblance of chivalry in defending these more traditional women and I myself do it consistently despite not actually supporting such politically depending on the candidate.
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A pro life woman wouldn't make a bit of difference, it has been the law for over 30 years and it isn't going to change anytime soon.

This feminist lies through her teeth in grand evil style.

"A pro life woman" with more traditional values would most certainly get many things done for the pro life movement in the country mainly because she would not be a man and men being the troublemakers and the oppressors of women in the first place. She would "get things done" such as defunding outfits like Planned Parenthood much more quickly and more efficiently than the inept George Bush 43 and his Republican associates who have spent several election cycles claiming that they would defund such liberal institutions but never actually defund none of them but instead increase their tax funding.

Regardless if a Palin actually would defy her party leadership and actually do it is another question but the evil ones of the liberal feminist establishment will not risk that possibility.
it's also obvious to point out that the queers .. the homosexual activist movement and the liberal feminists are one in the same as being victims and special interest lobbies of the Democratic Party, the government party of America.