I think telling a person to kill themselves should be a bannable offense

We didn't dislike Palin because of her ambitions. She was just so damn stupid that we cringed at the thought she could be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

Little Kitten, you mean Palin was pro life.

Explain to me without the silver spoon in your mouth how killing your baby makes you more intelligent and smarter than conservative pro life women.
Siwwy, get a clue.

Palin benefitted hugely from the feminist movement - she played sports due to Title IX that feminists pushed. Her political career was possible due to feminists breaking down boundaries. That she could run for VP with a young baby and not get dinged for it - is due to feminists.

Yet she was so dumb she didn't realize it, and she bitched about feminism

She went to five colleges in six years - that's a way to lose credits and spend extra money. Dumb. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/04/palin-attended-5-colleges_n_124036.html

She said stupid things while running for VP. AND she shouldn't have agreed to run for VP given her lack of knowledge of experience; that was dumb and full of hubris.

She resigned from being governor before her term was up - now, she did manage to rake in a boatload of money, so maybe you can say that was smart; I think it was dumb because now she is viewed as a quitter.

I was thrilled that a woman was picked as vice-president; I was thrilled she was able to run for and win mayor, and then run for and win governor. I love that she showed being a mother and a politician can be done at the same time.

All of that are things feminists have been pushing.

But Palin herself - not the brightest. Nice to know even not-so-bright women can take advantage of the gains that feminism has wrought.
Siwwy, get a clue.

Palin benefitted hugely from the feminist movement - she played sports due to Title IX that feminists pushed. Her political career was possible due to feminists breaking down boundaries. That she could run for VP with a young baby and not get dinged for it - is due to feminists.

Yet she was so dumb she didn't realize it, and she bitched about feminism

Palin WAS a feminist, a different kind of feminist, a pro life feminist. Liberal feminists like you broke down the moral structure of the country and benefited greatly by way of technology. Palin bitched about feminists like you.

She went to five colleges in six years - that's a way to lose credits and spend extra money. Dumb. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/04/palin-attended-5-colleges_n_124036.html

She went to college for six years while she worked and raised a family just like many other women do.

She said stupid things while running for VP. AND she shouldn't have agreed to run for VP given her lack of knowledge of experience; that was dumb and full of hubris.

Saturday Night Live said stupid things that actually became Palin quotes.

She resigned from being governor before her term was up - now, she did manage to rake in a boatload of money, so maybe you can say that was smart; I think it was dumb because now she is viewed as a quitter.

She resigned as governor of Alaska because she was no longer able to serve the people of Alaska because she was under so much scurrility facing law suits and intimidation

I was thrilled that a woman was picked as vice-president; I was thrilled she was able to run for and win mayor, and then run for and win governor. I love that she showed being a mother and a politician can be done at the same time

Stop your G dammed lying. You were repelled over the knowledge that Palin was pro life and on the national political stage became a direct threat to mostly your abortion agenda.

All of that are things feminists have been pushing.

Feminists like you have been pushing hating men and especially white men.

But Palin herself - not the brightest. Nice to know even not-so-bright women can take advantage of the gains that feminism has wrought.

Palin is only stupid because Palin is pro life and feminists like you will not tolerate any woman in high office that is a direct threat to your agenda.
Somebody who worships another dead doper isn't exactly an intellectual giant himself. Any male who wishes privacy at a YMCA which has turned into a daycare center / women's exercise facility will have to endure female attendants in the men's locker areas and female directors in the front offices.

Nonsense...provide some actual EVIDENCE women are allowed in the men's locker rooms.

As for women Directors in the front offices...oh my HEAVENS! Women in charge of running things?!?

What's next?

Allowing women to VOTE?

Letting them wear TROUSERS??

And any men who wish to start a private organization exclusive to men only will also get a quick wakeup call for their efforts from the national feminists organizations also.

Philly said:
She went to college for six years while she worked and raised a family just like many other women do.

Um, no, she wasn't married while in college. Bachelor's degree - 1987. Marriage - 1988

She resigned as governor of Alaska because she was no longer able to serve the people of Alaska because she was under so much scurrility facing law suits and intimidation

Bunch of bs

You fail again.

Rest of it - you may not think she said stupid things; most of us did. And you have NO IDEA what my view of Palin was at the time she was running.
Nonsense...provide some actual EVIDENCE women are allowed in the men's locker rooms.

As for women Directors in the front offices...oh my HEAVENS! Women in charge of running things?!?

What's next?

Allowing women to VOTE?

Letting them wear TROUSERS??


Why don't you visit a YMCA near you and find out for yourself?

Of course you would never admit that the YMCA has little to do with the M in the label anymore.
Um, no, she wasn't married while in college. Bachelor's degree - 1987. Marriage - 1988

Bunch of bs

You fail again.

Rest of it - you may not think she said stupid things; most of us did. And you have NO IDEA what my view of Palin was at the time she was running.

Would a pro life woman in the white house get a lot more things done than a man ever could when it comes to advancing the pro life cause?

Answer: Yes.

Could a pro life woman in the white house do things like defund planned parenthood and NARAL faster and more efficiently than a man could?

Answer: Yes.

Could a pro life woman in the white house demonstrate to the country and the world that the liberal feminist doesn't hold the mantra of American womanhood in America?

Answer: Yes.

The only reason Sarah Palin is stupid is because she's pro life and women aren't supposed to be pro life especially women in high positions of authority according to you and your feminist sisters. And what happened to Palin will also happen to any other pro life woman who seeks national high political office which gives her the power and authority of the office along with it.
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Why don't you visit a YMCA near you and find out for yourself?

Of course you would never admit that the YMCA has little to do with the M in the label anymore.

Well, if you are going, then it has little to do with the "Y"

The "C" no longer applies as well.

I guess all you got is the "A"
Would a pro life woman in the white house get a lot more things done than a man ever could when it comes to advancing the pro life cause?

Answer: Yes.

Could a pro life woman in the white house do things like defund planned parenthood and NARAL faster and more efficiently than a man could?

Answer: Yes.

Could a pro life woman in the white house demonstrate to the country and the world that the liberal feminist doesn't hold the mantra of American womanhood in America?

Answer: Yes.

The only reason Sarah Palin is stupid is because she's pro life and women aren't supposed to be pro life especially women in high positions of authority according to you and your feminist sisters. And what happened to Palin will also happen to any other pro life woman who seeks national high political office which gives her the power and authority of the office along with it.

A pro life woman wouldn't make a bit of difference, it has been the law for over 30 years and it isn't going to change anytime soon.
Do you think that men have a right to the freedom of association?

I don't believe in discrimination, but I believe that private associations have the right to limit their memberships. If you are in anyway tied to the public, you can not in anyway discriminate against others.

If you want to form the, Philly Rabbit Woman Haters Club and want to limit your membership to old, white fuddy duds, that is your right.
A pro life woman wouldn't make a bit of difference, it has been the law for over 30 years and it isn't going to change anytime soon.

Yes but a pro life female president could defund organizations like NARAL and Planned Parenthood a lot faster than a man president could.

This get back to my explaining how somebody like Palin could begin a cultural revolution.

The question now please.
Yes but a pro life female president could defund organizations like NARAL and Planned Parenthood a lot faster than a man president could.

This get back to my explaining how somebody like Palin could begin a cultural revolution.

The question now please.

Tell me, how would they do this?

I didn't realize the President had the power to defund organizations. This is postively fascinating, if the President has this power, why didn't Bush use it? He is pro life.
I don't believe in discrimination, but I believe that private associations have the right to limit their memberships. If you are in anyway tied to the public, you can not in anyway discriminate against others.

If you want to form the, Philly Rabbit Woman Haters Club and want to limit your membership to old, white fuddy duds, that is your right.

So you do support the right to men's freedom of association.

So why do you support taking that right away from them at the same time?

Or do you oppose the feminists?
Tell me, how would they do this?

I didn't realize the President had the power to defund organizations. This is postively fascinating, if the President has this power, why didn't Bush use it? He is pro life.

Because what Bush said and what Bush did were two different things.
So you do support the right to men's freedom of association.

So why do you support taking that right away from them at the same time?

Or do you oppose the feminists?

We have anti discrimination laws, these were voted into law by our Congress, signed into law by the President and upheld by the Supreme Court.

"The feminists" are a very broad brush, there are some I agree with their positions and others that I do not agree.