I wanna do the prime minister of Ukraine

Say what..............

WTF? Seriously? Jesus Christ I would die.

I sure hope you are female...darla said she hasen't slept with a Guy...at some point in time for more than 3 months...then you come back with the above...then again maybe you switch hit...who knows for sure besides your hairdresser...then again ya are but just twenty still looking for whatever or whichever..........:dunno:
Top.... I am going to call bullshit on that. You constantly start in on others with your idiotic GED comments, comments on peoples weight or dating habits etc....

It is not just lefties that have a problem with you. It is a good majority of the people on this board. Very seldom do you actually ADD to a conversation. More often than not, you detract from the threads. You claimed that you were going to start the new year with a focus on eliminating the childish behavior. I think that would be wise, as you will find most people on this board far more receptive to you should you choose to live up to that.

Callate cold caller

deshtard, you also have attacked me unmercifully.
I repeat that I don't start the name calling first.
It's funny how all the 100% far lefties are the ones that have problems with me. It's sorta symbolic of the old school dems problems. BLinders on socialist agenda. We'll now that dems are in power the moderates will take over. Period.

Damo, this is called Irony 101.

Get back in here with me, to debate the corrupt and plutocratic business practices of the hot Prime Minister. This thread has sunk to pathetic new lows of monotony and silliness.
You morons who think it's cool to be single will eventually grow up when you meet someone you can't stand being without, assuming your fortunate like I have been 3 times.


Yes, we should all be so lucky as to be married 3 times. Larry King over here giving marriage advice.