I wanna do the prime minister of Ukraine

Shut the fuck up Top. I am so sick from hearing from you I am close to IA’ing your ass. Happy people don’t act the way you act. If you are so happy what are you doing on here constantly trying to make other people miserable, or revel in what you perceive as their misfortune? I think you are a big reason usc left, and I will miss him as much as I would miss anyone here, and more than most. You’re fucking relentless and you’re cruel, you were on his ass every time he even made a post, and you do it to anyone you can. I used to think you had redeeming qualities, and I guess in some respects you do. The fact that you’re a southern boy with no apparent traces of racism is something noteworthy. But for the most part you are just a prick, and I’m tired of the stchick.
dhula, I'm yanking your chain to get a rise out of you.
I never, never attack first. But don't come at me with the moronic insults and not expect any back. USC was a closed minded simpleton, you there's hope. People like USC and Desh who are 100% against the republicans I will always call out and ridicule for being simpletons. I don't even bother trying to change republicans as I truely believe the only core they have left are the bible thumpers.
dhula, I'm yanking your chain to get a rise out of you.
I never, never attack first. But don't come at me with the moronic insults and not expect any back. USC was a closed minded simpleton, you there's hope. People like USC and Desh who are 100% against the republicans I will always call out and ridicule for being simpletons. I don't even bother trying to change republicans as I truely believe the only core they have left are the bible thumpers.

Usc was a wonderful, sweet person, who didn’t take anything too seriously, always made me laugh, and who was harangued for no reason by a couple of people, but you were the biggest offender.
agree. I never understood the USC hatred.

USC was a down to earth guy, who had the innate wisdom of someone with 60 odd years on the planet. A dude who'd seen a lot, and saw how the world worked. He was pretty wise about how the world worked, and who the real culprits of corruption and plutocracy were. But he didn't take this board too seriously (that's a good thing), and he didn't feel a need to feed his ego with long winded, verbose posts. But, when he was serious, much of what he said was absolutly correct.
Tops not such a horrible guy. He's pretty close minded about marriage, insecure and apparently doesn't like himself too much as evidenced by his continual need to have a wife and take the focus off himself. But I don't think he has bad intentions.
Tops not such a horrible guy. He's pretty close minded about marriage, insecure and apparently doesn't like himself too much as evidenced by his continual need to have a wife and take the focus off himself. But I don't think he has bad intentions.

He’s a prick. He enjoys being a prick. And sometimes, he goes too far and then doesn’t stop. I don’t know if that’s what happened with usc, because I wasn’t here the week he left, but from all of the things I’ve seen, I believe it had something to do with it. Probably not the sole cause. Is there any reason to be relentlessly cruel to anyone? I just don’t think so. I don’t have it in me to be, and I’m tired of watching Top do it. I just don’t it’s funny, that’s all. It’s just my opinion.
He’s a prick. He enjoys being a prick. And sometimes, he goes too far and then doesn’t stop. I don’t know if that’s what happened with usc, because I wasn’t here the week he left, but from all of the things I’ve seen, I believe it had something to do with it. Probably not the sole cause. Is there any reason to be relentlessly cruel to anyone? I just don’t think so. I don’t have it in me to be, and I’m tired of watching Top do it. I just don’t it’s funny, that’s all. It’s just my opinion.

I'm not sure what happened with USC either. Damo, was there a thread that lead to him leaving?

I think the guy's pretty funny and insightful. Actually Top you're dead wrong about him being 100% against republicans. He's actually a registered republican. He's just not a sheep like a lot of the other ones apparently were.
I'm not sure what happened with USC either. Damo, was there a thread that lead to him leaving?

I think the guy's pretty funny and insightful. Actually Top you're dead wrong about him being 100% against republicans. He's actually a registered republican. He's just not a sheep like a lot of the other ones apparently were.
He is not, he chose to change that registration to vote for Edwards. Also it is a bit dishonest to pretend the registration was genuine, he registered so he could vote in local primaries as in his area that is where the winner was chosen.
He’s a prick. He enjoys being a prick. And sometimes, he goes too far and then doesn’t stop. I don’t know if that’s what happened with usc, because I wasn’t here the week he left, but from all of the things I’ve seen, I believe it had something to do with it. Probably not the sole cause. Is there any reason to be relentlessly cruel to anyone? I just don’t think so. I don’t have it in me to be, and I’m tired of watching Top do it. I just don’t it’s funny, that’s all. It’s just my opinion.

I think he is simply the most insecure individual on this board. Which is clear from the way he continually trys to "judge" people or put them down based on little to no knowledge of the individual.
I suspect USC had some thing to do in his real life that meant his time for playing here would be much less.

I think hes on a little adventure and will be back.

I doubt anyone Scared him away.
usc was a moron and dhula your not much better.
You can't call someone a prick and expect nothing in return.
USC, believed in what. You don't know cause all he ever did was shoot barbes at both sides and parret that he didn't vote for Bush.
You morons who think it's cool to be single will eventually grow up when you meet someone you can't stand being without, assuming your fortunate like I have been 3 times.
What losers do, because they are insecure and have no confidence or self-respect, is end up in bed with some sleaze like gonzo who then refers to them as a "skank they keep on speedial" or almost as bad, with someone like you who gloms onto the first decent looking woman he meets because he's terrified of being without a girlfriend or wife. I've stumbled into more than one like you Topper, and they were hard as all hell to get rid of.

If you would jump right into it with the first woman who came along if something were to happen between you and your wife, that shows you don't know what love is. And that's sad. There might be a loser, or with Gonorrhea Gonzo checking in, two, on this thread, but that's not on me.

A year later I was with the person I should be with, and that blows anything else away. Worth waiting for? Are you kidding? It's so good, you don't even bother with the cheap change stuff.

I appreciate your concern for my health, but I am disease free, so you don't need to have any more sleepless nights.
I suspect USC had some thing to do in his real life that meant his time for playing here would be much less.

I think hes on a little adventure and will be back.

I doubt anyone Scared him away.
I was afraid that he may be ill. I hope you are correct.
I was afraid that he may be ill. I hope you are correct.

I exchanged PMs with him. He's not sick.

Hopefully he'll just take a break, and come back. I liked the guy, and was hoping to stay in touch with him on the Ditch Mitch stuff in kentucky. :)
He’s a prick. He enjoys being a prick. And sometimes, he goes too far and then doesn’t stop. I don’t know if that’s what happened with usc, because I wasn’t here the week he left, but from all of the things I’ve seen, I believe it had something to do with it. Probably not the sole cause. Is there any reason to be relentlessly cruel to anyone? I just don’t think so. I don’t have it in me to be, and I’m tired of watching Top do it. I just don’t it’s funny, that’s all. It’s just my opinion.

I have pleaded with toppy to allow his better side to appear on this site and others.

A couple of times he even said he would do it. Sadly he always fails to do so. He is a small man who feels even smaller inside. I think he had a sad little life and cant feel anything good about himself without trying to make someone else feel smaller than he does. Its a horrible way to go through life. The poor guy is cursed until he can shake his self destructive tendencies. I alway end up feeling more sorry for him than mad at him. Hes a pathetic soul.
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He is not, he chose to change that registration to vote for Edwards. Also it is a bit dishonest to pretend the registration was genuine, he registered so he could vote in local primaries as in his area that is where the winner was chosen.

Well, then he was a republican.
deshtard, you also have attacked me unmercifully.
I repeat that I don't start the name calling first.
It's funny how all the 100% far lefties are the ones that have problems with me. It's sorta symbolic of the old school dems problems. BLinders on socialist agenda. We'll now that dems are in power the moderates will take over. Period.
You morons who think it's cool to be single will eventually grow up when you meet someone you can't stand being without, assuming your fortunate like I have been 3 times.

Toppy, the above is why you appear so insecure. There is nothing wrong with finding the right person and getting married. But you seem to be under the impression that it is necessary in order to be happy. It is a matter of personal perception. To me, your current situation is fine, but if you have been married 3 times then to me that sucks.
deshtard, you also have attacked me unmercifully.
I repeat that I don't start the name calling first.
It's funny how all the 100% far lefties are the ones that have problems with me. It's sorta symbolic of the old school dems problems. BLinders on socialist agenda. We'll now that dems are in power the moderates will take over. Period.

Top.... I am going to call bullshit on that. You constantly start in on others with your idiotic GED comments, comments on peoples weight or dating habits etc....

It is not just lefties that have a problem with you. It is a good majority of the people on this board. Very seldom do you actually ADD to a conversation. More often than not, you detract from the threads. You claimed that you were going to start the new year with a focus on eliminating the childish behavior. I think that would be wise, as you will find most people on this board far more receptive to you should you choose to live up to that.