I wanna do the prime minister of Ukraine

He just likes to toss back and forth a few insults with his posts. Bad spelling aside he gives good advice.

Education will help you make life easier.

Investing can make you rich if you learn and do it properly it is as much a skill as poker is to Beefy.

Often his picks do well, more often than not for that matter.

And lastly, if it is your goal getting rich is not all that difficult.

None of that is bad advice.

listen you junior community college gerber...
Beefy hasn't hit anything in almost as long as I haven't. He's also not a carnival worker. What stalkers have to do with any of this, I am uncertain.
Beefy hasn't slept with a women in a bit more than three months.

So what. When I broke up with my bf I didn't sleep with a man for almost a year. A little celibacy never killed anyone. It's better than jumping around from casual sex partner to casual sex partner. The thing that topper is too immature to know is that anyone can have sex. It's when you know you can afford to be choosy about whom you have it with, that you become a confident adult, which sadly he will never be.
stalkers start out as pimple faced freshman virgins like you. They spend too much time playing video game and posting of JPP and before you know it your the 40yr old virgin. Go to a sorority party before you wind up killing some girl.
So what. When I broke up with my bf I didn't sleep with a man for almost a year. A little celibacy never killed anyone. It's better than jumping around from casual sex partner to casual sex partner. The thing that topper is too immature to know is that anyone can have sex. It's when you know you can afford to be choosy about whom you have it with, that you become a confident adult, which sadly he will never be.

I am one acquainted with the night!
stalkers start out as pimple faced freshman virgins like you. They spend too much time playing video game and posting of JPP and before you know it your the 40yr old virgin. Go to a sorority party before you wind up killing some girl.

That's not true. I always have enough money to buy a prostitute.


And if I were going to kill someone, wouldn't you guys want me to stay away from a sorority party?

Not like it matters, at this damnable junior community college.
only losers go a year without someone.
Casual sex with a hottie is nothing to be afraid of.
spinsterhood at 40 is a bitch. later:clink:
only losers go a year without someone.
Casual sex with a hottie is nothing to be afraid of.
spinsterhood at 40 is a bitch. later:clink:

You can make it if you try, Topper.

It'd be pretty easy for me to get laid if I were still funny, and if I didn't have writers block. Because, then, I could make like a Steven Lynch guitar comedy thing.
That's because you're still what, 17? It calms down in the 30s, and its a good thing it does. Being a hormonally driven horny ass teenager is frustrating.

20 but thanks. I don't even really stress about sex. It just happens. It's nothing to worry about. A year just sounds like a long time. i don't mean any offense.
20 but thanks. I don't even really stress about sex. It just happens. It's nothing to worry about. A year just sounds like a long time. i don't mean any offense.

None taken. But I remember being 20, and thank god I was getting it, because I had just come off a dry spell, and at that age, a dry spell is pure, hellish evil. At my age, its no big deal.