I wanna do the prime minister of Ukraine

there you go size 2/4
now those dorks will comfort duhla who's six sizes bigger.
Yeah she's sick skinny right. LOFL
Man, nice asses sure don't give me a stiffy now that I think about it. I don't know what got into my head. This is disgusting:


You know, the problem isn't her ass, it's her height. Topper would come up to about her ass, so of course she looks huge to him.
you sure are anti hot chick though as if you need to be double digit size to not be stupid. Kinda anti feminist of you.
you did refer to fit woman as not smart.
water I have no clue who that kid is

No, I did not. Since I work out 6 mornings a week, and am smarter than you can ever hope to be, I would never say something like that, so why don't you find the post, asswipe?
Does anyone remember exactly which post it was that toppy gave away his height insecurity?