I went to 75th anniversary of B17 crash in Sheffield this morning

Tony Foulds told me that the plane circled twice and on the third attempt the tail fell off and that was when it hit the trees. I am not sure what house they nearly crashed into, there are many houses surrounding the park. He also said that he could see straight through the fuselage and the tail section was heavily damaged, which is why it broke off. The nearest houses due east are in Everton Road, maybe it was one of those I will try to find out. Perhaps next time you want some information you might consider being more polite, just a suggestion!
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I posted this on Facebook earlier to a friend of mine. He wanted to know if he still felt guilty after so long.

Michael Steed

It has for over 70 odd years, I was standing there whilst several people implored him to stop feeling so guilty about it. He is very much old school, it is truly awe-inspiring to see how people of that generation, the greatest generation arguably, felt about morality and doing the right thing. We have lost so much in the intervening years. I have to say that I was truly humbled talking to him, sadly that generation are passing away. Truly lovely man, I feel honoured for having a chat with him.
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it made the national news here!
( FOX) I got all the details including the pilot "waving" at the kids trying to get them out of the park.
10 airmen were killed RIP
My deceased father (a WWII veteran) was insulted for flying an American
flag on this very forum by one of you leftist scum so that's mild compared
to what some of you have thought.

Here's another example of the left's "thoughts" of heroes
"Westboro Baptist Church has issued a statement saying it will protest the funeral of slain Sgt. Dillon Baldridge in Ashe County on Friday."

There have been several threads about the Westboro Baptist Church on this forum over the years, and IIRC nobody from either side thought of them as heroes. They're scum. Always have been. Always will be.

They hate so many people that they've managed to offend everyone, lol.
When Tony Foulds weeped it was very visceral for me.

In memoriam

RAF Banter Monty Python

https: //www.dailymotion.com/video/x2yvw86
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