I went to 75th anniversary of B17 crash in Sheffield this morning

You've got that right, the main culprits Micawber, Guno, Reagansghost and Moon will never be allowed into any of my threads ever again. Truly disgusting excuses for human beings.

Just people that object to your nauseating politics , foul accusations, racism, misogyny , cowardice and mod-hugging, maggot. People that would like to deliver you to the taxidermist.
Just people that object to your nauseating politics , foul accusations, racism, misogyny , cowardice and mod-hugging, maggot. People that would like to deliver you to the taxidermist.

How am I a coward? You're the one that refuses to state your nationality or religious affiliation, preferring to skulk behind a keyboard instead

Come to Sheffield and tell me that to my face, then we'll see who the real coward is. You're just a nasty PC pontificating cunt and you will be barred from each and every one of my future threads.
Come to Sheffield and tell me that to my face, then we'll see who the real coward is.

So you're in Alabama, maggot. Make yourself visible to the Nation.

You're just a nasty PC pontificating cunt and you will be barred from each and every one of my future threads.

I'm going to miss sticking it to you, maggot. Enjoy preaching to the other rubber morons in your club, unopposed.
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Now that's a thought that would only occur to an asshole that would do it.

My deceased father (a WWII veteran) was insulted for flying an American
flag on this very forum by one of you leftist scum so that's mild compared
to what some of you have thought.

Here's another example of the left's "thoughts" of heroes
"Westboro Baptist Church has issued a statement saying it will protest the funeral of slain Sgt. Dillon Baldridge in Ashe County on Friday."
My deceased father (a WWII veteran) was insulted for flying an American
flag on this very forum by one of you leftist scum so that's mild compared
to what some of you have thought.

Well- that goes some way to explaining why you're a bigoted imbecile.

Enjoy rolling in maggot shit.
Another tribute to brave men.

Today in 1945 US Marines raised the American flag on Mount Suribachi, during the Battle of Iwo Jima.
My deceased father (a WWII veteran) was insulted for flying an American
flag on this very forum by one of you leftist scum so that's mild compared
to what some of you have thought.

Here's another example of the left's "thoughts" of heroes
"Westboro Baptist Church has issued a statement saying it will protest the funeral of slain Sgt. Dillon Baldridge in Ashe County on Friday."

It seems to me, honestly, that it is not very decent or respectable to use a 'national' flag to stand for an extremist political group. It is like the way the Nazis use the unionist flag over here, as if we hadn't beaten them and their Great Leader without any silly ragwaving that mattered at all!

They had the flypast at 8:45am, very moving ceremony attended by thousands. The pilot circled Endcliffe Park twice to avoid killing some children playing but the last good engine failed and they hit some trees and all ten of the crew died. It's good to see that this hasn't been forgotten by the people of Sheffield and the BBC did a great job covering the event.


Great video Tom. Thanks for posting it. As you know My great Uncle (my paternal grandfathers brother in-law) served in the 8th AAF as a B-17 copilot and earned the distinguished flying cross. He was shot down over Austria and served out the rest of the war as a German POW and came within a gnats ass of being executed by the Bosch.

Those of us across the pond who’s family members served there appreciate the fact that you Brits honor and remember their service and sacrifice to our common cause.

Thank you.
I guess the B-17 was staged there for D-Day? People forget Britain was one gaint airfield then - I can't recall where the US ships though steamed from to Normandy
OMG the AAF and B-17 groups were staged there two years before D-Day and operated the day time bombing operations over Germany. They suffered some of the highest attrition rates of WWII Where the average life expectancy was 12 missions when 25 or more missions were required. That didn’t change until late 1944 when the long range fighter P-51 Mustang came into service.
OMG the AAF and B-17 groups were staged there two years before D-Day and operated the day time bombing operations over Germany. They suffered some of the highest attrition rates of WWII Where the average life expectancy was 12 missions when 25 or more missions were required. That didn’t change until late 1944 when the long range fighter P-51 Mustang came into service.

Yes, the people that decided policy back then refused to change to night time bombing like the RAF. Hence, in 1943 especially, the number of men and planes lost was just crazy. The theory was that it was far more accurate to bomb in daytime and they could use the famed Norden bombsight. Of course much of the time it was near useless because the skies were far too cloudy for it to work properly.
Just went down to the park earlier, when I get a moment will post some pictures...watch this space!!

Here is a picture of the memorial and Tony Foulds. Wonderful man, he told some great stories.

He was talking to the US ambassador in the first picture.



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maggot- post a pic of the house that the bomber climbed to avoid. Unless it doesn't sit well in your narrative, of course.
It should be just 100 yards east of the younger trees in the wood that the aircraft hit. The site of impact is still visible by way of this newer growth, according to recent observers.