I went to 75th anniversary of B17 crash in Sheffield this morning

oh sorry tom I didn't realize you posted your personal blog in current events.

I will either move or close this thread. The first person to say either "move" or "close", I will do that action.
oh sorry tom I didn't realize you posted your personal blog in current events.

I will either move or close this thread. The first person to say either "move" or "close", I will do that action.

The only thing personal about it is that I attended the event today, it was reported both nationally on BBC TV and radio plus it got coverage in the US as well. You did a good thing banning McSquawker and Guano don't spoil it by being a dick.
The only thing personal about it is that I attended the event today, it was reported both nationally on BBC TV and radio plus it got coverage in the US as well. You did a good thing banning McSquawker and Guano don't spoil it by being a dick.

this is not appropriate for a current event posting. It should be in off topic. I close lots of peoples threads. In fact I am being kind to you more so than the vast majority of others because I am giving you or anyone the option to still move the thread and keep everything in tact and able to still be discussed, rather than it being closed.
They were bombing a German airfield in Denmark ffs, why do good people die when arseholes like you get to live?

They were intending to drop a 4,000lb bomb on Aalborg , maggot, and you don't know who the fuck they would have killed had they got there.
Further- the official reports state that the pilot climbed to avoid a house- as anybody would do- and crashed 100 yards further on- so it would appear that ' avoiding children in the park ' is a bit of a stretch. You don't know. I don't know. However, you're a fucking war-glorifier and I'm not. The more you glorify it the more naive kids will get sucked in.

These were the ' septics ' as you call them, maggot, who formed the aircrew of the ' Mi Amigo '. That's Mexican, ain't it ? Ain't you one the assholes that want to wall them off ?

Lt John Kriegshauser
John Humphrey
Robert Mayfield
Charles Tuttle
Vito Ambrosio
George Williams
Lyle Curtis
Melchor Hernandex
Harry Estabrooks
Maurice Robbins

Take note all ye who shed a tear. Almost exactly one year after this incident US and British bombers incinerated approximately 25,000 German civilians in Dresden.
Shove your glorifications up your hypocritical asses.
this is not appropriate for a current event posting. It should be in off topic. I close lots of peoples threads. In fact I am being kind to you more so than the vast majority of others because I am giving you or anyone the option to still move the thread and keep everything in tact and able to still be discussed, rather than it being closed.

So move it to Off Topic then, no big deal!!
They were intending to drop a 4,000lb bomb on Aalborg , maggot, and you don't know who the fuck they would have killed had they got there.
Further- the official reports state that the pilot climbed to avoid a house- as anybody would do- and crashed 100 yards further on- so it would appear that ' avoiding children in the park ' is a bit of a stretch. You don't know. I don't know. However, you're a fucking war-glorifier and I'm not. The more you glorify it the more naive kids will get sucked in.

These were the ' septics ' as you call them, maggot, who formed the aircrew of the ' Mi Amigo '. That's Mexican, ain't it ? Ain't you one the assholes that want to wall them off ?

Lt John Kriegshauser
John Humphrey
Robert Mayfield
Charles Tuttle
Vito Ambrosio
George Williams
Lyle Curtis
Melchor Hernandex
Harry Estabrooks
Maurice Robbins

Take note all ye who shed a tear. Almost exactly one year after this incident US and British bombers incinerated approximately 25,000 German civilians in Dresden.
Shove your glorifications up your hypocritical asses.

Fuck.you arsehole, I was there this morning and the guy told the story of how the B-17 wanted to land but he and his pals were in the way. So seriously just go fuck yourself you ignorant twat.
Fuck.you arsehole, I was there this morning and the guy told the story of how the B-17 wanted to land but he and his pals were in the way. So seriously just go fuck yourself you ignorant twat.

The guy's narrative contradicts the official record.

Shove your Union Jock up your jaxie.
Lighten up everybody!

It's nice to have other thread topics to choose from than just the usual "Trump Is God" and "Trump is the Devil himself" threads!

Or the usual "Liberals Suck Threads" and the "Republicans Hate-bating" threads!

If the thread author attended a current event, For Heaven's Sake- I see no reason why he should not post his experience here in the "Current Event" category!

They had the flypast at 8:45am, very moving ceremony attended by thousands. The pilot circled Endcliffe Park twice to avoid killing some children playing but the last good engine failed and they hit some trees and all ten of the crew died. It's good to see that this hasn't been forgotten by the people of Sheffield and the BBC did a great job covering the event.


Very cool. Great tribute to the heroic pilot and crew.
Lighten up everybody!

It's nice to have other thread topics to choose from than just the usual "Trump Is God" and "Trump is the Devil himself" threads!

Or the usual "Liberals Suck Threads" and the "Republicans Hate-bating" threads!

If the thread author attended a current event, For Heaven's Sake- I see no reason why he should not post his experience here in the "Current Event" category!

Well exactly but there you go. The ones I detest are people like Micawber, Moon, Guno and Reagan's Ghost that tried to derail the thread with their nastiness. I think a lot of people have seen through them, they will never be allowed in one of my threads again.
The guy's narrative contradicts the official record.

Shove your Union Jock up your jaxie.

God you're such an arsehole, he was there!! I live very close to that park and know that it is surrounded by houses which he had to avoid whilst circling around. The poor bastard only had one engine out of four still working, why are you always such a dopey cunt!

Anyway, you're banned from all my threads in future. I want them to be a twat free zones and just can't stand your bullshit any more.
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You can't take being exposed, maggot. Again- the OFFICIAL report states that the aircraft climbed to avoid a house.
Your dissemination of the OTHER story is simply attention-seeking from a Brit asshole who refers to Americans as 'septic tanks ' and actually PRAISES fascists who murder children in the Middle East.
Of course, anybody that ranks themselves as ' censor ' on a political forum is a cowardly asshole. What are you, maggot ? haw, haw........haw.
You can't take being exposed, maggot. Again- the OFFICIAL report states that the aircraft climbed to avoid a house.
Your dissemination of the OTHER story is simply attention-seeking from a Brit asshole who refers to Americans as 'septic tanks ' and actually PRAISES fascists who murder children in the Middle East.
Of course, anybody that ranks themselves as ' censor ' on a political forum is a cowardly asshole. What are you, maggot ? haw, haw........haw.

Goodbye, cunt!!
I read about the guy who has been tending the graves yesterday or the day before that, HM, and was moved by the story.

As an ex-airman myself, it is almost impossible for me to see the Missing Man Formation without tearing up...so know that I have tears in my eyes while typing right now. My guess is the memory will be with me for the rest of the day.

My time at RAF Sturgate and RAF East Kirkby back in the 1950's are among the greatest memories I have. I used to eat at an RAF canteen (we called it the NAFFI) in Lincoln often...and the RAF guys there treated us as brothers...and we did the same back to them. The friction that sometimes occurs between different forces NEVER raised it ugly head during my stay in the UK.

Thanks for this reminder of a very special guy, Tony Foulds...a man willing to devote so much time to doing what he has done over the years.

ASIDE: I had an opportunity to be aboard a B17 a few years back...The Yankee Lady. A good buddy of mine is (was) its chief pilot. Hell of a plane.

This is The Yankee Lady in flight:


I didn't know you were ex AF. Damn we have something in common.
Thank you for your service. Now I just have to turn you from the dark side. :laugh: