I went to 75th anniversary of B17 crash in Sheffield this morning

I averaged 50.6 mpg on the trip using eco cruise. I’m a little hungry. And my arch itches but not enough to make me take off my shoe and scratch it. I should probably pick up some kitchen bags on the way home. I wish I wasn’t using my data right now. What’s that sign say? It’s hard to make out from here.
I guess the B-17 was staged there for D-Day? People forget Britain was one gaint airfield then - I can't recall where the US ships though steamed from to Normandy
I guess the B-17 was staged there for D-Day? People forget Britain was one gaint airfield then - I can't recall where the US ships though steamed from to Normandy

B-17s were here well before D-Day, indeed that particular one was returning from a raid on Denmark in February 1944.
B-17s were here well before D-Day, indeed that particular one was returning from a raid on Denmark in February 1944.
The great things the US could do back then ( and of course Great Britain as well). I dont think we could rally like that again -we've lost much of our identity/purpose to nonsense
He ought to run a sock for his ' Dr.Jeckyll ' side.

Anybody giving maggot the benefit of the doubt is sorely deluded.

I have no idea why he is so sore at me for chatting up his thread. He said what he wanted to.” I’m a great guy who does culturally significant shit. “. Does he need a nobel prize?
The great things the US could do back then ( and of course Great Britain as well). I dont think we could rally like that again -we've lost much of our identity/purpose to nonsense

The saddest thing is that Mi Amigo was just one of ten planes that crashed on that one day in 1944, certainly makes you think.
It's wonderful that this man's dream came true, and to see so many people turn out for the ceremony... that crowd size is amazing. I can understand how the memory of the crash would stay in Mr. Foulds' mind forever. He was too young to have a tragedy of that magnitude happen right in front of him. And for it to happen during the war when every plane and pilot counted... I can't imagine.

Things a long time back can stay in the mind, but more if you knew someone involved, I think. Just after the German surrender Churchill noticed that Norway was full of German troops, that the man in charge was a wanted war criminal with nothing to lose, and the U-boat commanders there were refusing to obey the surrender order from Doenitz. It suddenly struck the Hero of 1910 that he should send paratroops in case the Master Race should decide to make a Last Stand amongst the Aryan snows. The weather, though, was appalling, and almost all planes were grounded, but for some reason just three were sent anyway, God knows why - perhaps the Tory Fuhrer realised a Rhondda boy was involved? They all crashed and everyone died. Just a few years back, the Norwegians decided to put up a memorial. Those who remembered my Uncle still cared, strongly: more than half the British there were family. I think the Sheffield bloke may be overdoing it, but the War affected a lot of people. It was incredible to see bits of the plane still lying up there amongst the trees! Those were rough old times. fair play!
It's wonderful that this man's dream came true, and to see so many people turn out for the ceremony... that crowd size is amazing. I can understand how the memory of the crash would stay in Mr. Foulds' mind forever. He was too young to have a tragedy of that magnitude happen right in front of him. And for it to happen during the war when every plane and pilot counted... I can't imagine.

Yes I couldn't agree more, truly magnificent man.

They had the flypast at 8:45am, very moving ceremony attended by thousands. The pilot circled Endcliffe Park twice to avoid killing some children playing but the last good engine failed and they hit some trees and all ten of the crew died. It's good to see that this hasn't been forgotten by the people of Sheffield and the BBC did a great job covering the event.


This is outstanding. Anyone who cannot understand what they did needs to check themselves morally. Carry on.