Stop spazzing out on my threads Water. If you're going to drink coffee relegate yourself to thornicus or top threads.
OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCANDAL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Has anyone ever heard of satire? Like making fun of the people who believe that's how Obama lives?
No. That's crazy talk.
What reasonable person takes the New Yorker seriously anyway?
Seymour Hersh has been wailing for years that an invasion of Iran is imminent.
if this election will finally put a rest to the ludicrous claims by the scum on the right of a liberal media.
Clearly.it's called irony. Do you really believe the New Yorker thinks obama is a muslim terrorist?
it's called irony. Do you really believe the New Yorker thinks obama is a muslim terrorist?
LOL, the cover was clearly meant to be satire making fun of the image the republicans want to push on Obama. I'm with Watermark on this.... dumbasses.
LOL, the cover was clearly meant to be satire making fun of the image the republicans want to push on Obama. I'm with Watermark on this.... dumbasses.
I disagree. It’s not clear at all. It’s an extremely ugly, searing image.
And the message it sears into its viewer is not “republicans are stupid bigots”. The message it sears is “the obamas are dangerous, anti-american black radicals.”
It takes the right wing message about the Obamas and encapsulates it into one violent image. It’s the kind of image that, widely disseminated, can lose an election.
Maybe you and Watermark are too dumb to know that.
I would love for some dumbass to come up to me and say 'Obama is a radical black muslim, even the New Yorker, a liberal rag, agrees. Check out this cover.' I would then grab the magazine and open it up for them to see that the dumbass is being made fun of all throughout the article. People who instantly take a look at that and assume it's the truth need to out themselves for being retarded, then instantly laughed at and made to feel inferior.
The title of the article, "The Politics of Fear" would pretty much inform people what it is about. Methinks that people are upset because three people who wouldn't vote anyway might see it and think that it is reality.
I understand why you are upset. I added to the post.The title appears no place on the cover.
I'm upset because it's an ugly smear. Why don't you stick to figuring out why you're upset?
Images are visceral. I think that if you had some marketing courses you wouldn’t be so blasé about this. Read some Edward Bernays, seriously.