This post right there shows that just like the Southern bigot that you are (look away look away look away), you have bought into every vicious and false rumor and stereotype about the Obamas that are circulating within the right wing.
I don’t get the feeling that many here actually know what satire is supposed to be, but it needs to start with some sort of truth. The New Yorker might think that they are satirizing boobs like you, and in that, there is truth. So t hat would indeed, qualify as satire. However, the actual drawing comes across as smearing the Obamas, and since normal Americans understand that there is no truth in the right wing claim that the Obama’s are anti-american, or black militants, or that Michelle is some sort of armed weatherman, then it can only be a smear, not satire.
Whatever their intention is not relevant. The result is what matters. And the result is that bigoted boobs like yourself, as the poll being taken on worldnetdaily shows, see this as an actual depiction of what the Obamas stand for.