I Wonder

Most racist bigots don't think they're racist bigots.

Take that point a step further, most bigots do not believe they are bigots!

Think about it, when have you EVER heard anyone admit they are a bigot?

I could give you the usual spiel about how I have black friends, and how I've done this or that for the black community through the years, or how my parents were proudly a part of the Selma-Montgomery march, but it won't change your mind about me, I use the name "Dixie" and have a rebel flag on my avatar, and I am from Alabama, so I must be a redneck racist bigot in your mind. That, my friend, is the classic example of Bigotry. Live with it, Bigot!

This is the cartoon you and other liberals chuckled off as nothing but "satire" and said we righties should learn to take a joke. It is just as offensive to me as the Obama cover is to you, but the point is, BOTH were the work of the Liberal Media!

That's no satire.
Most of the time I do. Some are just not wise enough to understand them.
But sometimes I am just razzin.

Darla and others on here recognized the point on this thread. Others did not. The ones who did not pretty mush followed lines I expected them to.

US, you're a dumbass. Go away.
The only thing I am "bigoted" about is Liberalism. I think it is nothing but pure Socialism in drag, and those who support it are Godless, Socialist scum. You can search the database here and you won't find me making racist bigoted remarks, or supporting such remarks from others. I believe firmly in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., that we should judge men by the content of their character and not the color of their skin, and I live by this example every day of my life.

Because I am from Alabama, my moniker is "Dixie" and my avatar contains a "rebel flag" you, in your bigotry, can only perceive me as being a certain stereotypical way. Which is precisely why I do that, just to illustrate your own bigotry and prejudice. But, as with most bigots, you can't see that, you just continue on in your bigoted ignorance.

Lyrics to the song 'Dixie':

I wish I was in de land ob cotton,
Old times dar am not forgotten;
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
In Dixie Land whar I was born in,
Early on one frosty mornin,
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.

The remaining verses drift into the common minstrel idiom of a comical plantation scenario, "supposedly [depicting] the gayer side of life for slaves on Southern plantations":[15]

Old Missus marry "Will-de-weaber,"
Willium was a gay deceaber;
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
But when he put his arm around'er,
He smilled as fierce as a forty-pound'er,
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.

The final verse mixes nonsense and dance steps with the freed-slave scenario:

Dar's buck-wheat cakes an 'Ingen' batter,
Makes you fat or a little fatter;
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
Den hoe it down an scratch your grabble,
To Dixie land I'm bound to trabble.
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.[16]

That's a slave reminiscing about the good old times before he was free, BTW.
Rich white women whose fathers left them multi-million dollar fortunes, are allowed to walk around with their tits hanging out while they fuck married men and steal them from their crippled wives.

Again, Darla exposes her liberal hypocrisy. When Bill Clinton (married) was being investigated by Ken Starr and later impeached, all we heard was how this was all about his personal sex life with (unmarried) Monica Lewinsky, and none of our business, and it didn't have a thing to do with how he did his job. Now, just a few years later, it is SOOOOO wrong and needs to be continually pointed out. Which one is it, Darla? Does the man's personal sex life matter, or not? Why are you contradicting yourself now? My guess is, because you are a political hack for the left, and blind to your own hypocrisy.
Again, Darla exposes her liberal hypocrisy. When Bill Clinton (married) was being investigated by Ken Starr and later impeached, all we heard was how this was all about his personal sex life with (unmarried) Monica Lewinsky, and none of our business, and it didn't have a thing to do with how he did his job. Now, just a few years later, it is SOOOOO wrong and needs to be continually pointed out. Which one is it, Darla? Does the man's personal sex life matter, or not? Why are you contradicting yourself now? My guess is, because you are a political hack for the left, and blind to your own hypocrisy.

I was responding to this post:


They sure did capture the true Obama in all his glory, just another fucking anti-American, flag burning muslim terrorist giving his whore wife the bump."

But you ignored that. You like it when your comrades call Michelle Obama a whore, don't you Dix? It makes you lick your lips, doesn't it?

You liked it when your comrades called Hillary a lesbian, didn't you Dix? It made you lick your lips.

Now, you've got an actual whore on your hands. One who fucked a guy who was married to a crippled woman, and who broke that marriage up.

But, she's a repuke whore, so then, that's OK.

Not by me though.
I was responding to this post:


They sure did capture the true Obama in all his glory, just another fucking anti-American, flag burning muslim terrorist giving his whore wife the bump."

But you ignored that. You like it when your comrades call Michelle Obama a whore, don't you Dix? It makes you lick your lips, doesn't it?

You liked it when your comrades called Hillary a lesbian, didn't you Dix? It made you lick your lips.

Now, you've got an actual whore on your hands. One who fucked a guy who was married to a crippled woman, and who broke that marriage up.

But, she's a repuke whore, so then, that's OK.

Not by me though.

I don't really care who is a whore or who is fucking whom. I merely pointed out how you supported Clinton through all the Monica-gate stuff, lecturing us about how it's his personal life and about sex, and wasn't important. Now, it is suddenly so important you can't help but point it out over and over again. What changed? When did you suddenly become a moral crusader for the fidelity of marriage in a political leader? OR did anything change? If some scandal breaks about Obama having an affair, are we going to hear the same indifference we heard with Clinton, or will you still be on this new found moral crusade? My guess is, you would drop your petty little smears on McCain and go back to lecturing us on how the man's sex life is none of our business. You are a typical liberal hack and hypocrite.
OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCANDAL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has anyone ever heard of satire? Like making fun of the people who believe that's how Obama lives?

No. That's crazy talk.


The problem is, some people won't bother to read the caption, they will just see the picture and for them, it will confirm every misconception they have about Obama.
Yes, that is the explanation the artist is giving.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and the thousand word story that this picture tells is not what he claims he wanted it to be. So, he failed. And the New Yorker never should have ran it.
Amen, a good point.
The problem is, some people won't bother to read the caption, they will just see the picture and for them, it will confirm every misconception they have about Obama.
Without the objections of the campaign it is doubtful that any of them would ever see the picture. The kind of people who believe this do not read the New Yorker.

I think that they are again masterfully controlling the conversation. This will help him more the earlier the myths are dispelled.
Without the objections of the campaign it is doubtful that any of them would ever see the picture. The kind of people who believe this do not read the New Yorker.

I think that they are again masterfully controlling the conversation. This will help him more the earlier the myths are dispelled.

The cover image popped up on Drudge before the controversy broke out in the general media.

You are being a bit delusional Damo? Or intentionally apologetic ?