Ia person is a complete butt hole.


Well-known member
If a person is a privately and publicly a complete butt hole can that person be an effective president? If not why? Please be precise in your reasons pro or con.
If a person is a privately and publicly a complete butt hole can that person be an effective president? If not why? Please be precise in your reasons pro or con.

I do not accept the premise underlying your question

The problem is not Trump being a jerk.

The problem is, by presidential standards, he is a pathological liar, very stupid, shockingly uniformed, and completely lacking the etiquette and temperament the office of the presidency calls for.
If a person is a privately and publicly a complete butt hole can that person be an effective president? If not why? Please be precise in your reasons pro or con.

I think we have to define "butt hole" first. What does that mean to most of us?

If we reach an agreement that "butt hole" = cruel, petty, weak, bullying, dishonest, cheating (in all senses of that word), rude, belligerent, unable to compromise, lacking in empathy then I would say no, that person is not a good person nor would he/she make a good leader in a modern ostensibly-free country like the U.S. Leading free people requires a lot of empathy -- understanding what issues they face and also how the opposition party feels about things. A good leader would ask him/herself: "How can I work with the other side to address these issues that concern our people?"

We haven't seen any of *that* around lately, at the top, eh?
If a person is a privately and publicly a complete butt hole can that person be an effective president? If not why? Please be precise in your reasons pro or con.

see folks

a sociopath or a russo bot hole

totally broken brained thinking behind this compassionless non fully working human brain

does it really matter whether its a bot or an evil human devoid of love of their fellow man?

being a russo bot hole would be an improvement

it could be reprogrammed

a sociopathic human is broken forever
I think we have to define "butt hole" first. What does that mean to most of us?

If we reach an agreement that "butt hole" = cruel, petty, weak, bullying, dishonest, cheating (in all senses of that word), rude, belligerent, unable to compromise, lacking in empathy then I would say no, that person is not a good person nor would he/she make a good leader in a modern ostensibly-free country like the U.S. Leading free people requires a lot of empathy -- understanding what issues they face and also how the opposition party feels about things. A good leader would ask him/herself: "How can I work with the other side to address these issues that concern our people?"

We haven't seen any of *that* around lately, at the top, eh?

which is why I call them bot holes
I do not accept the premise underlying your question

The problem is not Trump being a jerk.

The problem is, by presidential standards, he is a pathological liar, very stupid, shockingly uniformed, and completely lacking the etiquette and temperament the office of the presidency calls for.

So you are saying that Trump is a nice guy just a bad president. LMAO
I think we have to define "butt hole" first. What does that mean to most of us?

If we reach an agreement that "butt hole" = cruel, petty, weak, bullying, dishonest, cheating (in all senses of that word), rude, belligerent, unable to compromise, lacking in empathy then I would say no, that person is not a good person nor would he/she make a good leader in a modern ostensibly-free country like the U.S. Leading free people requires a lot of empathy -- understanding what issues they face and also how the opposition party feels about things. A good leader would ask him/herself: "How can I work with the other side to address these issues that concern our people?"

We haven't seen any of *that* around lately, at the top, eh?

You pretty much got his personality down. I disagree that that automatically makes him a bad president. In some aspects yes in others no.
see folks

a sociopath or a russo bot hole

totally broken brained thinking behind this compassionless non fully working human brain

does it really matter whether its a bot or an evil human devoid of love of their fellow man?

being a russo bot hole would be an improvement

it could be reprogrammed

a sociopathic human is broken forever

I have never seen anyone as hung up on Russia as you. At first you had some points but now you are just laughable.
Trump is a despicable human being.
If that's what you want for a President,that's on you.
Trump is a joke and embarrassment
to the world.
If a person is a privately and publicly a complete butt hole can that person be an effective president? If not why? Please be precise in your reasons pro or con.

He possibly could be. But if you are referring to Trump, then I would say 'No'.

Why would Trump take the US out of the Paris Accord?
Why would Trump take the US out of the Iran Nuke Deal?
Why would Trump stab our most trusted ally in the Middle East, the Kurds, in the back?
Why would Trump roll back 50 years of Environmental Protections?
Why has Trump campaigned on a 'Us' and 'Them' theme of division?
Why has Trump lied so many times, no one ever believes ANYTHING that comes out of his mouth?

Trump is worthless as a President of the United States.
I have never seen anyone as hung up on Russia as you. At first you had some points but now you are just laughable.

8 USA intel agencies determined Russia did do it

A senate investigation determined Russia did do it

they both say hew STILL DOING IT

FACTS don't have EXPERATION dates you simple minded sociopath
You pretty much got his personality down. I disagree that that automatically makes him a bad president. In some aspects yes in others no.

his actions make him a bad president

the fact that Putin owns and operates his actions make him a bad president
8 USA intel agencies determined Russia did do it

A senate investigation determined Russia did do it

they both say hew STILL DOING IT

FACTS don't have EXPERATION dates you simple minded sociopath
This is not kind;( Or the truth....
You pretty much got his personality down. I disagree that that automatically makes him a bad president. In some aspects yes in others no.

Hmm, care to elaborate in what ways you believe that he is "good"?

The problem with being a narcissistic and weak person is that you have a constant need for attention and applause. You base your decisions not on what is good for the people you are leading, but on how your decisions will play to your supporters.

Let's use immigration as an example. A narcissistic and weak POTUS will whip his base into frenzies over illegal immigration, promise to build giant walls to protect them (and make the country of origin pay for it nyuck nyuck). He won't look at all the good people and positive attributes they've brought. He will focus on crime, disease, filth, skin color, language, etc. to promote fear and anger. He will tell them that judges who are U.S. citizens who are of that ethnicity cannot be fair because of their ethnic background. He will refuse to work with the other side to craft a sensible reform plan that will allow *some* immigrants to remain or enter, but not all because we must care for our own citizens first. When nothing works he will move on to the next Concern Du Jour and repeat the process.

This isn't leadership. It's a h.s. bully trying to stay popular by appealing to the worst instincts of his ever-shrinking fan club.
You're just not a kind period....you should close your thread on "kindness"....immediately;)
I hope you plan on hugging, not spitting, tomorrow;)

You're a piece of shit,you don't no shit about kindness!
Is tomorrow going to be another MLK jr day,where you claim to be doing wonderful things all day.
But are here all day posting your bullshit!