Ia person is a complete butt hole.

Simple. Everything else is subjective and open to interpretation I say he is doing well fighting terrorism you say he isn't I say we need a wall you say we don't.

How's that wall coming along BTW? :rofl2:

Seems like the gullible idiots don't care to talk about it anymore.
Sure thing. From https://nleomf.org/facts-figures/causes-of-law-enforcement-deaths


Obama's first 3 years in office 183, Trumps 3 years in office 137.
Your chart and https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/07/us/2019-officers-killed-trnd/index.html

Crime is down overall but can we attribute it all to only Trump or Obama? I don't believe so I think both had an effect.
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Obama's first 3 years in office 183, Trumps 3 years in office 137.
Your chart and https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/07/us/2019-officers-killed-trnd/index.html

Averages show a more accurate picture. Obama's tenure averaged 53.625 LEO deaths by firearm per year. TRE45ON so far averages 45.666 per year. So (given the shorter time span of course) so far TRE45ON is somewhat lower than Obama. Disclaimer: I used the figure of 38 in 2019 given in your link to get Trump's total. Otherwise, his average over the first two years would have been 49.5.
Averages show a more accurate picture. Obama's tenure averaged 53.625 LEO deaths by firearm per year. TRE45ON so far averages 45.666 per year. So (given the shorter time span of course) so far TRE45ON is somewhat lower than Obama. Disclaimer: I used the figure of 38 in 2019 given in your link to get Trump's total. Otherwise, his average over the first two years would have been 49.5.

I added after your reply that I don't believe only one of them is responsible for the overall drop in crime. I believe both have had an effect.
I added after your reply that I don't believe only one of them is responsible for the overall drop in crime. I believe both have had an effect.

Crime rates tend to rise when the economy is poor and fall when it's better. I agree -- trying to pin LEO deaths on a particular president is a dumb idea and gives a false picture. After all, if you look at the chart I posted in Post #36, police fatalities were much higher in the 1980s. Who was president then?

LiG has a visceral hatred of Obama and is willing to pin just about anything on him to make him look bad. You might as well blame him for this too. lol

Crime rates tend to rise when the economy is poor and fall when it's better. I agree -- trying to pin LEO deaths on a particular president is a dumb idea and gives a false picture. After all, if you look at the chart I posted in Post #36, police fatalities were much higher in the 1980s. Who was president then?

LiG has a visceral hatred of Obama and is willing to pin just about anything on him to make him look bad. You might as well blame him for this too. lol

I can't blame LIG as she is only stating her opinion of Obama just like you and I along with others state opinions of Trump.
I can't blame LIG as she is only stating her opinion of Obama just like you and I along with others state opinions of Trump.

I don't blame her either. However, don't you think that if you want your opinion to be considered that it should be based on actual facts rather than wishful thinking? Otherwise it's just more noise and bullshit. The gods know we already have more than our share of that.
I do not accept the premise underlying your question

The problem is not Trump being a jerk.

The problem is, by presidential standards, he is a pathological liar, very stupid, shockingly uniformed, and completely lacking the etiquette and temperament the office of the presidency calls for.

Strange how someone you consider all those things, and I don't agree with you, could so handily kick the ass of someone your black boy said was the most qualified to ever run for the office.
I do not accept the premise underlying your question

The problem is not Trump being a jerk.

The problem is, by presidential standards, he is a pathological liar, very stupid, shockingly uniformed, and completely lacking the etiquette and temperament the office of the presidency calls for.

"I long for the days Republican Presidents let the left and MSM shit and piss on him without saying a word."

See; W Booosh

Thank God, those days are over.