APP - Identical Twins, One Gay, One Ain't


Loyal to the end
I know the straight one personally and have met her twin several times. The straight one's been married for over eleven years and they have a ten year old girl. The gay one has a domestic partner who's much younger and got her artificially inseminated.

So if they're born that way, how come one's gay and the other ain't?
I know the straight one personally and have met her twin several times. The straight one's been married for over eleven years and they have a ten year old girl. The gay one has a domestic partner who's much younger and got her artificially inseminated.

So if they're born that way, how come one's gay and the other ain't?

So they have the same fingerprints?
Fingerprints, like their chosen sexuality, are different.

That is your claim, but I see nothing to back it up. You are claiming that they are identical twins, and so everything about them (including their sexual orientation) must be the same if it is something they are born with. But their fingerprints are different, so may their sexual orientation be different.
So one chooses to live with a man and bear children and the other chooses to live with a woman. I see no proof that they are not both gay. Being married to the opposite sex does not prove some one is not gay, Simple Man.
I know the straight one personally and have met her twin several times. The straight one's been married for over eleven years and they have a ten year old girl. The gay one has a domestic partner who's much younger and got her artificially inseminated.

So if they're born that way, how come one's gay and the other ain't?

UHHHHHHHHHHHHHH; because they're not the same person, DUH!!