APP - Identical Twins, One Gay, One Ain't

I know the straight one personally and have met her twin several times. The straight one's been married for over eleven years and they have a ten year old girl. The gay one has a domestic partner who's much younger and got her artificially inseminated.

So if they're born that way, how come one's gay and the other ain't?
Learned behavior. Most sexuality is.
I know the straight one personally and have met her twin several times. The straight one's been married for over eleven years and they have a ten year old girl. The gay one has a domestic partner who's much younger and got her artificially inseminated.

So if they're born that way, how come one's gay and the other ain't?
Most research has indicated that homosexuality is learned behavior as is all sexual behavior, however, you are foolish if you think that genetics are the only determinitive influences in biology.
Telling you you deserve a beating for being for being a racist is not a threat of violence. Sorry you felt threatened.
I know the straight one personally and have met her twin several times. The straight one's been married for over eleven years and they have a ten year old girl. The gay one has a domestic partner who's much younger and got her artificially inseminated.

So if they're born that way, how come one's gay and the other ain't?

Because no two people are ever exactly alike.Not even identical twins.