It is my humble opinion that the fact this question is even political is a sign we've gone far off the path of freedom and into a realm of extreme government control. The government isn't the place to define, predict, preserve, promote, or in any way "bless" any type of relationship between free adults who consent to any arrangement. It is flat none of the government's business if we believe that there is any truth at all to the idea that we are the "land of the free".
The government shouldn't be issuing licenses, promoting, defining any consenting relationships at all. If we were "free" they would not, should not, and we should be in arms that the government has stepped into this arena to begin with, instead we spend hours promoting the government step in here and define this, make sure nobody is doing "that", force people to "allow" this...
It's almost sickening how we argue in which direction the government SHOULD interfere in our lives rather than demand the government GTFO of our lives. By attempting to promote a certain "family" situation we have allowed government, businesses, our neighbors, et al to judge and define our actions so that we can obtain a specific "benefit" or "blessing" bestowed by government onto us... We allow them to gather information on even the minutest points of our lives so that we can receive more "blessing" (read: benefit) from our government. It is insane we let them go there and still call ourselves free.
One has to remember that at the time the country was formed there was enough space for individuals to do their own thing. People had a chance to homestead and isolate themselves from others, if they so wished. That is not the case today. Housing, food, etc. involves a "chain of command", for lack of a better term. We can no more give a hungry person a rifle and tell him to hunt for food than we can sponsor a land rush for the homeless.
The primary purpose behind government supporting marriage is marriage provided the best framework in which to raise children. The "little savages" were taught proper conduct. Today, with an extensive public school system and, in the future, providing daycare we can take another look at marriage.
The idea traditional marriage is the foundation for family and society as espoused by Conservatives is because it was and, to a certain extent, still is. Changing the definition and/or make-up of marriage would be much easier if the primary reason, that of child rearing, was addressed and that's where government can play an important roll.
Schools, day care, after school programs, counseling (more along the lines of an adult in whom a child can confide)....all the necessary tools to ensure each child receives a well-rounded view of the world and not just the views of the parent(s). I think that would go a long way to counter-act the objections to changing the roll and definition of marriage.