APP - Identical Twins, One Gay, One Ain't

Your stupidity is doing nothing but opening the door for someone else to begin a discussion about you burying your dick in someone's vagina (possibly a family member, since you opened that door).
And if you're to stupid to realize this, then there is absolutely no hope for you.

Wow. You're really desperate now. :lol:
Wow. You're really desperate now. :lol:

Laugh all you want; because you contine and the minute that anyone reverses your attitude on, regarding making comments about family and sex acts, I predict that you'll immediatly go into another one of your "I'm righteously offended and have the right to repay insult for insult" tirades.
But you go right ahead and I'll be here to laugh, when you have your hissy meltdown.
Laugh all you want; because you contine and the minute that anyone reverses your attitude on, regarding making comments about family and sex acts, I predict that you'll immediatly go into another one of your "I'm righteously offended and have the right to repay insult for insult" tirades.
But you go right ahead and I'll be here to laugh, when you have your hissy meltdown.
I've long decided not to get upset when debate losers like you have a hissy fit and resort to attacks on my family. Instead I look at as a sure indicator of my victory over you. :)
I've long decided not to get upset when debate losers like you have a hissy fit and resort to attacks on my family. Instead I look at as a sure indicator of my victory over you. :)

So when my opposition resorts to insults aimed at my family it is an indication that I won the debate.

Cool by me.
No doubt you will wonder about shit like that. Creepy.

No, not really. I just enjoy watching you dance around and try to get pissy with other people for doing exactly what you do. But your political ideals are just like your personal ideals, its all about you. lol
You resort to baseless value judgments about my motivation and insults since you are too afraid to call things what they are. Hypocrisy typical of a liberal.

Nice evasion. Please answer the question. Why do homosexuals fascinate and scare you? This issue is about 3,598th on my list of political priorities. I'm not really concerned whether gay marriage is permitted or not. It doesn't bother me or affect me that much one way or the other and I have a gay brother. So why does it fascinate and scare you?
Nice evasion. Please answer the question. Why do homosexuals fascinate and scare you? This issue is about 3,598th on my list of political priorities. I'm not really concerned whether gay marriage is permitted or not. It doesn't bother me or affect me that much one way or the other and I have a gay brother. So why does it fascinate and scare you?

It doesn't do either. The issue does, however, really bug liberals like yourself who are trying to hide from the harsh light of truth. And I just love to skewer liberals. :D
This is going the same way as our last discussion: me logical, you illogical. :)

You were shown links to logical, scientific research showing that identical twins are not always identical.

But you still insist that the identical twins you know, one being straight and the other being gay, has some bearing on the issue.

Logically, you would realize that they don't.
It is my humble opinion that the fact this question is even political is a sign we've gone far off the path of freedom and into a realm of extreme government control. The government isn't the place to define, predict, preserve, promote, or in any way "bless" any type of relationship between free adults who consent to any arrangement. It is flat none of the government's business if we believe that there is any truth at all to the idea that we are the "land of the free".

The government shouldn't be issuing licenses, promoting, defining any consenting relationships at all. If we were "free" they would not, should not, and we should be in arms that the government has stepped into this arena to begin with, instead we spend hours promoting the government step in here and define this, make sure nobody is doing "that", force people to "allow" this...

It's almost sickening how we argue in which direction the government SHOULD interfere in our lives rather than demand the government GTFO of our lives. By attempting to promote a certain "family" situation we have allowed government, businesses, our neighbors, et al to judge and define our actions so that we can obtain a specific "benefit" or "blessing" bestowed by government onto us... We allow them to gather information on even the minutest points of our lives so that we can receive more "blessing" (read: benefit) from our government. It is insane we let them go there and still call ourselves free.
It is my humble opinion that the fact this question is even political is a sign we've gone far off the path of freedom and into a realm of extreme government control. The government isn't the place to define, predict, preserve, promote, or in any way "bless" any type of relationship between free adults who consent to any arrangement. It is flat none of the government's business if we believe that there is any truth at all to the idea that we are the "land of the free".

The government shouldn't be issuing licenses, promoting, defining any consenting relationships at all. If we were "free" they would not, should not, and we should be in arms that the government has stepped into this arena to begin with, instead we spend hours promoting the government step in here and define this, make sure nobody is doing "that", force people to "allow" this...

It's almost sickening how we argue in which direction the government SHOULD interfere in our lives rather than demand the government GTFO of our lives. By attempting to promote a certain "family" situation we have allowed government, businesses, our neighbors, et al to judge and define our actions so that we can obtain a specific "benefit" or "blessing" bestowed by government onto us... We allow them to gather information on even the minutest points of our lives so that we can receive more "blessing" (read: benefit) from our government. It is insane we let them go there and still call ourselves free.

ah, there you go injecting your agenda of using reason to argue a point

i have argued against having government in the marriage business for some time now
I've long decided not to get upset when debate losers like you have a hissy fit and resort to attacks on my family. Instead I look at as a sure indicator of my victory over you. :)

And yet; you continue to remain so obtuse that you aren't even able to see that you're the one who lost, the minute you resorted to your own insults.
Then when I try to point out the path that your going down, you decide to try and denigrate me; because since when does trying to point out your behavior, mean that I'm having a "hissy fit".
The only victory you could ever acheive, is if you would grow up and stop acting like a 12 year old.
You have exhibited, at other times, that you have a cognitive ability that makes exchanges interesting; but instead of continuing, you choose to stick your face in the gutter and blow bubbles.
Your choice.
Its not an insult if its true, dough boy. :)

Then do you have proof that your comment about the Uncle was true?
And I don't suggest that you attempt to take the "high ground" of It was just a question; because that leaves it open for any number of questions, regarding your dick and a certain vagina, being directed towards you.
It is my humble opinion that the fact this question is even political is a sign we've gone far off the path of freedom and into a realm of extreme government control. The government isn't the place to define, predict, preserve, promote, or in any way "bless" any type of relationship between free adults who consent to any arrangement. It is flat none of the government's business if we believe that there is any truth at all to the idea that we are the "land of the free".
The government shouldn't be issuing licenses, promoting, defining any consenting relationships at all. If we were "free" they would not, should not, and we should be in arms that the government has stepped into this arena to begin with, instead we spend hours promoting the government step in here and define this, make sure nobody is doing "that", force people to "allow" this...

It's almost sickening how we argue in which direction the government SHOULD interfere in our lives rather than demand the government GTFO of our lives. By attempting to promote a certain "family" situation we have allowed government, businesses, our neighbors, et al to judge and define our actions so that we can obtain a specific "benefit" or "blessing" bestowed by government onto us... We allow them to gather information on even the minutest points of our lives so that we can receive more "blessing" (read: benefit) from our government. It is insane we let them go there and still call ourselves free.

"It's almost sickening how we argue in which direction the government SHOULD interfere in our lives rather than demand the government GTFO of our lives."

Best line ever!
It is my humble opinion that the fact this question is even political is a sign we've gone far off the path of freedom and into a realm of extreme government control. The government isn't the place to define, predict, preserve, promote, or in any way "bless" any type of relationship between free adults who consent to any arrangement. It is flat none of the government's business if we believe that there is any truth at all to the idea that we are the "land of the free".

The government shouldn't be issuing licenses, promoting, defining any consenting relationships at all. If we were "free" they would not, should not, and we should be in arms that the government has stepped into this arena to begin with, instead we spend hours promoting the government step in here and define this, make sure nobody is doing "that", force people to "allow" this...

It's almost sickening how we argue in which direction the government SHOULD interfere in our lives rather than demand the government GTFO of our lives. By attempting to promote a certain "family" situation we have allowed government, businesses, our neighbors, et al to judge and define our actions so that we can obtain a specific "benefit" or "blessing" bestowed by government onto us... We allow them to gather information on even the minutest points of our lives so that we can receive more "blessing" (read: benefit) from our government. It is insane we let them go there and still call ourselves free.

Your post goes to the core at why Libertarianism is not an effective or desirable governing philosophy.

The reason why government sanctions traditional marriage is is similar to why government sanctions home ownership: it leads to stable families. And stable families are the backbone of a stable society, providing the next generation who will ultimately be leaders, protectors and providers for subsequent generations as well as the segment of the older generation who are unable to provide for themselves. Marriage and home ownership aren't for everyone but they nevertheless provide stability for the entire community.