APP - Identical Twins, One Gay, One Ain't

And yet; you continue to remain so obtuse that you aren't even able to see that you're the one who lost, the minute you resorted to your own insults.
Then when I try to point out the path that your going down, you decide to try and denigrate me; because since when does trying to point out your behavior, mean that I'm having a "hissy fit".
The only victory you could ever acheive, is if you would grow up and stop acting like a 12 year old.
You have exhibited, at other times, that you have a cognitive ability that makes exchanges interesting; but instead of continuing, you choose to stick your face in the gutter and blow bubbles.
Your choice.

Then do you have proof that your comment about the Uncle was true?
And I don't suggest that you attempt to take the "high ground" of It was just a question; because that leaves it open for any number of questions, regarding your dick and a certain vagina, being directed towards you.

Looks like you're been reduced to meaningless drivel. :)
Your post goes to the core at why Libertarianism is not an effective or desirable governing philosophy.

The reason why government sanctions traditional marriage is is similar to why government sanctions home ownership: it leads to stable families. And stable families are the backbone of a stable society, providing the next generation who will ultimately be leaders, protectors and providers for subsequent generations as well as the segment of the older generation who are unable to provide for themselves. Marriage and home ownership aren't for everyone but they nevertheless provide stability for the entire community.

And you have absolutely no evidence that gay families do not provide the exact same benefits to society.
Since you are insisting on a change to the long-held status quo, it is your responsibility to prove your policy won't have a detrimental impact on society.
Since you are insisting on a change to the long-held status quo, it is your responsibility to prove your policy won't have a detrimental impact on society.

I have posted links to study after study after study showing absolutely no difference between kids raised by straight parents and kids raised by gay parents.

The status quo is the gov't sticking its nose where it doesn't belong. But, like smoking in private businesses and telling land owners what they can or can't do with their property, as long as it fits your agenda, you are find with the intrusion.
Losing again, you attempt to deflect with irrelevant issues. Where are said links? Are you referring to articles in progressive magazines that referred to said studies? If so those links aren't exactly scientific analysis. :)
Losing again, you attempt to deflect with irrelevant issues. Where are said links? Are you referring to articles in progressive magazines that referred to said studies? If so those links aren't exactly scientific analysis. :)

Those links were to solid studies by reputable organizations. And I am not deflecting anything. You made a statement about families that you cannot provide backup to.
No they weren't.

"The Child Welfare League of America, in the business of protecting children since 1920, has been unequivocal: "Any attempt to preclude or prevent gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals or couples from parenting, based solely on their sexual orientation, is not in the best interest of children."

The National Adoption Center, American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association agree. Thirty years of research says the same, including a new 17-year study published this month in Pediatrics, the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, concluding that children raised by lesbian parents do better academically, are more confident than their peers and have fewer behavioral problems."

Yeah, who am I to call the APA, The Child Welfare League of America, The National Adoption Center, American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association reputable organizations.
You have two links there. The first is APA, and they have discredited themselves on this issue back in the 1970's. The second is CNN which is not a scientific organization.
You have two links there. The first is APA, and they have discredited themselves on this issue back in the 1970's. The second is CNN which is not a scientific organization.

Yeah, if you actually read the CNN link they quoted The Child Welfare League of America, The National Adoption Center, American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association.
Just as I predicted: you're too much of a pussy to even admit you attempted to insult me.

It wasn't an insult. As Mott noted, "I do wonder though, what is it about homosexuals that both fascinates and scares you?"

It is not uncommon to find ones strong aversion to certain others is the result of some "incident" in the past and that was my motivation for asking if you have something you need to share. It has nothing to do with insults.

For example, let's say a child witnesses their parent's divorce due to the father being a homosexual. The child may hold negative feelings towards homosexuality because it led to the break-up of the family, not necessarily because of homosexuality, pre se. Another example may be a woman having sexual difficulties in a heterosexual relationship due to having been molested by a male in authority (father, uncle, etc) in her youth. In neither case would asking "Is there something you want to talk about" be considered an insult.

In that spirit I repeat, "Is there something you want to share?"
It wasn't an insult. As Mott noted, "I do wonder though, what is it about homosexuals that both fascinates and scares you?"

It is not uncommon to find ones strong aversion to certain others is the result of some "incident" in the past and that was my motivation for asking if you have something you need to share. It has nothing to do with insults.

For example, let's say a child witnesses their parent's divorce due to the father being a homosexual. The child may hold negative feelings towards homosexuality because it led to the break-up of the family, not necessarily because of homosexuality, pre se. Another example may be a woman having sexual difficulties in a heterosexual relationship due to having been molested by a male in authority (father, uncle, etc) in her youth. In neither case would asking "Is there something you want to talk about" be considered an insult.

In that spirit I repeat, "Is there something you want to share?"