If Bush said....

Such bullshit. Every country in the mid-east (not Israel) has and does. We havent invaded them. And Saddam was secular and cheap. He had no idealogical interest in them....so most likely less investment than other countries as well.

Thats true....W E haven't.....and now that Bush is gone , we won't....the war on terror is over except for Afghanistan, and Obama is shooting to get 10x as many troops
killed than Bush did.....he is over half way there.....

I don't get what the bullshit is....the claim is about Iraq and you seem to agree, so whats bullshit.....

That we didn't invade every country in the ME is whats bullshit ?......thats as asinine as desh claiming Obama didn't lie because of the number of
people that lost insurance......the facts are, Saddam did support terrorism and Obama did lie....the rest is irrelevant.
Thats true....W E haven't.....and now that Bush is gone , we won't....the war on terror is over except for Afghanistan, and Obama is shooting to get 10x as many troops
killed than Bush did.....he is over half way there.....

I don't get what the bullshit is....the claim is about Iraq and you seem to agree, so whats bullshit.....

That we didn't invade every country in the ME is whats bullshit ?......thats as asinine as desh claiming Obama didn't lie because of the number of
people that lost insurance......the facts are, Saddam did support terrorism and Obama did lie....the rest is irrelevant.

and members of every Catholic parish in South Boston supported terrorism... why haven't we shipped them all off to Gitmo? You know why.... because nationalists are not OUR problem, unless the nationalists are native Americans. Saddam did not support the type of terrorists who attacked America... neither did Father Fitzpatrick's women's guild.
Thats true....W E haven't.....and now that Bush is gone , we won't....the war on terror is over except for Afghanistan, and Obama is shooting to get 10x as many troops
killed than Bush did.....he is over half way there.....

I don't get what the bullshit is....the claim is about Iraq and you seem to agree, so whats bullshit.....

That we didn't invade every country in the ME is whats bullshit ?......thats as asinine as desh claiming Obama didn't lie because of the number of
people that lost insurance......the facts are, Saddam did support terrorism and Obama did lie....the rest is irrelevant.
Because there was no legitimate reason to invade Iraq.

and if we hadnt, as we had been making great progress and beating the Taliban back in Afghanistan, then we'd probably be out of there by now.

So...all those lives, lost and damaged, wasted, are on GWB's & Cheney's heads.
I do....and I assume you saw the Obama apoligist's on this board claim the insurance co.'s are to blame and Obama didn't lie at all....
For the most part, Obama has been whole heartedly defended by most Democrats in Congress until lately....

but the post was supposed to be a not so subtle dig at maineman.....just for laughs....I'm sure you understand.

"Let us not attribute to malice and cruelty what may be referred to less criminal motives. Do we not often afflict others undesignedly, and, from mere carelessness, neglect to relieve distress?"

—Jane West

You haven't proven lying, bravs. But I'm sure you'll keep trying.
what 'substandard' policies are those Maine?

The arrogance that people like you have pretending YOU (or Obama) know what policies are 'best' for them is astounding. Your master is DELIBERATELY fucking people over and forcing them into policies that are WORSE for them individually and making them pay for OTHER people's health issues... and YOU cheer him on.

Really, SF, why do you keep saying this..."making them pay for OTHER people's health issues"... as if it's not the ground rule of any insurance policy?

If you are healthy and don't really use your benefits, who does?
Really, SF, why do you keep saying this..."making them pay for OTHER people's health issues"... as if it's not the ground rule of any insurance policy?

If you are healthy and don't really use your benefits, who does?

The point is, I do not need all the cookie cutter bullshit added to my plan. THAT is what would make my plan 'substandard'. You want a big reason that healthcare is so expensive... it is because people try and force large groups of diverse people into the SAME type of plan.

I keep saying it, because that is precisely what you want.

If you have these two people:

1) Person A, 35 physically fit, non smoker, healthy eater
2) Person B, 35 obese, smoker, luvin McDonalds

Should they pay the same amount for the same plan???
and I have yet to see any significant proof that Obama had foreseen the insurance companies marketing substandard policies after the passage of the ACA... what he said may, in fact, have turned out not to be true, but that, in and of itself, does not make it a LIE. It's only a lie when if he knew it was false when he uttered it... kinda like Bush reading the NIE's which all contained degrees of doubt concerning Saddam's stockpiles of WMD's and then, after reading them, proclaiming that THERE IS NO DOUBT that Saddam had those very stockpiles. There are lies and there are statements which time shows to be inaccurate... there is a difference.


keep fucking that chicken
The point is, I do not need all the cookie cutter bullshit added to my plan. THAT is what would make my plan 'substandard'. You want a big reason that healthcare is so expensive... it is because people try and force large groups of diverse people into the SAME type of plan.

I keep saying it, because that is precisely what you want.

If you have these two people:

1) Person A, 35 physically fit, non smoker, healthy eater
2) Person B, 35 obese, smoker, luvin McDonalds

Should they pay the same amount for the same plan???

IMO no, they shouldn't. But most of those who have group insurance plans through the job don't have the opportunity to pick and choose, so why is this suddenly an issue under Obamacare?

I would love it if people like us could get into a really low-cost plan where only the uber-healthy qualify, but that's not the way it works.
"Let us not attribute to malice and cruelty what may be referred to less criminal motives. Do we not often afflict others undesignedly, and, from mere carelessness, neglect to relieve distress?"

—Jane West

You haven't proven lying, bravs. But I'm sure you'll keep trying.

I won't bother trying here...that would be a total waste of time......most of us KNOW he lied....denying it would be akin to claiming the moon don't exist....

I don't expect the Loyal Lemmings and Baffled Buffoons to ever admit to anything that puts the Dems in an unflattering light....the word 'partisan' doesn't

begin to describe some of you.
I won't bother trying here...that would be a total waste of time......most of us KNOW he lied....denying it would be akin to claiming the moon don't exist....

I don't expect the Loyal Lemmings and Baffled Buffoons to ever admit to anything that puts the Dems in an unflattering light...

the word 'partisan' doesn't begin to describe some of you.

^^^ Irony abounds.