If Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are in play, we are in trouble.

Perhaps, for now.

It's an opinion, of the Fed. The data points are the actuals as measured.

I just went over them with you.

... because we want lower prices on everything.

The wording I prefer to use is that I believe Trump can get us GDP above 3.6% and I definitely want to give him the opportunity to break 4%.

Quit your whining. I've been very concrete.

Which party would I be supporting?

... because I'd be stuck in the winner's bracket all weekend, and I've got things to do.

A data point is an objective and measurable number. So no, it is not ‘an opinion’ it is arrived at based on historical data.

You did not mention supply and demand, THE single most important factor in determining price. So no you did not ‘go over them’ with me.

Lower prices on everything is deflation. I guess you like recessions. Deflation slams the brakes on growth. Your desire for 4% GDP growth is inconsistent with your proposed measures.

You have not been concrete in the least.
A data point is an objective and measurable number. So no, it is not ‘an opinion’ it is arrived at based on historical data.
You are mistaken. You were discussing the target decided by the Fed. It was arbitrarily chosen. They made it their strategy. That is their opinion, even if it is based on some objective elements.

You did not mention supply and demand,
I neglected to explain addition and subtraction as well.

THE single most important factor in determining price.
All economics is based on the supply-demand curve, which determines price discovery and explains why Marxism is always wrong.

So no you did not ‘go over them’ with me.
Yes I did. You have to read what I post.

Lower prices on everything is deflation.
... or a correction of prior inflation, but yes, you could call it deflation, sure.

I guess you like recessions. Deflation slams the brakes on growth.
False. This is not your strong area of economics. Lower prices accelerate growth.

Your desire for 4% GDP growth is inconsistent with your proposed measures.
I am entirely consistent. You mistakenly conflated the economy with CPI.
You are mistaken. You were discussing the target decided by the Fed. It was arbitrarily chosen. They made it their strategy. That is their opinion, even if it is based on some objective elements.

I neglected to explain addition and subtraction as well.

All economics is based on the supply-demand curve, which determines price discovery and explains why Marxism is always wrong.

Yes I did. You have to read what I post.

... or a correction of prior inflation, but yes, you could call it deflation, sure.

False. This is not your strong area of economics. Lower prices accelerate growth.

I am entirely consistent. You mistakenly conflated the economy with CPI.

As expected, you have zero education in economics. Deflation does not stimulate growth . It has the exact opposite effect. I’ll dumb it down for you. You clearly need that. If I buy a car today it costs 30 grand. If I am in a period of deflation I can buy it for less in six months. Deflation suppresses consumer spending leading to a recession. In addition, profits drop causing companies to lay off workers.

The only factor you have touched on when discussing inflation is oil prices. Apparently you mistakenly believe (like your cult leader) that oil prices caused the inflationary period post COVID. COVID caused it. Which is why supply and demand has to be mentioned. Sorry but you simply lack the education to discuss this intelligently. Two percent is nit ‘arbitrary’. It is low enough to to encourage growth and high enough to provide the Fed with the ability to lower interest rates.
A data point is an objective and measurable number. So no, it is not ‘an opinion’ it is arrived at based on historical data.

You did not mention supply and demand, THE single most important factor in determining price. So no you did not ‘go over them’ with me.

Lower prices on everything is deflation. I guess you like recessions. Deflation slams the brakes on growth. Your desire for 4% GDP growth is inconsistent with your proposed measures.

You have not been concrete in the least.
incredible......now the cunts want to credit HarmUs for saving us from deflation.......
As expected, you have zero education in economics.
As expected, you're being a preemptively moronic troll. I'll tell you what, since you obviously don't want to learn anything, I'll just mock the shit out of your feeble attempts to comment on the subject.

Deflation does not stimulate growth .
Yes, lower prices stimulate growth. You are clueless.

It has the exact opposite effect.
Nope. You are a moron.

I’ll dumb it down for you. When a business corrects an overpricing error and thus sells more, their profits nonetheless increase and they grow. When an economy that is throttled by harmful government interference is opened up and prices are allowed to come down, the economy thrives and there is greater growth.

You probably have trouble calculating correct change.

If you look at a car today and it costs 30 grand, you might pass because it's too expensive and the car dealer doesn't make a sale. When the salesman sees you walking by again, he offers you a lower price, you accept and he makes a sale. ... and no, his dropping of the price does not mean that you are living in a period of deflation.

I'm going to have to refer you to an economics textbook. Any one will do.

The only factor you have touched on when discussing inflation is oil prices.
You're pulling a Biden. You don't remember what you did ten minutes ago.

Get someone to read you your posts. You asked me about "Drill, baby drill."

Which is why supply and demand has to be mentioned.
I don't mention it because it's assumed. It underlies all of economics. I used to post this GIF I made as a signature for all economics posts.


Let me know if you need me to review it for you, otherwise I won't be going into it.

Sorry but you simply lack the education to discuss this intelligently.
You don't understand the topic. We should take a poll and see how many people you are fooling.

Two percent is nit ‘arbitrary’.
You have no idea what you are talking about.

It is low enough to to encourage growth and high enough to provide the Fed with the ability to lower interest rates.
Did you just finally list off the objectives I had previously requested?

So yes, if these subjectively selected objectives are used to narrow down the domain of the ultimately arbitrarily selected value to meet those objectives, it is subjective, not objective.
As expected, you have zero education in economics. Deflation does not stimulate growth . It has the exact opposite effect. I’ll dumb it down for you. You clearly need that. If I buy a car today it costs 30 grand. If I am in a period of deflation I can buy it for less in six months. Deflation suppresses consumer spending leading to a recession. In addition, profits drop causing companies to lay off workers.

The only factor you have touched on when discussing inflation is oil prices. Apparently you mistakenly believe (like your cult leader) that oil prices caused the inflationary period post COVID. COVID caused it. Which is why supply and demand has to be mentioned. Sorry but you simply lack the education to discuss this intelligently. Two percent is nit ‘arbitrary’. It is low enough to to encourage growth and high enough to provide the Fed with the ability to lower interest rates.
as a nation we overconsume. a healthy economy ebbs and flows.

All the claims of being the stewards of the environment are bullshit. you demand an economy on steroids that must continue to expand and consume more and more as a way to debase debt. When we do go into a recession, which is a natural part of any business cycle, the government intervenes and artificially props things back up.

Saving. Investing. Waiting to purchase when you can afford instead of borrow - all would go a long long way into improving the environment and our mental health
As expected, you're being a preemptively moronic troll. I'll tell you what, since you obviously don't want to learn anything, I'll just mock the shit out of your feeble attempts to comment on the subject.

Yes, lower prices stimulate growth. You are clueless.

Nope. You are a moron.

I’ll dumb it down for you. When a business corrects an overpricing error and thus sells more, their profits nonetheless increase and they grow. When an economy that is throttled by harmful government interference is opened up and prices are allowed to come down, the economy thrives and there is greater growth.

You probably have trouble calculating correct change.

If you look at a car today and it costs 30 grand, you might pass because it's too expensive and the car dealer doesn't make a sale. When the salesman sees you walking by again, he offers you a lower price, you accept and he makes a sale. ... and no, his dropping of the price does not mean that you are living in a period of deflation.

I'm going to have to refer you to an economics textbook. Any one will do.

You're pulling a Biden. You don't remember what you did ten minutes ago.

Get someone to read you your posts. You asked me about "Drill, baby drill."

I don't mention it because it's assumed. It underlies all of economics. I used to post this GIF I made as a signature for all economics posts.


Let me know if you need me to review it for you, otherwise I won't be going into it.

You don't understand the topic. We should take a poll and see how many people you are fooling.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Did you just finally list off the objectives I had previously requested?

So yes, if these subjectively selected objectives are used to narrow down the domain of the ultimately arbitrarily selected value to meet those objectives, it is subjective, not objective.

You know absolutely nothing. You could not possibly be more wrong. You are the idiot kid in class that thinks he knows more than the experts. F-
Says the dropout who thinks that vendors lower prices plunges us into a depression, and who thinks that a thriving economy stifles growth.

It's never too late to get your GED.

Yes, Steve Forbes dropped out of high school.

Not what I said. I said deflation stifles growth. Why do you lie constantly?
Not what I said.
Yep. It's what you said. I explained, per the supply-demand curve, how lowering prices increases demand, and how, by extension, lower prices across an economy can stimulate that economy and lead to growth, and surprisingly ... or maybe not surprisingly, you insisted that I was wrong. You insisted that if prices decrease, growth is in fact stifled.

The supply-demand curve disagrees with you. I wonder whether we need to correct economics or whether you might be mistaken ... and I know that it cannot possibly be the latter. We need to fix econonmics. When Trump becomes President and gets gasoline prices down, and all other prices follow suit, I can see your point as to how disastrous this will be for the economy. I should never have doubted your genius.

I said deflation stifles growth.
... and it doesn't, at least not as you defined it, i.e. simply prices decreasing.

You'll find that your error is in your attempt to treat deflation as both the cause and the effect.

You successfully bought yourself a little more time to grab an econopmics textbook.
Yep. It's what you said. I explained, per the supply-demand curve, how lowering prices increases demand, and how, by extension, lower prices across an economy can stimulate that economy and lead to growth, and surprisingly ... or maybe not surprisingly, you insisted that I was wrong. You insisted that if prices decrease, growth is in fact stifled.

The supply-demand curve disagrees with you. I wonder whether we need to correct economics or whether you might be mistaken ... and I know that it cannot possibly be the latter. We need to fix econonmics. When Trump becomes President and gets gasoline prices down, and all other prices follow suit, I can see your point as to how disastrous this will be for the economy. I should never have doubted your genius.

... and it doesn't, at least not as you defined it, i.e. simply prices decreasing.

You'll find that your error is in your attempt to treat deflation as both the cause and the effect.

You successfully bought yourself a little more time to grab an econopmics textbook.
No need. I'm satisfied that you have no clue about economics. Have a nice day. Say hi to ITN. And GFM. Do you talk to yourself too?
No need. I'm satisfied that you have no clue about economics.
Of course. Your understanding amounts to "growth stifles growth" and "increasing prices is necessary to increase demand while lower prices causes lower demand." There is no room for the supply-demand curve in your understanding, or lack thereof.

I know, we should see just how many people flock to you for economics advice.
Of course. Your understanding amounts to "growth stifles growth" and "increasing prices is necessary to increase demand while lower prices causes lower demand." There is no room for the supply-demand curve in your understanding, or lack thereof.

I know, we should see just how many people flock to you for economics advice.
No one. Are you talking about this site? ROTFLMFAO!!! I think you proposed a poll too. Since you're voting for four, it hardly makes sense. If you think this site can judge a discussion, you might actually be dumber than I thought you were.