If Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are in play, we are in trouble.

And they did that almost right away and then Biden decided the courts were going to do what they can to stop him so he figured he would work with them and their production grew to record output and has been there since Aug. 2023.
No, Tball. Biden decided to try to ignore the court.
And he would work around the courts to get his green energy moving.
What is 'green energy'? Buzzword fallacy.
The only thing they did not over rule was shutting down of the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.
...and they should've overruled that. Instead that oil just now be shipped in a more dangerous manner by truck and train.
And as soon as he did that the right started spreading their lie that it was a pipeline that WAS transporting oil when it wasn't the Keystone XL pipeline construction was ONLY 8 % complete and NEVER transported one drop of oil.
The Keystone XL project is an important extension of the Keystone pipeline system. Stop making shit up.
They also tried to say the Government shut down the KEYSTONE pipeline and that is a LIE TOO , the ONLY time the KEYSTONE pipeline has ever been shut down was for leaks ( a LOT of them ) and maintenance,
Stop making shit up.
So Biden did more good for the US oil industry then Trump did.
Blatant lie.
You are completely wrong. You are projecting like a mad man.
can you post some proof that you would not of voted for Biden if he refused to drop out?

I know you felt the opposite. and planned to hold your nose and vote for him....one more chance to admit this before I bring the receipts,..........
can you post some proof that you would not of voted for Biden if he refused to drop out?

I know you felt the opposite. and planned to hold your nose and vote for him....one more chance to admit this before I bring the receipts,..........

You do know Jack shit, dude. Again you are projecting.
now do the price of gas since the Pale Faced Pedophile was put in the Oval Office by an unconstitutional election........
AND why not show the record profits year after year the oil companies have been making?
Exxon could cut the price of their gas over 50 cents and STILL be making a record profit.
Big Corps are using the excuse of inflation to gouge the American people .
I am not anti profit but when it is record year after year and they blame it on inflation that is BS
You do know Jack shit, dude. Again you are projecting.

here you are glowing about how sharp he is.

you are a gas lighting little shit stain. he had your vote - as any dementia patient with a D next to their name would
What in the blue fuck does that have to do with anything. I wanted him to step down.
What exactly is a blue fuck? I've had a lot of different kinds of fucks, but never a blue one. Not that I wouldn't be willing to try it,...depending on what she looked like I suppose,...Im picturing something out of the old original star Trek series like the semi hot green girl. :unsure:
What exactly is a blue fuck? I've had a lot of different fucks, but never a blue one. Not that I wouldn't be willing to try it,...depending on what she looked like I suppose,...Im picturing something out of the old original star Trek series like the semi hot green girl. :unsure:

You have never heard that term? Wasted opportunity to expand on the use of the word!

here you are glowing about how sharp he is.

you are a gas lighting little shit stain. he had your vote - as any dementia patient with a D next to their name would

You don’t see the difference, you are a fucking moron. Have a great life.