Into the Night
Verified User
No, Tball. Biden decided to try to ignore the court.And they did that almost right away and then Biden decided the courts were going to do what they can to stop him so he figured he would work with them and their production grew to record output and has been there since Aug. 2023.
What is 'green energy'? Buzzword fallacy.And he would work around the courts to get his green energy moving.
...and they should've overruled that. Instead that oil just now be shipped in a more dangerous manner by truck and train.The only thing they did not over rule was shutting down of the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.
The Keystone XL project is an important extension of the Keystone pipeline system. Stop making shit up.And as soon as he did that the right started spreading their lie that it was a pipeline that WAS transporting oil when it wasn't the Keystone XL pipeline construction was ONLY 8 % complete and NEVER transported one drop of oil.
Stop making shit up.They also tried to say the Government shut down the KEYSTONE pipeline and that is a LIE TOO , the ONLY time the KEYSTONE pipeline has ever been shut down was for leaks ( a LOT of them ) and maintenance,
Blatant lie.So Biden did more good for the US oil industry then Trump did.