If Prop 19 passes?!!


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Cali pot down to $38 an ounce?
That's what they predict if Prop 19 passes



$38 an ounce? Yeah Baby!:)
The drug cartels will lose their power, prices will drop down to historic lows and the taxes paid on the pot will help the budgets of the states involved.

Sounds like a win/win/win situation.
Folks will just grow it in their backyards and it will be a cash business like farm stands, only more clandestine.
Folks will just grow it in their backyards and it will be a cash business like farm stands, only more clandestine.

I have no doubt some will. But the bulk will be commercially grown, just like tobacco is commercially grown and alcohol is commercially brewed, fermented and distilled.
That's kind of dumb. You need money to buy dope. Times of money means you can afford your bad habit.

You can grow Marijuana, like growing veggies, in your house, yard, in the woods, fields, and ect. All you need is seeds, good soil, water, and sunlite! Very little money, if any?! As far as a bad habit, that's a matter of opinion! Millions of Americans smoke it, and you will never eradicate it either! By the way, do you consider drinking a bad habit too!

You can grow Marijuana, like growing veggies, in your house, yard, in the woods, fields, and ect. All you need is seeds, good soil, water, and sunlite! Very little money, if any?! As far as a bad habit, that's a matter of opinion! Millions of Americans smoke it, and you will never eradicate it either! By the way, do you consider drinking a bad habit too!

Nah, growing good dope is much more difficult than you think it is.
no way....the government will tax the shit out of ganja

A quarter of an ounce where I live is 25 bucks (1 dollar per .1 ounces? Don't ask me where they get these prices from. I guess it's just convenient and drug dealers and their clients are stupid). The government would literally have to put a 400% tax on pot to make prices what they are now. And I think proposed taxes are generally below that.
Folks will just grow it in their backyards and it will be a cash business like farm stands, only more clandestine.

You can homebrew alcohol as well. It's just such a headache that most people don't bother. With scale of economy you can usually get cheaper booze at the store with little effort. Homebrewers that do sell are usually a premium market, and I believe if they sell they generally get a business license. We're not in the old moonshining days.
Some of us still make moonshine.

But that's not something for every day drinking. Or every week.
You can homebrew alcohol as well. It's just such a headache that most people don't bother. With scale of economy you can usually get cheaper booze at the store with little effort. Homebrewers that do sell are usually a premium market, and I believe if they sell they generally get a business license. We're not in the old moonshining days.
Brewing/ bottling/ distilling requires some skill, not so much with dope.
Brewing/ bottling/ distilling requires some skill, not so much with dope.

It doesn't take much skill to brew/ferment/distill alcohol. It takes skill to make good beer, wine or liquer.

Which makes it the same as dope. Growing good dope does take skill.