If Prop 19 passes?!!

I still think a lot of people will grow their own, so long as it is allowed. It isn’t that hard to grow hydro but I doubt you could do it efficiently enough to make it worth it. But you can grow perfectly good mid-grade weed, very easily.

I really think, if this passes, we will see the rest of the states fall like dominoes. Those states neighboring California will see their residents crossing state lines to buy and they will resent the lost opportunity of the taxes generated, will have virtually no way to stop the flow and will then move to legalize. It will go like Lotto did, but even quicker as the states without lotto were not spending money trying to stop the tickets.
A lot of people brew their own beer, but I think there will be money made selling packs of "Marlboro Red Hair"...
Y'all know I slept on this thread. I pray for 19 to pass. Cali say 50 tax per once. sensi is 400 an ounce in most of the country, rasta not smoking 100 schwag ya know what I mean. Growing schwag is easy greasing. Growing sacrament ghanja is a gift like napa valley grapes. I think decrim might be better as corrupt Babylon politicians in Cali smelling billions in taxes. Tabacco companies and corporate control is as assured as busier adds in sports if legalized.
Y'all know I slept on this thread. I pray for 19 to pass. Cali say 50 tax per once. sensi is 400 an ounce in most of the country, rasta not smoking 100 schwag ya know what I mean. Growing schwag is easy greasing. Growing sacrament ghanja is a gift like napa valley grapes. I think decrim might be better as corrupt Babylon politicians in Cali smelling billions in taxes. Tabacco companies and corporate control is as assured as busier adds in sports if legalized.
You sound EXACTLY like this guy:
