If we never had democracy, does that mean our votes never counted?

Your not paying attention

Tuesday Trump will have elected scores of deniers to powerful State positions, come 2024 these people will support him regardless, and when he attempts coup 2 they will do their best to make it come about regardless of the actual vote. What I am saying is he could lose in a landslide but it won’t matter, he’ll declare victory, and they will do their best to insure it, aka, votes won’t count

What if Ron DeShitBrain is running? How will they "twist" the votes, do you think?
Why have you never made any effort to learn the basics of sentence structure?

Nobody will ever know whether or not you have anything interesting to say until you learn to express yourself like a literate person.

There's little reason to change sentence structure of the not so holy trinity national religion of SCOTUS master race Christiananality pedophilia, Islamidotocracy Mohammed pedophilia & their Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" under color of law as "man is God"; otherwise how would those crooks on Capital Hill maintain their demagoguery of way to dang lily brilliant white patriot act brainwashing propaganda political pseudoscience.
Why have you never made any effort to learn the basics of sentence structure?

Nobody will ever know whether or not you have anything interesting to say until you learn to express yourself like a literate person.

Just as the condescending arrogance of those crooks on Capital Hill & SCOTUS Bicentennial national religion of Christiananality pedophilia granting standing to thieving old glorys presented by a President arsonists & their decades of thieving National Archives purchased US Constitutions - old glorys - old testaments - absentee voting ballots arsonists in the Christian Nation more perfect union to Islamidiotocracy Mohammed pedophilia; but then again avoidance in acceptance of their organized way too dang lily brilliant white master race is their master plan with Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement pseudoscience propaganda as "one nation under God with equal justice under law" ensured votes never counted.
Your vote(s) "counted" to demonstrate your approval for representatives to represent you in the various governmental roles each was running to serve as.
So you are saying we are a Representative Democracy.

A representative democracy is a form of democracy. Anyone that claims it isn't is denying the actual meaning of words.
So you are saying we are a Representative Democracy.

A representative democracy is a form of democracy. Anyone that claims it isn't is denying the actual meaning of words.

The only form of democracy representatives claim is their SCOTUS Bicentennial communism of Christiananality pedophilia thieving National Archives purchased US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glorys presented by Eisenhower - hand scribed Israel old testaments - absentee voting ballots arsonists Islamidotocracy Mohammed pedophilia in that Klues Klucks duh Klans condescending arrogance under color of law "one nation under God with equal justice under law" 9/11 patriot act with Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement as McHeil's Navy health care plan brainwashing in their WW II Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations traditions.
Your vote(s) "counted" to demonstrate your approval for representatives to represent you in the various governmental roles each was running to serve as.

YOU personally (or me or other citizen) don't get to vote directly on anything.

What fucking state do you live in?

Of course we get to vote directly for things
My thoughts on this is that if you are a taxpayer- YOUR VOTE SHOULD COUNT.

For me, it's a question if we really need a two party system anymore, or even a preliminary vote- If you want to run for office, you should announce your candidacy and campaign all the way up to election time. We do not need gerrymandering, and we do not need Winner Take All states, or even the crazy delegation voting system that is not anywhere close to what Democracy stands for- I am not sure it ever did the ways we do things here.

The best way to get participation out of tax payers, is either change the date we file our taxes, or the date we have Federal elections.

We should all be voting on our Tax returns. Our ballot should be the tax return form itself.

If the people still want preliminaries, they should be settled in the tax year previous to the actual voting year. But, I believe they should end and everyone or anyone should ve allowed to run for office all the way to election day!

If it happens to be a Joint return, there should be places on the form for each spouse to cast their own individual votes on their tax return.

If it happens to be a special election for Congress, as they do become necessary from time to time, a special mail in ballot should go to everyone that receives a tax return form.

I am not talking about local or state elections- I am strictly talking about how we vote in Federal elections.

Local and state election dates should be separate and determined by the state.

There are easy ways to resolve voting issues- But I believe that this would be a fail-safe way, to keep things honest and integral, and a way fair to all political parties and race of people, to keep elections clean, trustworthy, and meaningful.

The Reagan Republican Party decided government was bad

It was the problem

That way they could make people angry about paying taxes

That was the plan

People used to be proud of paying their taxes

Many here are too young to remember those days

The Republican Party massaged their voters into hating our system to fund our government

So they could weaken the American system

Their plan was to shrink it so the corporations would be more powerful than the people

We don’t need to tie it all to tax day

We need to tie our system back to good sound results based on logic and good planning

Kill the lies about government being evil

It’s fucking self destructive

It’s idiotic

Saying you love America while you claim it’s evil and needs to be weakened is brainless babble

Electing people who hate government

Is like picking the one kid in your neighborhood who walks around talking about how much he hates kids all the time

As the kid you pick to babysit your 3 year old
So you are saying we are a Representative Democracy.

A representative democracy is a form of democracy. Anyone that claims it isn't is denying the actual meaning of words.

By that logic when countries like Cuba, Venezuela etc "elect leaders with 90+% winning margins are ALSO a form of democracy. Ancient Athens would not agree.
By that logic when countries like Cuba, Venezuela etc "elect leaders with 90+% winning margins are ALSO a form of democracy. Ancient Athens would not agree.

Now we are getting into the question of is it a democracy if the voter has no choice. That doesn't mean a representative democracy doesn't exist.
Now we are getting into the question of is it a democracy if the voter has no choice. That doesn't mean a representative democracy doesn't exist.

if you refuse to acknowledge that "forms" of democracy is an invalid conflate of the meaning of democracy then start using APPROPRIATE terms for your complaints.
if you refuse to acknowledge that "forms" of democracy is an invalid conflate of the meaning of democracy then start using APPROPRIATE terms for your complaints.

When people use the word "democracy", it is generally known what it means.
When people use the word "democracy", it is generally known what it means.

Democrats think the US is a democracy. They drone on endlessly about it. We are NOT a democracy.

If you knew what the term meant you would not use it to apply to this country's form of govt.
Democrats think the US is a democracy. They drone on endlessly about it. We are NOT a democracy.

If you knew what the term meant you would not use it to apply to this country's form of govt.

No they don't think that. Why do you think we have House?
Uh, yes they do or they would use accurate terminology.

I don't know how they decide what TV shows to produce.

No they don't. Do you really think they think our democracy is like the democracy in Ancient Greece? If so, you're extremely naive.