If we never had democracy, does that mean our votes never counted?

America has called itself a democracy since the beginning. Madison called it that. We recognize that can be defined away. Republicans do that and think the Dems do not understand it. We do not have a majority rule presidential election. That is sad and curable. But rightys will fight ending the electoral college.

The United States was never a democracy. It never called itself a democracy. A democracy has no constitution. You don't get to speak for the dead.
The President is not elected by popular vote. Discard of the Constitution of the United States.
This thread is about the type of democracy we have in America. Into The Grave keep repeating that America was never a democracy. We know that it was never a pure or direct democracy. It's just dumb.

There is no such thing as a 'pure' or 'direct' democracy. Buzzword fallacies. A democracy is government by popular vote and has no representatives or constitution. The United States was never a democracy. Redefinition fallacies (oligarchy<->democracy).
I'd get rid of the states.

Then the intelligent urban people would have the power that their numbers should have.

Out system is cracker-friendly enough to have turned our republic into a complete dumpster fire. And that's exactly what it is right now.

Racism. Redefinition fallacies (urban<->intelligence, oligarchy<->republic).