If you want to have a glimpse of an acid trip, try this!!

It explores the possible therapeutic effects of the drug on the intense anxiety experienced by patients with life-threatening disease, such as cancer. A number of the hundreds of studies conducted on lysergic acid diethylamide-25 from the 1940s into the 1970s (many of poor quality by contemporary standards) delved into the personal insights the drug supplied that enabled patients to reconcile themselves with their own mortality. In recent years some researchers have studied psilocybin (the active ingredient in “magic mushrooms”) and MDMA (Ecstasy), among others, as possible treatments for this “existential anxiety,” but not LSD.

Gasser, head of the Swiss Medical Society for Psycholytic Therapy, which he joined after his own therapist-administered LSD experience, has only recently begun to discuss his research, revealing the challenges of studying psychedelics. The $190,000 study approved by Swiss medical authorities, was almost entirely funded by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, a U.S. nonprofit that sponsors research toward the goal of making psychedelics and marijuana into prescription drugs. Begun in 2008, the study intends to treat 12 patients (eight who will receive LSD and four a placebo). Finding eligible candidates has been difficult—after 18 months only five patients had been recruited, and just four had gone through the trial’s regimen of a pair of all-day sessions. “Because LSD is not a usual treatment, an oncologist will not recommend it to a patient,” Gasser laments.

The patients who received the drug found the experience aided them emotionally, and none experienced panic reactions or other untoward events. One patient, Udo Schulz, told the German weekly Der Spiegel that the therapy with LSD helped him overcome anxious feelings after being diagnosed with stomach cancer, and the experience with the drug aided his reentry into the workplace.

The trials follow a strict protocol—“all LSD treatment sessions will begin at 11 a.m.”—and the researchers are scrupulous about avoiding mistakes that, at times, occurred during older psychedelic trials, when investigators would leave subjects alone during a drug session. Both Gasser and a female co-therapist are present throughout the eight-hour sessions that take place in quiet, darkened rooms, with emergency medical equipment close at hand. Before receiving LSD, subjects have to undergo psychological testing and preliminary psychotherapy sessions.

Another group is also pursuing LSD research. The British-based Beckley Foundation is funding and collaborating on a 12-person pilot study at the University of California, Berkeley, that is assessing how the drug may foster creativity and what changes in neural activity go along with altered conscious experience induced by the chemical.

Whether LSD will one day become the drug of choice for psychedelic psychotherapy remains in question because there may be better solutions. “We chose psilocybin over LSD because it is gentler and generally less intense,” says Charles S. Grob, a professor of psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles, who conducted a trial to test psilocybin’s effects on anxiety in terminal cancer patients. Moreover, “it is associated with fewer panic reactions and less chance of paranoia and, most important, over the past half a century psilocybin has attracted far less negative publicity and carries far less

if it'd abused. Shamams have used peyote, mushrooms. It helps to open the "doors of perception", back in the 60's.

It's a substance - can be used or abused. New medical uses:
In his 1954 book The Doors of Perception, novelist Aldous Huxley, who famously experimented with psychedlics, suggested that the drugs produce a sensory deluge by opening a "reducing valve" in the brain that normally acts to limit our perceptions.

The new findings are consistent with this idea, and with the free-energy principle of brain function developed by Karl Friston of University College London that states that the brain works by constraining our perceptual experiences so that its predictions of the world are as accurate as possible.

Therapeutic potential

Nutt and his colleagues suggest their results could explain some of the therapeutic effects of psilocybin. Depression involves hyperactivity in the mPFC, leading to the pessimistic outlook and pathological brooding characteristic of the condition, so mPFC deactivation could alleviate those symptoms.

The researchers also observed reduced blood flow to the hypothalamus, and suggest that this explains anecdotal reports that psychedelics alleviate symptoms of cluster headaches, which are associated with increased hypothalamic activity.

Trying to find my source,, but it's also used to help confront death for terminal patients. Sort of walks you thru various psychotropic processes, and helps relieve anxiety towards the death process.

There are places on this planet that practice human sacrifice. They believe it brings good fortune and scares away demons. Are you suggesting that we all adopt the practice? There are people in the world who believe that an imaginary being actually created the earth and everything that is on it. That belief makes those people happy. Are you suggesting that because they are happy I must follow them into a land of make believe?
Life is enough for me. It has all the colours I will ever want. It has all the sensations I will ever want. It has the answer to everything which is to continue to study it. Why should I buy a chemical made to treat mental illness and justify the effects it has on me by saying that scientists say it is OK?
I can daub colours on a canvas and wonder at the effect they make. I can empty my imagination in words onto paper and thrill to the music of language. I can listen to Mozart or the Sex Pistols and dance to their various rhythms. I dont need crap injected into me, smoked or ingested.

You can do all those things if you wish, but I am not interested in any justification you may make.
It explores the possible therapeutic effects of the drug on the intense anxiety experienced by patients with life-threatening disease, such as cancer. A number of the hundreds of studies conducted on lysergic acid diethylamide-25 from the 1940s into the 1970s (many of poor quality by contemporary standards) delved into the personal insights the drug supplied that enabled patients to reconcile themselves with their own mortality. In recent years some researchers have studied psilocybin (the active ingredient in “magic mushrooms”) and MDMA (Ecstasy), among others, as possible treatments for this “existential anxiety,” but not LSD.

Gasser, head of the Swiss Medical Society for Psycholytic Therapy, which he joined after his own therapist-administered LSD experience, has only recently begun to discuss his research, revealing the challenges of studying psychedelics. The $190,000 study approved by Swiss medical authorities, was almost entirely funded by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, a U.S. nonprofit that sponsors research toward the goal of making psychedelics and marijuana into prescription drugs. Begun in 2008, the study intends to treat 12 patients (eight who will receive LSD and four a placebo). Finding eligible candidates has been difficult—after 18 months only five patients had been recruited, and just four had gone through the trial’s regimen of a pair of all-day sessions. “Because LSD is not a usual treatment, an oncologist will not recommend it to a patient,” Gasser laments.

The patients who received the drug found the experience aided them emotionally, and none experienced panic reactions or other untoward events. One patient, Udo Schulz, told the German weekly Der Spiegel that the therapy with LSD helped him overcome anxious feelings after being diagnosed with stomach cancer, and the experience with the drug aided his reentry into the workplace.

The trials follow a strict protocol—“all LSD treatment sessions will begin at 11 a.m.”—and the researchers are scrupulous about avoiding mistakes that, at times, occurred during older psychedelic trials, when investigators would leave subjects alone during a drug session. Both Gasser and a female co-therapist are present throughout the eight-hour sessions that take place in quiet, darkened rooms, with emergency medical equipment close at hand. Before receiving LSD, subjects have to undergo psychological testing and preliminary psychotherapy sessions.

Another group is also pursuing LSD research. The British-based Beckley Foundation is funding and collaborating on a 12-person pilot study at the University of California, Berkeley, that is assessing how the drug may foster creativity and what changes in neural activity go along with altered conscious experience induced by the chemical.

Whether LSD will one day become the drug of choice for psychedelic psychotherapy remains in question because there may be better solutions. “We chose psilocybin over LSD because it is gentler and generally less intense,” says Charles S. Grob, a professor of psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles, who conducted a trial to test psilocybin’s effects on anxiety in terminal cancer patients. Moreover, “it is associated with fewer panic reactions and less chance of paranoia and, most important, over the past half a century psilocybin has attracted far less negative publicity and carries far less


If it is prescribed by a qualified doctor I trust then so be it. But that moves a recreational product into the world of medicine.
There are places on this planet that practice human sacrifice. They believe it brings good fortune and scares away demons. Are you suggesting that we all adopt the practice? There are people in the world who believe that an imaginary being actually created the earth and everything that is on it. That belief makes those people happy. Are you suggesting that because they are happy I must follow them into a land of make believe?
Life is enough for me. It has all the colours I will ever want. It has all the sensations I will ever want. It has the answer to everything which is to continue to study it. Why should I buy a chemical made to treat mental illness and justify the effects it has on me by saying that scientists say it is OK?
I can daub colours on a canvas and wonder at the effect they make. I can empty my imagination in words onto paper and thrill to the music of language. I can listen to Mozart or the Sex Pistols and dance to their various rhythms. I dont need crap injected into me, smoked or ingested.

You can do all those things if you wish, but I am not interested in any justification you may make.
so don't, but don't tell me it has no legitimate medical uses. It got sidetracked by the "consume mass quantitites" of the 60's - i found it useful, i looked at objects, and realized they were nothing more then atoms - mostly space( atoms have orbiting electron shells), and it's always stayed with me, that what appears solid, is mostly not ( less matter in an atom then the "space " it take up. It also opened my 1960's mind to "nothing is real -or as Buddhists say "Everything is impermanent"

Drink your wine, I depise alcohol. but i'm not saying don;'t use it. Your choice.
You're ignoring the new therapuric uses for hallucinogens -legimate uses, just being touched again, by reaseach scientists.

Do what you think is helpful for your life, let me do what I want to with mine - deal?
If it is prescribed by a qualified doctor I trust then so be it. But that moves a recreational product into the world of medicine.
the the other way around. It's actually a legitimate drug, , that had moved to recreational use.
Substances are just that -have severe pain? get an opiate, use the opiates to excess -you're abusing them.

"It's in the way that you use it" - best thing I can tell you.
Wine is a natural product and it is used to enhance the pleasure of food (usually). Red wine is also advantageous to most people particularly those with a heart condition like myself. So it is not really comparable. People take drugs, as far as I know, to get high. A condition I continually experience simply by being alive.

Umm, no. Where is your wine tree? LSD naturaly occurs on wheat seeds under the right conditions. Pot grows wild the world over. What kind of bush do you think was burning when Moses saw the ten commandments?

To think that drinking wine (for whatever reason) it different than other drugs is hypocritcal. Alcohol is a drug too my friend. It just happens to be the most socially accepted drug at this time, and I might add, the most dangerous by far. Everyday innocent people are killed by drunk drivers.
so don't, but don't tell me it has no legitimate medical uses. It got sidetracked by the "consume mass quantitites" of the 60's - i found it useful, i looked at objects, and realized they were nothing more then atoms - mostly space( atoms have orbiting electron shells), and it's always stayed with me, that what appears solid, is mostly not ( less matter in an atom then the "space " it take up. It also opened my 1960's mind to "nothing is real -or as Buddhists say "Everything is impermanent"

Drink your wine, I depise alcohol. but i'm not saying don;'t use it. Your choice.
You're ignoring the new therapuric uses for hallucinogens -legimate uses, just being touched again, by reaseach scientists.

Do what you think is helpful for your life, let me do what I want to with mine - deal?

I have no problem with what you say. But did they not teach you science at school? Did you not see the way atoms and sub atomic particles behave on one of the countless TV broadcasts?
You can take all the hallucinogens you wish but why? Come with me and stand on the beach and watch the sun set and count the colours in the sky. Once you learn to see, you will never need chemicals to open your mind.
As I said, several posts ago, it is a sad and sorry life that some people lead and they really do not need to.
Oh, I don't USE alcohol. I do not over imbibe. I never consume enough to make me drunk but one medium glass of a good, chemical-less bordeaux aids my circulation, and tastes nice.
I drank alcohol and got high on Saturday last. I had three beers and a long conversation with a blonde lady with sparkly eyes and a laugh like birds singing. No love. No lust. Just pure unadulterated enjoyment of a fellow human being.
I am forced to wonder at the enormity of American drug use. Very sad.
the the other way around. It's actually a legitimate drug, , that had moved to recreational use.
Substances are just that -have severe pain? get an opiate, use the opiates to excess -you're abusing them.

"It's in the way that you use it" - best thing I can tell you.

You are exactly right. It is the people's 'need' for a high that they can only achieve by using chemicals that I criticise. It means that they are not 'doing life' right.
It's funny, isn't it, that someone says 'I enjoy a glass of wine' and are immediately branded an alcoholic and told that alcohol is a drug too. Well, well, who'd have thought it. Criticise recreational drugs and you get bombarded with more justifications than you get from a born again christian defending his lunacy.
I have no problem with what you say. But did they not teach you science at school? Did you not see the way atoms and sub atomic particles behave on one of the countless TV broadcasts?
You can take all the hallucinogens you wish but why? Come with me and stand on the beach and watch the sun set and count the colours in the sky. Once you learn to see, you will never need chemicals to open your mind.
As I said, several posts ago, it is a sad and sorry life that some people lead and they really do not need to.
Oh, I don't USE alcohol. I do not over imbibe. I never consume enough to make me drunk but one medium glass of a good, chemical-less bordeaux aids my circulation, and tastes nice.
I drank alcohol and got high on Saturday last. I had three beers and a long conversation with a blonde lady with sparkly eyes and a laugh like birds singing. No love. No lust. Just pure unadulterated enjoyment of a fellow human being.
I am forced to wonder at the enormity of American drug use. Very sad.
don't be sad, i don't use them anymore, i did use them back in the late 60's. Knowledge of say subatomic particles is one thing, experiencing in your mind the idea is quite another.

If you don't wanna expand ypour consciousness, then don't. But don't criticize those who find value isn such.

Since you're getting so damn personal, i'll tell you that I was Catholic, and born in the mid 50's. This was before colour TV, and life was black and white -literally -mom stayed home father went to work, if you know the US TV show "Leave it to Beaver" it was stifling.

The 60's in the US started mundane enough - i hope I don't have to draw you a picture of them changes we went thru.

It was mindboggling - everything i took as gospel, was thrown out the window, these were my formative years,and for others.
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test is a work of literary journalism by Tom Wolfe, published in 1968. Using techniques from the genre of hysterical realism and pioneering new journalism, the "nonfiction novel" tells the story of Ken Kesey and his band of Merry Pranksters. The book follows the Pranksters across the country driving in a psychedelic painted school bus dubbed "Further" (called "Furthur" in the book due to an initial misspelling on the bus' placard), reaching what they considered to be personal and collective revelations through the use of LSD and other psychedelic drugs. The book also describes the Acid Tests, early performances by The Grateful Dead, and Kesey's exile to Mexico.

They formed my early anti-war sentiments, and opened the "doors of perception" what I was referring to about the atomic structure.
I value those times -not all but many of the values i learned then, became internalized.

Please, you're coming off as condesending, i understand altered states is not the same as mental clarity, and as I aged, there is only so much one can learn thru psychadelics. So I put them down, knowing whatever insights into the human subconsciousnees was already "experienced"

I became Buddhist, and we do not use drugs. Or at least we know they interfere with full oneness of being in the moment.
I'm human, : the Dali Lama said it best: "If you smoke -smoke less, if you overeat- eat less -if you are constantly seeking sexual, or senual satiusfaction, make equal time for no desires to rule you." Self perfect, if you can't perfect; self improve.

I smoke a little weed, i have no more uses for psychadelics -been there done that -but i don't want to deny others whatever they can gleam from experiencing.

We are also now seing they are viable medical drugs, limited but impotant medical use. a good friend whom is Buddhist also is termnally ill, and is thinking about using hallucinogens as a way to calm the mind from the anxiey of approaching death.

She finally rejected the idea, is a bit older then me, and came to the same conclusion" there is nothing more to gain" we have already learned what we could from psychadelics.

My point: EACH HAS TO FOLLOW THEIR OWN PATH. Let them, you have no right to criticize me or other for usage, anymmore then I have a right to crititize your use of booze. 3 beers wil give you a buzz, if that is what you desire, do so. Let others do as they choose to also.
Justifying a life style. Defending stupid behaviour. Protecting a mistaken view of life. (Rather the same as republicans tried to defend Palin!!)
Politics isn't a lifestyle, "stupid behavior" is putting your value judgement on someone else."Mistaken view of life" - is there one truth?

You are just as predjudiced to alternative lifestyles as any republican moran (sic).

The world doesn't need your rigidity, while I admire your joie de vivre, it's not your call how other's choose expand their consciousness.
Let it Be.
Politics isn't a lifestyle, "stupid behavior" is putting your value judgement on someone else."Mistaken view of life" - is there one truth?

dude, we're talking about acid not politics......there is one very important truth about acid, you can have flashbacks years after using acid, when you least expect it or desire it.....do you want a brain surgeon working on you who used acid two years ago?......
dude, we're talking about acid not politics......there is one very important truth about acid, you can have flashbacks years after using acid, when you least expect it or desire it.....do you want a brain surgeon working on you who used acid two years ago?......
You don't know a damn thing about "flashbacks" they're a myth. You are either very young or simply unknowledable.
here: see if this helps you out a bit:

I have heard that LSD never leaves your body, and can stay in your brain for many years? Is this true, and is this what causes the so called “flashbacks?” Thanks!
Dear B & Rhys:

The myth of the “lingering molecule” of LSD was given support by the Drug Enforcement Administration at a two day meeting in San Francisco, in late 1991. The DEA invited some 200 participants from law enforcement groups (both domestic and foreign) to share information concerning LSD. The law enforcement agents were told that not only was the storage location known (the frontal lobes of the brain) but also the length of time it stayed there (up to twenty years).

“The evidence is all about us,” they were told. “The indiscriminate use of LSD in the Summer of Love (in the 1960s) has led directly, through the re-release of these hidden-away molecules and the resulting flashbacks, to the hordes of the homeless, the psychotic, and the disenfranchised here on the streets of San Francisco.”

The flashback phenomenon with LSD is rare but real. An auditory or visual clue can bring back a passing memory of an earlier experience. The residue of any tangible quantity of the chemical itself, in the brain or blood of the user after 24 hours, is, however, total nonsense.

get it?? "passing memery of an earlier experience", no different then nay experince we recall - there is no medical molecule left over.
Nothing to "re-trip" on. I';ve dropped acid literally thousands of times - never had a "flashback", I have had memorys of a trip in a familair deja vu sort of thought. It quickly passes as do most memories of an early life experience.
dude, we're talking about acid not politics......there is one very important truth about acid, you can have flashbacks years after using acid, when you least expect it or desire it.....do you want a brain surgeon working on you who used acid two years ago?......

I don't know anybody that has experienced flashbacks years later, it is a myth for the most part.