of course.
All they have to do to correct this in their lives is to Try
It’s so simple
Quit telling the world to shape its self for them
To take control of themselves and start a better life
Be a better person
Care about others and be someone who people begin to admire
of course.
Where do you think you'll be in five years? Better? The same? Dead?
Sooooooo,... basically men are assholes and women are bitches. Whats new?
Your wife would probably be happier with that guy than with you
I bet he’s nicer than you
Im not trying to work at your Circle K.
That's obvious.
fuck your circle k. Take this job and shove it.
How long have you been on welfare? Or do you just mooch off your parents, Fredo?
quit thinking about me so much. it's weird.
I worry about you, Fredo. You're such a lonely little coward hiding in your basement that you are at risk of eating your Saturday Night Special. Sad.
Is that what you think?
so gay.
n 2014, a 22-year-old man killed six people and wounded 14 in a mass shooting in Santa Barbara. Before the shooting, he left behind a series of videos and a “manifesto” in which he vowed his hatred for women and expressed deep bitterness over his status as a virgin. In April 2018, a 25-year-old man who carried out a Toronto terrorist assault directed at women praised the Santa Barbara shooter in a Facebook post shortly before his own attack, which left 10 dead and 14 wounded.
Both men identified as part of incel culture.
While an increasing number of researchers, non-profit organizations, and law enforcement agencies have expressed growing concern about the relationship between involuntary celibates (i.e. incels) and violence, no research to date has examined the potential for suicide and self-harm among men who call themselves incels. This study examines suicide posts shared to incel sub-Reddits that were collected by u/IncelGraveyard (N=80).
That you are a likely candidate for suicide? Yes. Worse, a candidate for murder suicide like other infamous incels.
"Goodbye, My Friendcels": An Analysis of Incel Suicide Posts
Incels share several characteristics with adult virgins and young adults
experiencing late sexual onset. Mental health issues are prominent topics of discussion
on Incel forums, yet they have not received the same attention as themes relating to
misogyny, hatred, and violence. It is evident that deeper insights on the defining
psychological and social features of Incels are required before targeted interventions can
be designed to help to them. Advancing this field of research may contribute to the
development of vital programs aimed at preventing not only suicide and self-harm, but
also gender-based violence
I always called people like that immature man-childs. JPP has several examples.![]()
Ok, king simp.
DU calling you an incel is obviously projection.
Any guy who’s had experience with several women has had at least one that behaves completely, totally irrational.
Apparently he’s never had that.
Where's a moose when you need one? LOL