Scut Farkus
Don't flash your disapproving glances in this thread, she-devil!
well wish in one hand, dream in the other...
see which route hastens unto manifestation.
Nice metaphor for your life, Fredo.
Both are fantasies; images of the mind. Not real. Why do you think you have no luck with women, Fredo? Would you rather be hugged by a man?
real like russiagate?
Oh, lovey, you know I’m not going to rain on your INCEL parade. I’m enjoying this thread, it’s hilarious.Don't flash your disapproving glances in this thread, she-devil!
Real like being alive.
He chose poorly. Not as poorly as the Incel Losers, but still far from optimal.Hmmmmmm…
Oh, lovey, you know I’m not going to rain on your INCEL parade. I’m enjoying this thread, it’s hilarious.
He chose poorly. Not as poorly as the Incel Losers, but still far from optimal.
I've learned over the years that the best thing to do when you get in one of those spousal arguments is to take a deep breath and listen. Amidst the crazy, there is a takeaway. It can often get lost in the emotion of the argument. Being 'right' isn't winning. Learning from the argument is. My wife is an assassin. She goes right for the jugular. I just stay quiet and try to figure out what she's really mad about. This has served me well. I've learned an amazing amount about her in a short time by staying passive. I'm sure I'll be accused now of not being a 'real man', but I'm pretty sure I'm winning![]()
It's not that your stupid.
you're not.
Your brilliant and cunning in what matters to you.
but what matters to you is dumb.
that's the point here.
I’d like to hear from the other side, the wives and girlfriends.
The one AK loser treats women like meat and lies about his conquests. I’m sure his wife has “her” side of this story. I feel there is a lot of projection going on in this thread.
My guess it the Old Lady pooferized his bathroom, complete with shag piss-catcher rug around the toilet and poofy toilet seat.
I had a fight about that before..Almost $150 for useless bathroom decorations that add to the laundy.
yeah. something to pee on that cant be easily cleaned. smart.
Oh, lovey, you know I’m not going to rain on your INCEL parade. I’m enjoying this thread, it’s hilarious.
"if mama ain't happy, nobody's happy" -- folk wisdom
this is so true we all laugh.
and it's over like, the floor, or something ocd.
or empty status signalling no matter how much it puts your future in jeopardy.
That post from AHZ is coming from someone who knows. No chance a single guy who’s never been marrried could relate to that.I don't know AssHat's dating/marital status but posts like this usually come from a single man (not that married men can't relate of course).
Paranoid much?of course you do.
women assist one another in gaslighting men on a grand scale.