Truck Fump / h1b
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Disagreed, Fredo, but people are free to read your posts and mine, plus the links, and decide for themselves.
of course they are.
it would be nice if you really believed in free speech.
Disagreed, Fredo, but people are free to read your posts and mine, plus the links, and decide for themselves.
Fat boy, I'm flattered that your thoughts at 0430 in the morning include me. Obsess much?
I get up every day at 4 am. Have coffee, get ready for my day. Thats what people who actually produce jobs for other people do. Not that a lazy fuck like you would ever know anything about that.
...and Ol' Dutch is the first guy on your mind! I'm flattered, Fat Boy!
Me ? Fatboy? Compared to who? Surely not you. 50 bucks says i'd bitchslap your fat little midget ass like the pathetic little bitch you are. Dutch= pathetic impotent little man with a big mouth. I could never hit someone like you Dutch,...I only hit actual men. You dont have to worry. Bitchslap maybe,......
Still obsessed with me, even at "work", Fat Boy?
What a pussy.
More a man than you'll ever be, Fat Boy. I'm guessing your daddy knows it and your brothers know it. You'll always be the baby boy even when you're the last one left alive. Sad, isn't it?
Oh, lovey, you know I’m not going to rain on your INCEL parade. I’m enjoying this thread, it’s hilarious.
Sure you are Dutch,...sure you are. You should come see me like you threatened to. But bring a bucket to stand on so you can at least look me in the eye when you speak to me. Make it a heavy duty bucket too so it can hold up that fat ass of yours. Come see me anytime you want little man,....any time at all. Like I said,....Youre a pussy. Furthermore...there isnt a soul in here that doesnt know your a pussy. Its THAT obvious.
Like you, I would love to read the women's versions of these stories. I think we both have a good idea.
Positive, Fat Boy. You're the type of person who can't be trusted, so you aren't and you know it. You lie, you bullshit, you intimidate with force but no brains. No leadership, no sincere respect for anyone but yourself. Like most babies in the family; you're a selfish little fuckwad whining because people only respect you if you pay them to do it.
The first link below indicates you're either the last in a loooonng line or your line is just "average" intelligence. The second supports your personality as an avoidant, specifically in a lack of drive. Mainly, IMO, because you never had to do anything for yourself. Everything was handed to you like a baby.
Look up your own sources if you like.
Empirical research on the relation between birth order and intelligence has convincingly documented that performances on psychometric intelligence tests decline slightly from firstborns to later-borns.
Youngest child. As the baby of the family, you tend to take one of two paths when developing your personality, according to Adler. The first path is a clear journey to success, where you try to excel in every way, often becoming the go-to person in the family. Youngest children can also become avoidant if they lack the confidence or drive to excel.
You might have freedoms your older siblings don't have. As your parents’ rules become more relaxed, your parents can be more hands-off with you. You're usually assured of your place in the family and can be very creative, rebellious, and outgoing.
As a lazy avoidant, you don't have to do shit except collect your paycheck. I bet the Air Guard was your dad's idea, not yours. Amirite? LOL
I was never in the air guard you simpleton. You were told what I volunteered for. Not my fault you are so full of dementia you cant remember. Intimidate by force? No dutch,....Brute force,..... and excellent training. Like I say,...Come see me any time you want to so you can follow up on your original hollow threat. Pussy..
Little fatasses with big mouths get crushed Dutch......
See? There's the bullying part; threats of violence against someone you've repeatedly described as being short, fat and old.
Bring it on, Fat Boy. Let everyone see how tough you can act. Maybe it would help if you paid for some respect, eh?
God I love that song