Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Little fatasses with big mouths get crushed Dutch......
Come see me ,..like you threatened to. Remember you said you would come armed. You even said that sometimes families and kids get caught in the crossfire. I laughed at you then just like I still laugh at you now. Then you said you had an old Marine buddy near here and maybe he could scout my place out for you. Ring a bell YET little coward? I know what you said,...you KNOW what you said,....and I know some of the mods do as well.Keep hanging yourself COWARD. You cant run away from what YOU said and all the lying in the world wont make it go away. Come and see me like YOU said you would.....or SHUT THE FUCK UP. I dont care which......Pussy.
Why would I threaten you? You're a fucking moron. The odds are you'll fuck yourself up a lot more than anyone else could do to you. LOL
Quote the conversation. I'd love to read it.
Awesome of you to switch from physically beating me to simply having the mods ban me....presumably for money. Are all your friends bought and paid for, Fat Boy?