Aw, that's adorable! My little lickspittal Angry Bird, wanting my attention *again*! So desperate, so needy, so whorish! Here, little fella, have a bone. The gods know it's been a long time since you've seen one of those. lol

Aw, that's adorable! My little lickspittal Angry Bird, wanting my attention *again*! So desperate, so needy, so whorish! Here, little fella, have a bone. The gods know it's been a long time since you've seen one of those. lol


I commend you for your robust and effective ignore list.
I do not have many on ignore, I just generally scroll right past the tedious dunces, resentful losers, bitter blowhards, belligerent bigots, and any other lower life form who is too frickin' boring or inarticulate to bother reading.

Do you ever feel guilty that there is a bevy of losers out there spending their precious time crafting posts to you, begging for your attention, but knowing you will never read a word they spent time writing?? I know that I sometimes feel trifling pangs of guilt!
Do you ever feel guilty that there is a bevy of losers out there spending their precious time crafting posts to you, begging for your attention, but knowing you will never read a word they spent time writing?? I know that I sometimes feel trifling pangs of guilt!

Oh heavens no, not a single twinge. This place is a lot more enjoyable without seeing the n-word constantly, watching morons who can't support a position w/o using swears make idiots of themselves, and of course a day without Angry Bird and his pitiful cries for attention is like a day without an enema. lol
Oh heavens no, not a single twinge. This place is a lot more enjoyable without seeing the n-word constantly, watching morons who can't support a position w/o using swears make idiots of themselves, and of course a day without Angry Bird and his pitiful cries for attention is like a day without an enema. lol

You are, of course, correct.

Being liberal, I can feel empathy and mercy in a way most rightwingers can not.

But why worry about internet losers using their precious time to write posts to you begging for your attention? You opinion is eminently sensible and reasonable!
But why worry about internet losers using their precious time to write posts to you begging for your attention? You opinion is eminently sensible and reasonable!

Why, thank you, kind sir. You guys with less-extensive ignore lists are made of sterner stuff than I. Hat's off to ye!
Aw, that's adorable! My little lickspittal Angry Bird, wanting my attention *again*! So desperate, so needy, so whorish! Here, little fella, have a bone. The gods know it's been a long time since you've seen one of those. lol


Still flaunting your cowardice. LOL Bowl Woman I can't help but bring your hypocrisy and cowardice into the open. Thank you for giving me so much ammunition. :party:
Quit blowing smoke up her dress you aren't going to get into her panties as bad as you want to.
Damn Bowel and alligator shit are trying to turn this into a whiners fest oh poor us people talk and start threads we don't like boo hoo hoo. LOL
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