I'll Not Yield

Your authoritarian forced pregnancy fascists go from adorable little masturbating gift of god to consequence of your slutty decision making faster than a top fuel dragster runs a quarter mile. How many times have I heard the same people who claim that abortion is murder, in the same breath say their tax money shouldn't go to women who don't know better than to keep their legs closed? It can't be a gift from god and a punishment for slutty behavior all at the same time. I have NEVER been punished by receiving a gift.
How many times have I heard the same people who claim that abortion is murder, in the same breath say their tax money shouldn't go to women who don't know better than to keep their legs closed?

my guess is never.....though I bet you've pretended you have frequently.......but then it isn't like anyone would expect you to be honest....
my guess is never.....though I bet you've pretended you have frequently.......but then it isn't like anyone would expect you to be honest....
Bullshit, your fucking ilk does everything it can to kill headstart, free lunch programs, WIC TANF. It's all well and good that a woman be forced at gun point to remain pregnant, but you conservatives will be fucked in the ass by a hedgehog before you'll see your taxes raised to feed one more ugly mouth on welfare.
my guess is never.....though I bet you've pretended you have frequently.......but then it isn't like anyone would expect you to be honest....
I challenge you to find me a majority of Republicans in congress who vote to limit abortion and who also vote to raise welfare. I won't hold my breath.
Speaking of adopted kids .. :0)

16 months ...

Walking in momma's shoes


Checking her stock portfolio


Are we there yet?


I'm sorry .. I can't help myself. :0)

She is beautiful!
I challenge you to find me a majority of Republicans in congress who vote to limit abortion and who also vote to raise welfare. I won't hold my breath.

the proposed House Ag bill, which Obama threatens to veto increased welfare spending and only cut food stamps to 2010 levels, a part of the 30% increase they had enjoyed......

therefore, I have won your challenge......feel free to hold your breath till you pass out, however......
I'm 61 and I have already raised two adopted kids.....but I know a couple from my church currently working on adopting a child from Africa because they haven't been able to get one in the US....give me a call and I can put you in touch with them......
now tell me this.....if your daughter had decided to kill the girl in your avatar, would you have preferred raising her yourself?....or at least letting the young couple from my church adopt her?..........

I applaud your heart sincerely good brother.

First, my daughter saved the child in my avatar from being aborted .. she adopted her unborn.

Had my daughter not saved her, would I have supported the decision of the birth mother to abort her? I absolutely would without question. She was suffering from severe PTSD and had no confidence that she could raise a child in her mental state of mind .. but whatever her decision was based on, it was hers to make.

Adoption is not always an option and often times is as traumatic as an abortion.
I applaud your heart sincerely good brother.

First, my daughter saved the child in my avatar from being aborted .. she adopted her unborn.

Had my daughter not saved her, would I have supported the decision of the birth mother to abort her? I absolutely would without question. She was suffering from severe PTSD and had no confidence that she could raise a child in her mental state of mind .. but whatever her decision was based on, it was hers to make.

Adoption is not always an option and often times is as traumatic as an abortion.

I wanted to thank the first part of your post and groan the last....first keep in mind that the birth mother also saved the child.....as an adoptive parent I don't consider myself to have "saved" anyone.......being able to adopt filled a hole in our lives and we benefited more than anyone else involved........and every Mother's Day we talked with our kids about the role their birth mothers played in their lives and the choices they made.......but, except for cases threatening the health of the mother, adoption IS always an option and certainly preferable to killing some other little girl who may have been just like your granddaughter.....
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I wanted to thank the first part of your post and groan the last......except for cases threatening the health of the mother, adoption IS always an option and certainly preferable to killing some other little girl who may have been just like your granddaughter.....

With all due respect good brother, you seem unaware of a different perspective that you should consider .. that of the birth mother. I sat in on two of the phone conferences that my daughter had with the adoption agency, a lawyer, and the birth mother. I was moved to tears by the obvious pain and trauma the birth mother was experiencing. It is an experience that neither you nor I can ever truly understand.

Consider this ..

I can't speak for anyone else but I can tell you my reasons for choosing an abortion instead of adoption.

#1: in order to give your child away to strangers, you must first be willing and able to continue the pregnancy to term. Many women, including myself, are unwilling or unable to continute a pregnancy to term. My pregnancy was ectopic which put my life in jeopardy. My choices were die or have the pregnancy removed.

#2: the adoption system, in my limited experiences, seems like a warped ebay system where white, healthy pregnant women are given money, clothing, and gifts (as long as the baby will also be white and healthy - bonus points/items/cash for blonde hair or blue eyes) for their infants while the state grudgingly takes the infants who do not fit into that category. The waiting line for someone to adopt a healthy, white infant is over seven years long (on average) while other children languish in the foster and public adoption system. Couples are .N.O.T dying to adopt "any" baby, they are dying to adopt the "perfect" baby and if you're pretty sure you won't be having one of them, your child will have less of a chance of being adopted and properly cared for. I could not live with myself knowing that my own child was being neglected because it did not fit someone elses perception of "perfection." when couples "dying to adopt" start adopting the hundreds of thousands of children waiting for good homes, then i'll reconsider my position.

NOTE: Zoe' is a mixed race child and the agency was up front with everyone on the chances that she would be adopted into a health home in a reasonable amount of time. They were up front about the differences in the adoption of a healthy white child as compared to a mixed race child born prematurely. Before you believe that adoption is always possible, you should study the adoption system.

#3: I would worry, constantly, about the child that I gave away. Are they still alive? Are they being well cared for? Etc. And while an "open" adoption is supposed to fix that problem, many women who have given children away report that their so-called "open" adoption quickly closed when the other couple assumed possession of the child. Which also means that you never really know the people you're giving your own flesh and blood to.

NOTE: Hence my comment about adoption often being as traumatic as abortion. You cannot ignore the horror stories of many adopted children. Imagine living the rest of your life wondering if the baby you gave away is living in a horror story?

#4: in order to give a child away (in most states) both parents must sign away their rights to the child. If your partner decides that he doesn't want you to give away the child (even if he, himself, cannot offer the care that the child needs) and refuses to sign his rights away, the adoption falls through and you are then stuck with the child that you couldn't take care of in the first place. Until the laws are changed to fully protect the birth mother in this situation, I cannot support the current adoption system.

#5: many adoption agencies and adoptive parents lie to the birth mother because they are afraid that she will change her mind at or shortly after the birth (which she has every right to do). They threaten to sue her (which they can't) or they arrange to take possession of the child before they are legally able to do so.

#6: many women who choose an abortion do so because it gives them closure to the crises situation of an unintended pregnancy. An adoption, however, does not bring closure, only a lifetime of doubt, wonder, and worry.

#7: I would not choose adoption because I could not. I could not give a child away to strangers or to other family members. I don't know the strangers and I know the family members too well. If I am pregnant and cannot afford to keep the pregnancy or the resulting child, then I would choose an abortion.

You should not assume that you are more caring about the life of a child than the mother who has found herself in a precarious and devastating situation that has few clear solutions.

I seriously disagree with the term 'killing.'

Again, I say this with respect brother.
Happened to see this right after reading BAC's excellent writeup re adoption vs. abortion:


That intersection of race and adoption has prompted many people to submit their six words to The Race Card Project, including this submission from a Louisiana woman: "."

Non-white children, and black children, in particular, are harder to place in adoptive homes, Norris says. So the cost is adjusted to provide an incentive for families that might otherwise be locked out of adoption due to cost, as well as "for families who really have to, maybe have a little bit of prodding to think about adopting across racial lines."

In other words, Norris explains, there are often altruistic reasons for the discrepancy — "but people who work in adoption say there's one more reason, quite simply: It's supply and demand."

#1: in order to give your child away to strangers, you must first be willing and able to continue the pregnancy to term. Many women, including myself, are unwilling or unable to continute a pregnancy to term. My pregnancy was ectopic which put my life in jeopardy. My choices were die or have the pregnancy removed.

I think I clearly stated risk to the life of the mother was an exception.....

#2: the adoption system, in my limited experiences, seems like a warped ebay system where white, healthy pregnant women are given money, clothing, and gifts (as long as the baby will also be white and healthy - bonus points/items/cash for blonde hair or blue eyes) for their infants while the state grudgingly takes the infants who do not fit into that category. The waiting line for someone to adopt a healthy, white infant is over seven years long (on average) while other children languish in the foster and public adoption system. Couples are .N.O.T dying to adopt "any" baby, they are dying to adopt the "perfect" baby and if you're pretty sure you won't be having one of them, your child will have less of a chance of being adopted and properly cared for. I could not live with myself knowing that my own child was being neglected because it did not fit someone elses perception of "perfection." when couples "dying to adopt" start adopting the hundreds of thousands of children waiting for good homes, then i'll reconsider my position.

so because of perceived bigotry the child should be killed instead of adopted by someone who doesn't consider this a problem? I attend a church of approximately 175 families.....out of these 175 over thirty have adopted children (totaling 42 children)...my own are in their 20s....the oldest I am aware of are in their 40s...almost all of the adopted kids under the age of ten are international adoptions because its almost impossible to adopt a young child in the US anymore.......over half of those children are not white and almost all of the youngest....further, your statistics of "hundreds of thousands" of children waiting for good homes is bogus......an infant will be adopted within weeks, the children in foster homes who have not been adopted have not been adopted because they weren't eligible for adoption until after they were 12.......for that you can think the US court system and their reluctance to terminate the parental rights of abusive parents.....

NOTE: Zoe' is a mixed race child and the agency was up front with everyone on the chances that she would be adopted into a health home in a reasonable amount of time. They were up front about the differences in the adoption of a healthy white child as compared to a mixed race child born prematurely. Before you believe that adoption is always possible, you should study the adoption system.

my daughter is half Lebanese......the adoption agency wanted us to take counseling before we accepted a "bi-racial" child.....I laughed at them and suggested they study up on Lebanon.......I am familiar with the adoption system.....apparently more so than you are.....

#3: I would worry, constantly, about the child that I gave away. Are they still alive? Are they being well cared for? Etc. And while an "open" adoption is supposed to fix that problem, many women who have given children away report that their so-called "open" adoption quickly closed when the other couple assumed possession of the child. Which also means that you never really know the people you're giving your own flesh and blood to.

obviously, if you kill the child you won't have to worry if its still alive.....hardly a logical tradeoff, however.....

You cannot ignore the horror stories of many adopted children. Imagine living the rest of your life wondering if the baby you gave away is living in a horror story?

???....ALL abortions are horror stories.....I guess you think there is more peace of mind knowing you HAVE killed your child than wondering if they are at risk of being killed......

#4: in order to give a child away (in most states) both parents must sign away their rights to the child. If your partner decides that he doesn't want you to give away the child (even if he, himself, cannot offer the care that the child needs) and refuses to sign his rights away, the adoption falls through and you are then stuck with the child that you couldn't take care of in the first place. Until the laws are changed to fully protect the birth mother in this situation, I cannot support the current adoption system.

of course that can be solved by having the court terminate parental rights, which is part of every adoption here in Michigan and I expect, everywhere else......

#5: many adoption agencies and adoptive parents lie to the birth mother because they are afraid that she will change her mind at or shortly after the birth (which she has every right to do). They threaten to sue her (which they can't) or they arrange to take possession of the child before they are legally able to do so.

Never heard of this myself, but again...is this a reason to kill a child?....if you think about it you're arguing that she should kill the child because if she decides at the last minute she doesn't want to give it up they won't let her change her mind and keep it.....

#6: many women who choose an abortion do so because it gives them closure to the crises situation of an unintended pregnancy. An adoption, however, does not bring closure, only a lifetime of doubt, wonder, and worry.

yes, no reason to doubt a dead child.....

You should not assume that you are more caring about the life of a child than the mother who has found herself in a precarious and devastating situation that has few clear solutions.

???....I should not assume I am more caring about the life of a child than a mother who kills it?.......omigorsh......

I seriously disagree with the term 'killing.'

well lets call it 'cuddling' instead then.....lately people have been all about changing the meaning of words.......should women be allowed to cuddle their unborn children?........I can see it now, Planned Parenthood Cuddling Clinics...........
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