fully immersed in faith..
tekkychick groaned my post.....she must be a pro-cuddler.....
Speaking of adopted kids .. :0)
16 months ...
Walking in momma's shoes
Checking her stock portfolio
Are we there yet?
I'm sorry .. I can't help myself. :0)
You're late .. addressed above.
In case you missed this good brother .. the year is 2013. :0)
well lets call it 'cuddling' instead then.....lately people have been all about changing the meaning of words.......should women be allowed to cuddle their unborn children?........I can see it now, Planned Parenthood Cuddling Clinics...........
With all due respect good brother, you seem unaware of a different perspective that you should consider .. that of the birth mother. I sat in on two of the phone conferences that my daughter had with the adoption agency, a lawyer, and the birth mother. I was moved to tears by the obvious pain and trauma the birth mother was experiencing. It is an experience that neither you nor I can ever truly understand.
Consider this ..
I can't speak for anyone else but I can tell you my reasons for choosing an abortion instead of adoption.
#1: in order to give your child away to strangers, you must first be willing and able to continue the pregnancy to term. Many women, including myself, are unwilling or unable to continute a pregnancy to term. My pregnancy was ectopic which put my life in jeopardy. My choices were die or have the pregnancy removed.
#2: the adoption system, in my limited experiences, seems like a warped ebay system where white, healthy pregnant women are given money, clothing, and gifts (as long as the baby will also be white and healthy - bonus points/items/cash for blonde hair or blue eyes) for their infants while the state grudgingly takes the infants who do not fit into that category. The waiting line for someone to adopt a healthy, white infant is over seven years long (on average) while other children languish in the foster and public adoption system. Couples are .N.O.T dying to adopt "any" baby, they are dying to adopt the "perfect" baby and if you're pretty sure you won't be having one of them, your child will have less of a chance of being adopted and properly cared for. I could not live with myself knowing that my own child was being neglected because it did not fit someone elses perception of "perfection." when couples "dying to adopt" start adopting the hundreds of thousands of children waiting for good homes, then i'll reconsider my position.
NOTE: Zoe' is a mixed race child and the agency was up front with everyone on the chances that she would be adopted into a health home in a reasonable amount of time. They were up front about the differences in the adoption of a healthy white child as compared to a mixed race child born prematurely. Before you believe that adoption is always possible, you should study the adoption system.
#3: I would worry, constantly, about the child that I gave away. Are they still alive? Are they being well cared for? Etc. And while an "open" adoption is supposed to fix that problem, many women who have given children away report that their so-called "open" adoption quickly closed when the other couple assumed possession of the child. Which also means that you never really know the people you're giving your own flesh and blood to.
NOTE: Hence my comment about adoption often being as traumatic as abortion. You cannot ignore the horror stories of many adopted children. Imagine living the rest of your life wondering if the baby you gave away is living in a horror story?
#4: in order to give a child away (in most states) both parents must sign away their rights to the child. If your partner decides that he doesn't want you to give away the child (even if he, himself, cannot offer the care that the child needs) and refuses to sign his rights away, the adoption falls through and you are then stuck with the child that you couldn't take care of in the first place. Until the laws are changed to fully protect the birth mother in this situation, I cannot support the current adoption system.
#5: many adoption agencies and adoptive parents lie to the birth mother because they are afraid that she will change her mind at or shortly after the birth (which she has every right to do). They threaten to sue her (which they can't) or they arrange to take possession of the child before they are legally able to do so.
#6: many women who choose an abortion do so because it gives them closure to the crises situation of an unintended pregnancy. An adoption, however, does not bring closure, only a lifetime of doubt, wonder, and worry.
#7: I would not choose adoption because I could not. I could not give a child away to strangers or to other family members. I don't know the strangers and I know the family members too well. If I am pregnant and cannot afford to keep the pregnancy or the resulting child, then I would choose an abortion.
You should not assume that you are more caring about the life of a child than the mother who has found herself in a precarious and devastating situation that has few clear solutions.
I seriously disagree with the term 'killing.'
Again, I say this with respect brother.
and yet the science is the same, genetics is the same, still seeing people trying to dehumanize a child for the sake of their convenience.
OMG! She's a cutie!
The subject of adoption has always irritated me. The standard of our society dictates that only white, healthy infants are adopted. All others are hit and miss, dependent upon the prejudices and sincerity of the adoptive parents; as well as the whims and prejudices of state bureaucracies.
I've said before on here that there's children rotting away in group homes, thousands and thousands of them, feeling unloved and thinking perhaps it could have been better if they had been aborted.
When it is life vs. life, then the choice should indeed be there. When it is life vs. convenience it should not.
Seems a bit outdated given the number of adoptions from China etc... but I would like to see the stats locally. How many newborns go without being adopted?
So the other option is to kill the child? That makes no sense. You are so worried about what might happen during the childs life that could be bad that you decide instead to kill the child to prevent anything (good or bad) from happening to it?
I would be interested in seeing these laws.
Which has nothing to do with abortion. The woman most certainly should be able to maintain the right to keep her child.
This is one of the dumbest things I have heard. Abortion does not give a woman closure. She then has a lifetime of living with the fact that she gave her child no choice, no chance, no life.
That is a completely selfish action. 'Oh well, I can't take care of the child and since it would be hard on me to give it up for adoption, I will just kill the kid'... great fucking logic.
Anyone who cares about the life of the child is most certainly caring more than the woman that would consider ending that life.
and that would be because like most pro-abortionists, you want to dehumanize the child in order to justify killing it.
Maybe you should birth a child .. tells us about your experiences.
Link us up to your stats. Show the data that says its only healthy white babies that get adopted.
Yes, older kids put up for adoption have a harder time. But show where newborns have that problem.
There are over a million abortions in the US every year .. and your suggestion is what? Adoption?
Here's the punch line .. most of those who fail to think this through .. like you .. are generally the same people whining about food stamps, affirmative action, entitlements, public school funding and a whole shitload of programs designed to benefit HUMANS .. THE LIVE ONES.
Tell me that you aren't equally that confused about life .. right after you tell me what happens to the million plus children that cannot be placed in an adoptive home.
Once again. I never post anything I don't know the answer to.
Link us up to your stats. Show the data that says its only healthy white babies that get adopted.
Yes, older kids put up for adoption have a harder time. But show where newborns have that problem.
Once again. I never post anything I don't know the answer to.
a claim made in ignorance.....The standard of our society dictates that only white, healthy infants are adopted.
Now you're just making yourself look bad.
If this is a question that you have to ask .. you know absolutely nothing about the process.
Six Words: 'Black Babies Cost Less To Adopt'
June 27, 2013
That is quite a lame response.
You're so far off base about so much in your reply that it makes no sense to waste time challenging it.
If ladies were allowed to tell these freaks to not mastrubate or raw dog they might have a votive!It is anything but lame. It is exactly the point, and one you refuse to ever get into your head. It's the entire situation in a nutshell. It says it all.