It is super hard to adopt through our foster system. My parents went through it in the 60's and 70's, my brother in the 80's and 90's, I went through it in the 2000's, my niece and my wife's best friend are going through it now. It is scary. You invest so much mental capital (love) in these kids, try to adopt them, and this goes on for a year or two, and when you get to the point of getting things completed, some obscure family member is apt to show up and throw a wrench in the works trying to take well adjusted kids (by now) out of the life you have been building for them, costing more stress and mental anguish, not to mention money for lawyers, ... Let me say that if you are seeking to adopt kids in this country ( its not that way in several others), kids of any color, you have got to be determined to do it because it isn't easy. I'm not sure it should be that hard, but that is the way it is.
My family has done well with it in OK, TX, and NM, my wife's friend not so well in OH.