Illegal Immigration Rallies

this is true and those from the caste system in India already know their place and behave very well.

Also they are usually more grateful for the money they are paid as it is far more than they could make in India.

I have been working with H1B types for about as long as they have existed I suppose. Most are nice folks and I do not blame them for wanting a better life.

But we have rejected this kind of servility and domination, for the better. Americans deserve to not have their market saturated with cheap labor.
But we have rejected this kind of servility and domination, for the better. Americans deserve to not have their market saturated with cheap labor.

true, but there is also some truth in the talk that many of us are too lazy to work. Those from more depressed areas of the world are not. But it is totally wrong for American businesses to take advantage of this and perhaps get tax breaks for doing it.

and right wrong or indifferent we are in a global market now and have to deal with living in it.
No problem!
I had a coworker who would come back after each trip to the INS building almost in tears - and she had a son in Iraq! Its a struggle and one that I don't think has to be so strenuous. Most of the problem lies with the layers and layers of bureaucracy and no accountability or even incentive it seems for the government to be efficient. Its a nightmare. I know. Which is why I know you'd feel slighted if all of a sudden congress waved a magic wand and said, "Okay for those of you here already you're good to go" Would you be given the same instant legal status? Or would you have to continue to work your way through the system for years?

I have no issues with people from all over the world immigrating, I just have issues with illegal immigration and granting amnesty for it.

So you have no problem with your child having to compete with poor refugees from all over the world, for jobs that are heading overseas as quickly as the man can outsource them? Are you thinking at all? or do you just have a preemptive hatred for your own children?
true, but there is also some truth in the talk that many of us are too lazy to work. Those from more depressed areas of the world are not. But it is totally wrong for American businesses to take advantage of this and perhaps get tax breaks for doing it.

and right wrong or indifferent we are in a global market now and have to deal with living in it.

No we don't, we can say no to the neocon lies that an integrated world market is best. We can say no to trade agreements which harm americans, and we should. Globalization is not inevitable. There is no fate.
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Globalization is already on us AHZ, we can no longer say no, we can perhaps back out from under it. Try buying nothing foreigen AHZ......Also do not work for a company that does global work.
Otherwise you are supporting globalization....
So you have no problem with your child having to compete with poor refugees from all over the world, for jobs that are heading overseas as quickly as the man can outsource them? Are you thinking at all? or do you just have a preemptive hatred for your own children?

I'm so not in the mood for your ilk today.
Not even one person in this thread said to deport all of the illegals here. Not even one.
I'll say it then - Quick trial and deportation of ALL illegals back to their nation of origin. Trial creates a criminal record. Minor children born as anchor baby U.S. citizens from 'illegal' parents go with the parents. At 18, these babies can claim citizenship. Once here, they apply to bring their parents over, but with a criminal record in the US, the parents are to be automatically rejected.
I'll say it then - Quick trial and deportation of ALL illegals back to their nation of origin. Trial creates a criminal record. Minor children born as anchor baby U.S. citizens from 'illegal' parents go with the parents. At 18, these babies can claim citizenship. Once here, they apply to bring their parents over, but with a criminal record in the US, the parents are to be automatically rejected.

Why don't you tell us how you really feel?

If they had no other criminal activity other than working here illegally, then I'd have no problems with granting them legal status if they get in the back of the line applied for citizenship at a later date.
Why don't you tell us how you really feel?

If they had no other criminal activity other than working here illegally, then I'd have no problems with granting them legal status if they get in the back of the line applied for citizenship at a later date.
I prefer the difficult path if they stay here, the easy path if they return to get in line.
I prefer the difficult path if they stay here, the easy path if they return to get in line.

Well, if they get to stay here, then that is the easy path and still somewhat of reward or turning of the cheek to their transgressions.
Well, if they get to stay here, then that is the easy path and still somewhat of reward or turning of the cheek to their transgressions.
Not really, if you make it far more difficult to get your "forgiveness". Tens of thousands of dollars in fines for your illegal crossing, real fluency in English, backpayment of taxes with fines... We can go on. If you make it far more difficult to gain legality if you attempt to stay while doing it, the incentive is the more quick path. They'll return to get the job done.

This adds the benefit of not attempting a huge hunt down and "punishment" of people here, while giving the desired result.
Not really, if you make it far more difficult to get your "forgiveness". Tens of thousands of dollars in fines for your illegal crossing, real fluency in English, backpayment of taxes with fines... We can go on. If you make it far more difficult to gain legality if you attempt to stay while doing it, the incentive is the more quick path. They'll return to get the job done.

This adds the benefit of not attempting a huge hunt down and "punishment" of people here, while giving the desired result.

I suppose.
I say we give 'em all the equivalent of a traffic infraction and a "fixit ticket", fine 'em about a hundred bucks or so -- which is about how severe their heinous flouting of the law really is -- and get the Green Card process moving at something slightly more than a glacial pace.
I suggest...!

Enforcing the laws already on the books...proof of legal status to work...fine the employers,cut off all social services,welfare,school,medical etc...they will export themselves at no cost to the taxpayer...also a new bill should be introduced making anchor babies personna non other words illegal,since most cross the border in the whomb just prior to they are illegals also!;)
I say we give 'em all the equivalent of a traffic infraction and a "fixit ticket", fine 'em about a hundred bucks or so -- which is about how severe their heinous flouting of the law really is -- and get the Green Card process moving at something slightly more than a glacial pace.
Even in light of my post above, the Green card process does need to be fixed. A fixit ticket is insufficient deterent to future illegals. Either sneak your butt back to Mexico, and try again legally, or if we track you down and deport, then you're done.
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Even in light of my post above, the Green card process does need to be fixed. A fixit ticket is insufficient deterent to future illegals. Either sneak your butt back to Mexico, and try again legally, or if we track you down and deport, then you're done.

I agree that a ticket is insufficient. As a matter of fact if I wanted to work here knowing that all I had to do was sneak in and pay $100 or so, I'd do that rather than bother with a visa. Heck, I'd come to the airport with my $100 in hand call it a day.

However, I'd like to point out its not just people coming from Mexico that are illegals, they are from around the globe.
I agree that a ticket is insufficient. As a matter of fact if I wanted to work here knowing that all I had to do was sneak in and pay $100 or so, I'd do that rather than bother with a visa. Heck, I'd come to the airport with my $100 in hand call it a day.

However, I'd like to point out its not just people coming from Mexico that are illegals, they are from around the globe.
That is true, but most of the illegals come in via Mexice.